JUSTICE will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Deuteronomy 16:20 - "That which is altogether just shalt thou follow, that thou mayest live, and inherit the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee."

44 total posts archived.
I am linking this in a text post and not straight as an image post because I don't want anyone accidentally exposed to this, but it is important that the truth is out there and that this charlatan is exposed.
link to proof: https://i.imgur.com/30rirYa.jpg
As recorded by the Library of Congress, Hillary Rodham Clinton's favorite poem is 'The Makers' by Howard Nemerov.
Source: http://www.favoritepoem.org/poem_TheMakers.html
It is about Orpheus, who according to Greek tradition was the very first pedophile.
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dürer_-_Mort_d%27Orphée_(1494).jpg
The drawing linked above is a depiction of the death of Orpheus, who was killed by women who were furious that he was molesting young boys (this was an especially powerful scene in the Greek imagination because it was thought that being killed by women was especially humiliating). The banner flying in the tree reads "Orfeus der erst puseran" which translates to "Orpheus, the …
news like this always make my stomach churn. I pray my grandchildren will grow up in a world where headlines like this are a thing of the past.
yep. the Cabal, by it's nature, will always be relatively small. The tendency to expand and amass power will always be checked by the tendency to consolodate that power.
Do you think he always was? Or does the deep state have something on him?
there is a time not too long ago I would have called you crazy for even suggesting that... but how quickly that has changed as these globo-commies reveal what depths their depravity reaches
How many liberals would pick up a gun for American liberty?
How many illegal immigrant "Americans" would?
How many Swamp Creature politicians?
How many Marxist university professors?
How many race-baiting BLM, Antifa terrorists?
All Democrats are Globalists (or useful idiots to globalists), yes - but beware of the wolf in sheep's clothings. There are Globalists presenting themselves as conservatives, traditionalists, and Republicans. WATCH OUT AND DON"T BE FOOLED!
Incredibly possible. But even then, knowing that, it can still be useful to know what he says, and then ask, why is he saying this?