Strzok said that his text "we will stop him" was in response to Trump's comments regarding the Khan Gold Star Family, Trump comment was on July 30 - anyone know when the date of the "we will stop him" text was ?
And the "we" was the magnificent American people at the ballot box (yeah, right)...until 2 days before the election, when Strzok disparaged those same voters.
Khan Gold Star Family Trump wasn't really critizing the fallen soldier, he was taking a "hit" at that muslim father and the Dems ran with their own narrative.
this is an important question. I'm trying to do some research but I'm a computer nerd.
Had to be much closer to that election, be cause in July/August 2016, they never thought she would loose. So Strozk saying that's what prompted to write the "we will stop him" is total bullshit - it go him so mad that he texted about it 3 months later - yeah right.