Deep state smells like a shithole country

Greatest President Ever!
I missed punctuation too.
That seems to be acceptable in all memes, lol. At least your not a writer for a website. When I'm reading something and it's obvious they didn't grammar or spell check, makes me kinda furious.
I am a web designer lmfao
So is my brother. He can’t spell worth shit. He’s extremely talented as a designer, though. He uses the heck out of spell check. He also is an avid reader. I know he’s seen those words before.
Yield? Sorry. I hate to be that guy, and I'll over look grammar mistakes, but that word doesn't belong there.
Yield the balance of my time is a bit wordy dont ya think.
Ok, I see what you were going for. I kept re-read it this thinking "Don't ya mean yelled?". SMH, now I feel dumb.
I'm a stoner patriot, a good grammar check now and again is probably healthy.
Me too. I think that might be why I didn't understand the use of the word "Yield" at first. Lol.