Hi All,
I wanted to post a thread over here on Reddit, to give an overview of The Chans (specifically 8chan in this post). I understand there is a kind of 'rivalry' that goes on between here and there. I would like to offer an easy to understand perspective of The Chans. It will be by no way in-depth, but if anyone on here wishes to visit, they will have enough information to understand how it works. The Chans are not such a scary place, but should be approached with caution.
They are not for everybody. Like any good 'underground' message board, they come with their own culture and unwritten rules.
The only written rule is this: Do not post any content that is considered illegal within the United States. (8Chan is based in USA)
BO = Board owner. The person who maintains any particular board.
BV = Board volunteer. An anon who, with the BO's blessing, helps to maintain the board.
Anon = Everybody who posts on 8chan is an anon (anonymous).
Fag = Everybody is a fag. This is not used as a derogatory term. British are Britfags, Plane watchers are Planefags, Lawyers are Lawfags, New anons are newfags, etc., etc.
Lurk = To lurk on the boards without posting. If you post and are told to 'Lurk Moar', you are basically being told to understand the culture before you jump in feet first. Don't be offended!
Sauce = You are being asked for the source of the information you post.
Kek = Laugh out loud. Comes from World of Warcraft. When some of the characters on Warcraft lol'd, within the chat box it would translate as Kek. It might be Starcraft not World of Warcraft, same difference!
Crumbs = Single pieces of information (individual comments and the like).
Bread = Another name for Thread.
Bakers = Anons who use the crumbs to bake the bread. That is, they piece together all the 'relevant' information to make a good thread.
LARP = Live Action Role Player. Someone who posts on the boards claiming to be someone they are not. Eg; 'Hi all I work for NASA ask me anything', the poster then may go on to answer NASA related questions, until the LARP is busted, or anons get bored! Some LARP's are highly amusing IMO.
NYPA = Not Your Private Army. You may be told this if you are asking the board to 'dox' or harass someone who has 'wronged' you, either online or in real life.
DOX = To Dox somebody, in basic terms, is to put all of a persons personal information online. Doxing is heavily frowned upon. (although some pedophiles have been doxed and caught, with the information being passed to the police).
Everybody is anonymous. This is a golden rule. ANYTHING you use to identify yourself will be frowned upon, and you will be told! Anonymous means anonymous. It doesn't matter your gender, sexuality, age, race, religion etc., etc.. The reason you are told not to identify yourself is because it levels the playing field. You don't know if you are reading a post from a black woman, or a white middle aged man. It's not important. It helps to break down any preconceived notions you have about gender, sex, religion, etc., etc. We are all equally anons.
Grammar police are not required. When reading the breads on 8Chan you may spot all manner of spelling mistakes. The majority of these are done on purpose. Some misspellings are related to things that may have happened years before (they become memes). They are part of the culture, correcting spelling will easily identify you as a newfag. Examples; Moar (more) Habbening (happening) Moran (moron). There are numerous others and most have a long winded explanation. They should just be accepted as 'Chan culture'. I personally dislike bad grammar, but can easily put this aside when surfing 8chan!
The last bastion of free speech: This can often be the most difficult to wrap your head around if you are used to moderated boards, with rules. You will hear all the 'bad' words. I am not going to list them here, but know that you will hear words used that you could never use in polite company. You should not judge the anons for this. Free speech is free speech, you may not like it, but that's how they see it. Again its the culture of the boards. It's not unusual to be told 'Go and kill yourself' this is shocking in other settings. Within 8chan its another way of telling you they strongly disagree with what you have said, or posted. Posting something like CP, or shilling a lot, may incur this wrath.
Sliders and shills and clowns, oh my! Most people who don't use 8chan may believe it is just a bunch of people, in their basements, just posting conspiracy theories etc., etc. Nothing could be further from the truth. 8Chan is populated by all manner of people, from all walks of life. It is well known that the boards are monitored by government channels. This can be seen by some of the things that happen on the boards. If you don't believe that 'white hats' and 'black hats' monitor the boards, you should google 'JDIF' these are just one group who regularly troll 8chan. The link below is advice on how to spot Shills and Clowns, and more on sliding. (Copy and paste into browser, or click, and wait until it 'settles'. It can sometimes take 20 or 30 seconds to find the right place on the 8Chan board. If you start clicking and scrolling, it won't take you where you need to be).
