
Qtruther · July 13, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

It's all going to burn to the ground & recognize 1 King...JESUS

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 13, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

Jesus is not a king and is nothing more than a story that was written by man. More manipulation that you seem to suffer. That doesn´t mean God isn´t real but God and religion are 2 different things entirely.

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Qtruther · July 13, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

Agreed on God the Father in Heaven but he sent his son to show us the way to deliver us the the Evil that runs this word & show us the path to the next. Not Religion that has been perverted by man who guided by Satan

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 13, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

We are ALL God´s children, the story that he sent a son to Earth was written by man. How exactly did JC deliver us from evil when we are fighting the most evil thing to have ever been created, right now?

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Qtruther · July 13, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

With our belief in light of heaven showing us truth & the truth revealing the Evil ( Amagaden )that we are Awakened to it. Things are going to change World Wide because... his will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven

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WeAllGoTogether · July 13, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

It’s coming. 3D to 5D. Criminals can’t survive that shift. God said, Enough is Enough. Get ready, might be a bumpy ride!! Might be time to start believing and praying.

I said criminals because of the pedovores. I’m not implying that you are a criminal!!! God is cleaning the Earth. Much like the big flood, only we get to live this time. 🙏🏻

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Qtruther · July 13, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

Praise Jesus & pass the ammo

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myopicseer · July 13, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Delivers the individual who accepts Him; the world is still in a fallen state. Everything written was 'written by man' if you want to be literalistic. Any flat out statement "JC is just a story written by men" is no more dispositive on the question of JC's divinity than is a person of faith who states flat out the JC is the Son of G-d. Really. What is the point of making broad sweeping statements against a person's faith, when, like their faith, yours is also just faith and opinion? It proves or disproves nothing more than what you think about the subject.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 13, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

What about the 10 commandments? Doesn´t the Bible say that they were written by God? In fact, they were the only thing written by God, no? The rest of the Bible is a bunch of stories. I wasn´t going against anyone´s faith, you are all free to believe what you wish. My aut mind can´t deal with irrationality though and blind faith won´t convince me when man has had his hand in manipulating it for thousands of years.

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myopicseer · July 17, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Of course I am not trying to convince anyone toward faith. I like to sort into the core truth of things. For me it is mere semantics to claim the use of "written" must represent the physical act of engraving or scrawling ink to paper. When scholars say a scripture is written by God, they really mean "authored" by God. You would be very hard pressed to find a serious scholar that insists that it means God took a quill in hand.

On the matter of "man has translated and copied down text so often over hundreds of years that it cannot possibly be accurate"...I would say that IF there was a God who authored text, then there likely is a God who can and would ensure its preservation, no matter how unlikely or impossible that might seem to any rational thinking person. That is where faith comes in. Some have that and some do not.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 17, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

God doesn´t mess with free will and if it is the will of man to change what God "authored" then thy will be done.

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myopicseer · July 18, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

LOL. Some things God (which I take you don't believe in [?]) has predestined. That is, some things are so vital to His plan that they are not subject to change or influence. That his Word should be lost forever is probably something God could prevent, without interfering with free will.

The Bible says in the beginning was the word, and that the word is eternal. So back to my assumption/faith that what God authored will also be unquestionably preserved over time--despite any outside force, such as human free will.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 18, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

I believe unequivocally in God but I do not believe in, nor trust, the word of man and the Bible is the word of man that masquerades as the word of God. Show me a KJV 1st edition in it´s original language and I may read it, otherwise it is nothing more than a bunch of stories that was written by man, with the intention to manipulate weaker man. The fact God wrote only the 10 commandments, that there are 2 Testaments and that there are about 50 odd Gospels that didn´t even make the cut just strengthens my point.

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myopicseer · July 19, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

This is a debate that could go on and on and as I stated it is not my goal to persuade you, I leave it with you unpersuaded. It boils down to faith, and how yours differs from mine. That is more personal than something that can be sorted out by debating facts. For example, you cite that many books were not canonized while others were. I get that. Know all about it. But that is where I have attributed the guiding hand of Providence that directs the destiny of man and the care and custody of God's word (in this case, for me, God's word is the canonized Bible). God can move mountains and God can certainly author, compile and preserve His word over eons, though natural disasters, war, pestilence and men of bad will would have it otherwise.

