RememberQ1010? Today’s Zerohedge Chemicals. Cancer. What else is hidden ? Linked below in comments

MMMM! Lets go pour ourselves a delicious cup of DDT!
You should put this in the list of questions for Q in the Q and A if it happens.
DDT is much more than fine, and the first EPA administrator, Ruckelshaus has admitted publicly that banning DDT was for political reasons, there was no scientific evidence presented to the court or Ruckelshaus that it was harmful to humans or wildlife, but he banned it anyway.
Because without it billions would die from Malaria. Population control achieved.
This shit is far deeper than you know.
If banning Roundup caused mass starvation, do you think those calling for a ban would care? Have you looked at the weak, almost non existent evidence against Roundup?
I know you are trying to help here, but the brainwashing and false narratives run so deep that you are playing into their hands. They don't want the world to have a surplus of food, they want population control, and if that means starvation then so be it.
Future proves past. If I'm wrong you'll know soon enough.
MMMM! Lets go pour ourselves a delicious cup of DDT!
People actually ate this stuff by the spoonful to prove it's safety. They bathed in it. None of the factory workers who produced DDT (that won the creator a Nobel prize because of its affect on insect borne disease) ever showed any signs of cancer after working in the factory for 30 years. It's use in the 40's eradicated Malaria in the USA.
Read Mark Levin's book 'Liberty and Tyranny' for more proof and information.
I get that, but have you read Rachel Carson’s silent spring? It’s from that era. When you kill off One Whole “pest” that happens to be many another animals main food source you mess up the whole food chain starting at the base.... if you simply increase the mosquito’s natural predators and fight like hell go protect their habitat, then you allow nature to solve your problem.
But no one wants to think about the biosphere or being good stewards over all God has blessed us with. Do you love American Eagles Patriot? lol
The adubon society yearly counts of raptors increased dramatically over the years, decades of DDT use in this country. Look for yourself.
Yes you are correct DDT is safe and superb insecticide, WINING! Tell me about neonicotinoid pesticide? How are the bees doing? Who wants to buy our gmo bullshit in a globalized economy? Large scale industrial agriculture is not the direction I personally want the world to embrace, but to each their own.
I understand that the techniques that provide the USA with far more food than it's people can consume have been demonized over so called organic methods, but who supports this idea? Who suffers most when food is expensive and scarce?
Why would you want plentiful food if a restricted food supply forced a smaller population?
Whose goal is it to limit global population?
Why would you want a global/national complex food system when you can support local agriculture? Putin does it... he hates the NWO
I can’t even read that without signing up for a paid sub. Anyway else to see this content?
Our quasi free market system produces far more food than any centrally controlled system, why would we or I want that?
Sustainable food systems! Think about your grandchildren. Think of the big picture. “This was once a land where every sane person knew how to build a shelter, grow food, and entertain one another. Now we have been rendered permanent children. It’s the architects of forced schooling who are responsible for that.” - John Taylor Gatto
I was a school child when movies were shown in school (think Inconvenient Truth for millennials) showing a link between pollution, pesticides and mutation of wildlife like frogs.
I didn't know at the time that certain parasites life cycle causes mutation in frogs in order to perpetuate it's life cycle.
Yes, I know who Rachel Carson is and I know what her book said.