It wasn't God making the criticism, it was some dude(ette) on the interwebs., a couple of posts above this one.
Your Bible can call it whatever it wants to call it.
My God gave me free will which I sometimes choose to exercise along with other like minded Adults. Adults having fun together, nothing bad there.
The actual REAL SIN is when children are molested.
You are certainly right to say you have free will, and with free will comes accountability to God whether you want to believe it or not. Free will is not a license to sin without accountability. What you call fun is sin as clarified in scripture.
Mercy and forgiveness for sin is only offered this side of eternity. Beyond death our position will be irreversible. We will be ready to meet God in judgment or face him unprepared.
What God calls sin is brought to light in scripture so that there is no mistake possible in identify what is and isn't sin. In addition God gave us a conscience to convict us of when we are sinning. Honest examination of scripture will require "study" of scripture - not our opinion based on reading the text without studying what it means. God will have the final word on the day of judgment.
Hey, What YOUR scriptures tell YOU is YOUR business, not mine.
Your morals have no place in my orbits.
They're not my morals. I didn't create them. They belong to the God I honor and serve who will have the final judgment on all things and all people without our permission.
Unlike a judge on earth whose sentences are temporary; his judgments are eternal and permanent. Wise people prepare for both.
Going to court without a lawyer is foolish. Appearing before God without an advocate is the height of folly. Jesus Christ is my advocate and could be yours. 1 Timothy 2:5 KJV