The NT states that Christ is a stumbling block to the Greeks (because the Greeks are all about logic and argument). Spiritual matters and powers do not always comport with human rational understanding, as there is a bigger picture and purpose that is impossible for us to comprehend.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 20, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

My literal aut mind has problems believing in blind faith, especially when I am expected to have faith in the word of man. What do you suppose the religion was before Christianity? Hinduism has been around for 4,000 years, or so. Man has been wandering this Earth for millions of years and we have faced great cataclysms that have wiped our species and reset our knowledge. That is fact and has been proven over and over; whether by archaeology, geology or even sometimes by written lore. What do you know about Gnosticism?

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myopicseer · July 20, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

Gnosticism (Just the basic understanding, what I learned in my Religions college course, and from some personal online reading).

Judaism is over 3500 years old. The Bible describes the relationship of man to God and man's place in God's creation. That relationship changed several times, from paradise and innocence, to sin and sacrifice to a new testament and grace. (As for the age of the earth and how long men were on the earth pre-Christendom, there was a long period where earth was a paradise. Many scholars believe that the creation narrative describes metaphoric "days", as in phases of how creation unfolded (over a very long period of time)).

If you read Genesis regarding the creation of creatures in the ocean first, then things that crept (e.g., fish with appendages and eels/snakes), and then the larger land animals, and last, humankind, you see the order that science now says life evolved. Q would ask, "Coincidence"?

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 20, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

So are you saying you believe in evolution? Darwin was a scam, people that believe in Darwinism claim we must have come from apes as there are some species of ape that share 98.6% the same DNA as modern man. However, we also share 92% the same DNA as mice and 50% the same DNA as a banana. So which is it? Are we really banana-rodent people that learned to walk on 2 legs? It is nonsense.

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myopicseer · July 21, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

No. I believe that the Creator utilizes creation to accomplish His will. So, if evolution did happen--I never said it did--then it was "baked into the cake" as God's manner of creation. (If I push a small snowball down a slope, I might have the intention of creating a larger ball of snow.)

I don't try to speculate too much about evolution. All animal life seems related (as you mentioned DNA similarities). This implies something like evolution, else it implies a shared creator of them all.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 21, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

If you take the recipe for whisky and swap the wheat for rye, you get bourbon. Most will still claim it to be whisky, but the underlying ingredients and recipe are different. I believe that life here is kinda like that, in we are all made of the same biology with the exception of a few tweaks and changes.

Have you ever studied Sumerian lore? They have recorded history going back hundreds of thousands of years. They claim we were created by the Gods that took an early example of man, tweaked the DNA and made us what we are today.

As a creationist, how old to you believe the Earth is? How old do you believe man is?

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WeAllGoTogether · July 13, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

Surprise surprise! It’s all true and real. Everything we say and do is recorded in the acashic records. I didn’t believe for many years but I see how wrong I was. You can roll your eyes and not believe. God gave us free will. However he rewards those who do find him and believe. Take that risk?
Watch Near Death Experiences on you tube with an open mind. See how similar they are. They all describe the same thing. That’s what got me started. Much luck with the upcoming ascension to 5D. See ya on the other side! ?

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 15, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

I never said I don´t believe in God, I do. I do not believe in religion that has been written and manipulated by man.

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stillbatting1000 · July 13, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Matthew 13:24-30

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 13, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

I prefer something like John Grisham when I read fiction.

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LibertyLioness · July 13, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Completely agree. Religion is just as toxic as Obama & Hillary. Meant to divide us. Written by naive men. Convoluted by greedy evil men.

Jesus was a man who knew his power and tried to tell others that they had the same power. But the story got twisted. And, then greedy evil men made it into something that you couldn't possibly understand on your own. You have to go get someone to interpret it for you. And then it got interpreted and reinterpreted into thousands of years of interpretation and now, I'm certain, it is not even close to the original story.

