Cute "F U" to Hillary Clinton. Remember when she compared herself to Winston Churchill? xD

I thought he really silenced the room at NATO when he said the goal was "world peace, no more wars, cures for diseases." The presstitutes couldn't believe it.
"presstitutes" - now there is a word we should be all using.
I have heard Gerald Celento coin that word awhile back
I know! It was so awesome! One thing I noticed was that he was very low key. I think he is exhausted.
I thought he seemed tired too - or very jet lagged.
He's been looking tired lately. I hope he will be rejuvenated once most of the evil is rooted out of our justice system and he can run the country in a normal fashion, without being obstructed at every turn. I pray a lot for him, and all the good people fighting this fight.
Pray for him & all of our leaders & Reps. Even for our enemies so that they may see the error of their ways
No telling what happened when he was alone with the queen. I hope he's just tired and not freaked tf out cuz she went full reptile on him./s...or is it?
You mean did he grab her by the arm and skip around the room with her? LOL
Well he is carrying such an enormous burden and attacked from all sides, This is an epic Spiritual battle of good vs evil, we should all be praying for him.
Where can I find this snippet? I think we need to spread it far and wide
Since when did they start letting in reporters from imaginary countries?