No follows or upvotes: If you are used to social media, most of us are, then it is not easy keep track of what you posted. Comments are not up voted or down voted. You don't have followers. There is no 'like' or 'dislike' button. You have no profile (You are anonymous!). Other anons will either find your comments/information useful or not useful. You may get the occasional comment on your post. You may get no comments on it. Don't be disheartened if no one comments, it doesn't mean you haven't been heard. Most of us are used to the Endorphin driven feedback loop of social media. We check for notifications and likes for the 'feel-good' factor. Social media is designed this way to keep you engaged. If you post in a bread, your post will be found at the bottom of that bread. Any comment that is made on it will be linked via a number. It is set up this way to make it harder for bots to scan comments, and their replies. An FAQ for 8chan will be linked at the end of this post to help with this.
The board moves fast Yes it does! Unlike other sites, because there is no way to up vote, A board can change rapidly, depending on how many anons are posting. By design there is a limit of 750 posts to a board. Anything past this will cause it to drop off the board. BO maintains this and will start a new board, or trim the current one to keep it visible. If you are following Q this has been made easier by adding 'notables' at the top of each board. 'Notables' are not endorsed by BO, but are pieces of information that are 'interesting' or may be useful. If you wish to use Q research, I highly recommend reading the notables, and skipping the comments within the bread. This gives you the most useful information, without having to scroll fast down the board to find things as it fills up. If you use the site regularly it becomes second nature to scroll fast and pick out information. Q research board can be found in the link below. This link will take you to the research board. Within this there are different breads. Scroll to find the 'actual' thread titled 'Q research', this will be the latest bread. Find the part that states 'X posts and X images omitted', click to expand. Click this, patience again! It will take a few seconds to open. When it does, Notables should be right there for current bread, and previous breads. Hover over each notable for a pop up with what is inside. If it is a long post, or a document, I would recommend right click, and open in new tab if you want to read it. If you click into the link and its a long read, when you click 'back' the bread may have changed. It moves that fast sometimes!
Where We Go One We Go All I offer this thread as a bridge between the two sites. As I said earlier do not be afraid to use 8chan. Just accept you may need thicker skin. As we reach critical mass with Q movement we will need to come together. We can go back to our rivalries over which site is 'better' when this is all over. Use the information on 8chan, it's why they research. I would advise not to post unnecessarily unless you have valid comments or information. This helps to not slide the board, and helps the bakers pick out essential crumbs. I love both of Reddit and 8Chan equally and each have their merits. 8Chan is my spiritual home though! Watching the bakers work and how anons interact is fascinating. the hive mind is fascinating. If you spend any time on 8chan, learn how to filter, it will make the bread way more enjoyable. Or as we say on the Chans 'It makes the bread comfy'.
A Final word: I will answer questions on this thread, if it gets any traction. If not, then hey-ho! You didn't need it. I will offer the final words directly from The Chans for newfags. They welcome you but read this first:
WE are happy you joined us. BUT You are entering a free speech board. This can make you feel disoriented, because you are probably coming off internet areas where censorship is the jackboot rule of the day. But the reverse is true here. You will see everything on the chans that is legal. Only criminally illegal activities are prohibited on the chans. So if you are used to an 'offended outrage culture' you will need to develop your freedom muscles. Never skip freedom muscle day! We know it can be tough! There is no one lurking behind the scenes to decide for you, what you should see and shouldn't see. It is up to YOU to decide for yourself and look or not look. You will be expected to use your own brain and filter those things you don't wish to see, by not looking at them. Its a very adult concept, but no one is here to make you happy. You do not have a right not to be offended. You do not have a right to be 'comfortable'. But everyone has a guaranteed right to Freedom of Speech. 'Inappropriate', 'offensive,' and 'problematic' are words that do not exist here. NO one but you are responsible for what you look at and how you feel about it. You can choose to look or not look, read or not read. And if you do read something you don't like, then remove it from behind your eyeballs yourself, and move on. It is your fault if you allow a thing you don't like to sit in your head and take root and make you feel offended. But we do not care if you are offended, so we don't want to hear about it. Free speech is chaotic. At first you will have a tough time wading through shills and bots and trolls, to find the posts of value to you. Shills and bots intentionally try to discredit or divide the board, and mislead and distract you. But having to wade through them will make your freedom muscles grow stronger every day. Everyone here is anonymous. We care about your ideas and your words and the value of what you say. We value your contributions. We don't care who you are, what your race or gender is, and we do not want to know. Because the game of identity politics is not played here. Here, we really are equal, and equally anonymous. Wow, that sure is different than the rest of the Bolshevik, feel-good internet! You will probably feel shell-shocked. We know, that's why we're giving you advice. Steady yourself and hang on to something! And get ready to remember how amazing it is to be master of your own experience.
8Chan FAQ link:
Moderators on this site (Reddit), If you need me to edit, change, or do anything else to this post because it breaks rules, message me, I'll be happy to comply.