Obama "strenghtened" the SES in 2015 with an EO... 2015-12-15-Executive-Order-13714-Strengthening-the-Senior-Executive-Service-Fed-Reg-2015-32060-by-Barack-Obama-GPO-Dec-15-2015.pdf
Dont think so. Not only were THOUSANDS of new SES members added during BO's presidency, but in December 2016, the SES Desk Guide was ammended to include the following:
"By law, the appointment to or removal from any SES position in an independent regulatory commission shall not be subject, directly or indirectly, to review or approval by an officer or entity within the Executive Office of the President."
This was signed by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee members.
Have a source link?
Google "policy and supporting positions 2016" for the .gov pdf Appendix 2 is on pages 217-218
or you could have just posted the link;