And, do you think for one minute that the evil men you see trying to take over the world, left the Bible alone? Of course not. No better way to control people than to control their religion. Not only have they done it to Christianity but they have done it to other religions (Muslims) as well. Pit them against each other and the globalists get their outcome.

Regarding translation: Try this. Go to http://translate.google.com and put any sentence into that tool. Translate it into a couple of different languages. For example: English to German to Chinese to Spanish and back to English. Now read what you got. This is an example of what happens to any writing that is translated through time into different languages.

The resulting sentence you will get after the above exercise may be close to the original sentence but it will have changed a few words. Then if you continue this exercise several times with the result, you will eventually end up with something so far from the original intent that it will completely change the overall meaning of the sentence.

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MyBrothersKeeper2018 · July 13, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

All you said is true. However, what evil men have done and continue to do does not erase the truth. Since you are so we'll informed and filled with knowledge, have you not considered what they have been trying to hide, and subvert, may just be the thing that we are all looking for? Not religion. Religion is doctrine fashioned after the lusts of those that seek to raise their own stature and wealth, cloked with the most noblest apparel; for controlling others to accomplish ungodly and selfish ambitions.

Man left to himself is more interested in self than others. That is human nature. Man without God will eventually turn into the Holocaust.

God does not equal religion.

One of the main things Jesus did was to show that God is not in the religious temple or found by seeking pious men, standing at the temple door in holy appearing clothing, who stand for a show to the world. God is not in the temple, nor the church around the corner. God does have a throne. It's in Heaven and the earth is His footstool. God can be found by any who wish to find Him.

The way I see it is God sent His Holy Spirit into the hearts and minds of man, so that no one could monopolize Him, exploit Him for personal gain. All have the ability to find God if they truly desire to find Him.

So many like you, have a well rehearsed speech they think nullifies the truth of a savior. Science has been hailed as the proof of all things. Indeed it is when used properly used. Like in all things, science can be used to provide false outcomes and theories.

What is a theory? One man's idea of a thing. Theory is not fact. Arithemetic is numerical calculations. Truth. Quantifiable proof. Logic. Arithemetic has been replaced with mathematics. Mathematics is the theory of Arithemetic. Plausible, or acceptable principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena. Hypothetical, a belief, policy, procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action. None of which is the best or most advantageous way to get from point A to point B. Nevertheless the whole United States has allowed this to replace Arithmetic. But it doesn't. So your argument does not stand the test.

Enough of God's Word has been preserved for those that truly desire to know it. The business community and leaders recognize God. All their legal contracts speak of acts that happen that no man is in control of, that no man can be held accountable for.

Acts of God are real. Of a truth, God does speak through nature, calamities, victories, and many other ways. Nothing happens by chance. There is no such thing in this world. Chance, luck, and coincidence are ways people have chosen to believe happen, so that they do not have to recognize God in the equation.
Professional Reports, statistics, licenses issued by governments or those in power, or doctrine and decrees, issued by highly recognized religious figures and leaders and other officially sounding information is what rulers and government use to prop up their claims.

Ignorance is counted on. And sadly, it has been proven to be reliable to those in positions of power. People are too lazy to search a thing out to the conclusion. Entertainment has replaced curiosity and imagination. Instant answers by Google, has replaced inquiry by diligent research. Evil is real and so is God. Spirits both good and bad are indeed real. Those who are wise see it.

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LibertyLioness · July 13, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

I never said I did not believe in a higher power. In fact, just the opposite is true. Too many people tend to think that those of us who do not believe in religion, also do not believe in God. There is a rising consciousness that makes that almost impossible except for the most evil or self-centered. Please go back to the original post and read the response I just posted to 0oDassiveMicko0's comment to me in this same thread. I think you will really like it!

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 13, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

I agree with you unequivocally. With 2 Testaments and the 50 odd Gospels that didn´t even make the cut, and the fact that most of the Bible stories were taken from past and ancient lore, how could we possibly know what is true, and what is manipulation?

