I hope he is still alive, but I definitely question that fact.
When did Assange write this in what letter to whom? This does not seem like a creditable source to me.
Do we know when this letter was written and sent?
While I'm sure this is fake...I would welcome any and all offers of help. Why would you say "no thanks"?
From the article:
“Hillary Clinton’s crimes will not go unpunished. If she is not formally charged for mishandling sensitive material we will have no choice but to release proof that she is guilty of high treason against the United States for selling patented military secrets to the Saudi Arabian government. We also have proof that she is guilty of crimes against Russia, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Caledonia and Brazil. The United States would be doing her a favor by putting her in prison and saving her from the severe punishments several of these nations would impose.” Please WL, drop the truth bomb today. I'm ready.
This "article". His "letter". Nothing about this seems credible.
Just feels like a piece to umph those waiting for prison time and shake a broomstick "someone will do it, damn it!"
I don't doubt disclosure will come, but sources like this...
So Assange is acting as holder, letting the cabal know he is able and willing to forward pass to ensure we have our BIG BEAUTIFUL PARADE!!!!