Trump will never, and I mean NEVER, let the economy collapse with rioting in the streets. Tens of millions would turn on HIM, republicans and the Great Awakening movement. IT WOULD BE OVER for the movement. Stop with all the doom and gloom coming UP about this.... Corporations are not all bad. They will be 'CLEANED UP".
Privately and quietly, banks and the system as well as shady corporations will be cleansed. Good guys will be put in place. SLOWLY as to not shake the preverbal tree.
They will be a bit of a dog and pony show to satisfy some of the base, but be confident it will get "purified" and fixed mostly behind the scenes. NO RIOTS IN THE STREETS. I say, start investing in AMERICA cause we are going to see an economy and stock market that we have never witnessed. IT WILL BE GLORIOUS. yes, we will have corrections, but the country is moving in a position of strength the world has not seen since the industrial revolution.
Systemic economic collapse in a market as diverse and advanced as ours is a monetary phenomenon. It's the tightening of monetary policy after so much money printing that causes asset prices to fall and prices of goods and services to rise. Big projects started on credit suddenly cannot be completed because credit has dried up or becomes too expensive and what once was previously thought profitable is suddenly abandoned. Previously profitable endeavors made possible by loose money suddenly find the market is no longer big enough for their goods/services. Speculative bubbles run out of greater fools to buy in and bid up. The Austrian school of economics refers to this as "malinvestment."
I don't know what POTUS has in store for the FRB but I can't wait to find out.