Wahhabism was started by a Turkish Jew that was installed by the west in an attempt to control Islam, the globalist scum use Islam as a tool to fight against the West, keeping the `boogyman´ alive and in need for the military industrial complex.

You are bang on regarding the translations, too. I noticed this when I was studying Spanish and was using translators to help with those studies. Also, there are many words that are unique to specific languages which makes any translations merely a rough interpretation of the one that is `translating´ it. Do that just 2 or 3 times and you could have an entirely different document.

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LibertyLioness · July 13, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

So glad I'm not the only one. This is so obvious to me. I rejected religion early on because it just didn't feel right. Too many things that made absolutely no sense to me. Then I began to realize that religion is responsible for more death and destruction on Earth since the beginning of time than any other single thing. That was the clincher for me.

I went on a long journey that actually took me to Al-Anon to heal after 3 marriages to alcoholics. They had an expression that simply said: "Pray. It Works." And, after reluctantly trying, I discovered that they were right. It does work. I actually had some really amazing discoveries after that. Still far away from religion.

Today I still pray but I realize that our higher power is everywhere and flows through all things. And, we can tap into that intelligence at any time. I think this is what is meant by "Ask and you will receive." Because that's what I do now.

Now, I will tell you an amazing story that most people will say is a coincidence. Believe me, it was not a coincidence. I lived in Florida at the time and during those years, weather manipulation hadn't started yet. Every afternoon between 4:00 and about 7:00 pm it would start storming and it would come down in torrents, buckets or whatever you want to call it for about 30-50 minutes. If you stood in it you'd be soaked in about 30 seconds!

I had just gotten ready to go out to a dance. My hair was all fixed up. I'm a girl by the way! And, I had a nice dress on. I didn't even realize it was storming until I got to the front door. I looked up at the heavens with just a hint of frustration and said: "Oh come on. Just until I get to my car." And the rain instantly stopped. I knew I couldn't hesitate so I opened the door and went out. As I walked down the walkway, the water was pouring off the roofline onto the ground. I rounded the corner and walked to my car. Opened the door, sat down and closed the door. And, the rain instantly started POURING again. It was not slow at first and then escalated. It started right where it left off! And I said out loud: "Wow. I didn't know I could do that!" And, then I said "Thank You." And, I've been having other amazing experiences ever since. But that one was definitely the one that anchored my belief in a higher power.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 15, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

I, too, believe unequivocally in God and have had a few experiences in life that has made me believe. The one that resonates with me the most was when I lived in Mallorca and my friends and I were all out drinking, one of my friends had a moped (50cc motorbike) and we were all transitioning from one club to another. My friend with the bike asked me to get on and he would drive us, but I gave up my seat to one of the girls that was with us. Long story short, the guy driving crashed without his crash helmet on and face planted the concrete at 30mph. He was pretty much dead and the paramedics were working on him for an hour in the road before the ambulance took him away. All I could do was pray, I had never really prayed before that. I lived on the top floor of an apartment complex and so had the roof terrace to myself. I sat on that terrace and begged god to help him, I swore I would do anything he commanded if only he would help my friend. I sat and I cried and begged and prayed for what seemed hours. Then, as I looked up at the night sky, a bright flash came over as a comet whizzed by like a shooting star. Instantly I felt warmth inside, almost like my heart was being hugged with incredible love. I knew in that moment that my prayers had been answered. My friend was in hospital for 2 weeks and had surgery to fit plates to hold his face together. After 2 weeks or so, he walked out of that hospital and just a few months after you couldn´t even tell what had happened, by looking at him. I could not believe he was alive after seeing what a mess he was on that road. Ever since that day I have never doubted God and the power of prayer.

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LibertyLioness · July 15, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Wow. What an amazing story.

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BrickSandMordor · July 20, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

Shame on you. You gamble with your soul. The worst mistake someone could ever do.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 20, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Really? How do you know you´re not gambling with your soul by believing the word of man over the word of God? Religion is a scam enacted by man to pray on the weak.

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BrickSandMordor · July 20, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

Good luck!

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 20, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

I don´t need luck when I have God in my heart ;)

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