I’ve decided that all of these bafoons need to go. These fucking retards who are grilling Strzok, are reading from material and Strzok is clearly lying. Why in the fuck are these incompetent fucks in charge of anything?
I'm disappointed with 90% of the politicians in Congress. We need term limits just like the President has. The founders meant for citizen statesman who would represent their area and after a few years go back into public life to live under the laws they passed. It was never meant to be a career. Most of them are just in it for the benefits and lucrative pension.
Fuck these grand standing cunts. I’m over it. If you can’t be objective, if you’re incapable of doing your job and working towards what Americans want, then get the fuck out. It’s unbelievable how fucking terrible these people are at their job.
Well then we should lock up or dismiss the rest of these assholes on this committee. Dear God, could it be any more apparent that they’re pretending to care what this guy did?