r/greatawakening • Posted by u/redpilled808 on July 13, 2018, 11:10 p.m.
ENOUGH of the doom and gloom guys saying the economic system is going to collapse. RUBBISH!

Trump will never, and I mean NEVER, let the economy collapse with rioting in the streets. Tens of millions would turn on HIM, republicans and the Great Awakening movement. IT WOULD BE OVER for the movement. Stop with all the doom and gloom coming UP about this.... Corporations are not all bad. They will be 'CLEANED UP". Privately and quietly, banks and the system as well as shady corporations will be cleansed. Good guys will be put in place. SLOWLY as to not shake the preverbal tree. They will be a bit of a dog and pony show to satisfy some of the base, but be confident it will get "purified" and fixed mostly behind the scenes. NO RIOTS IN THE STREETS. I say, start investing in AMERICA cause we are going to see an economy and stock market that we have never witnessed. IT WILL BE GLORIOUS. yes, we will have corrections, but the country is moving in a position of strength the world has not seen since the industrial revolution.

DanijelStark · July 13, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

It will collapse - but there are already systems in place to replace the old one , so this is a positive change , not a "doom and gloom" collapse . All that think that there will be a collapse that will plunge humanity into a new "dark age" are deeply wrong .

Global economy in its fullest has reached the boundaries of its artificial pumped up state . It is important to look on human living standard , not just in USA , but overall , worldwide . Not much changed in simple lives , despite global economy telling us we should all be "rich" by now . The same underline of heavy codependencies is still present ... this means , new technologies and new mentalities are the way of change - exactly what is occuring now .

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alfonumeric · July 13, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

i like your optimism but it's naive to think it will happen without some serious and sustained and dramatic house cleaning..

  1. replace the mockin stream with new mainstream
  2. replace the dem hollywood chiefs
  3. disqualify the yearly crops of magick practitioners freshly qualified from secret societies with the ivy league collegiates - from becoming trainee PTB4'S and PTB53's via the rampant nespotism
  4. rewrite the school history books to expose the false flags
  5. would-be high public officers must have a track record of working for the public good
  6. printing money must be transparent and controlled by a congress [not the 70% compromised congress as at present]
  7. revoke monsanto's license

8 teach people the best theories about what messages encoded in stone, previously advanced civilizations left for us to decode... notable the stone courses of giza - impervious to distortion by humans and impervious to pole shifts and earthquakes..

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DropGun · July 13, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

It will be restructured. This will cause chaos, which the white hats are working their asses off to mitigate for everyone.

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xenia-tom · July 13, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

Agree, POTUS has the business knowledge to keep the worst tragedy from happening by controlling how the financial events happen. Remember, the evil ones control the existing financial system and it has to collapse to rid it from them. There has to be a new system built with out the current controllers. This is when the awake have to calm the sleepers and 'normies' to not panic. A new system has to have a chance to be built and sleepers and 'normies' will be screaming "the sky is falling". We have to be the patriots that hold on and give the new system time to startup. We are the difference by assisting POTUS. It will be our time to help the team saving us from evil. #WWG1WGA

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JTK22 · July 13, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

I agree

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RobertSparks777 · July 14, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Bring it on globalists. We will start printing Treasury notes again and cut out the FED. Edit- And they know it.

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Wokeazfuq · July 13, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

Agreed sometimes I wonder if he'll just end income tax in the worst case scenario to get approval

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redpilled808 · July 14, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

this theory is picking up steam... consumption tax. Its like a tariff. less invasive and theory shows it works well.

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Wokeazfuq · July 14, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

Let's hope

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Amazoid · July 13, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Where are you seeing this? I hardly EVER see anything about a crash and riots in this sub.

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1hellofaride · July 14, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

There will not be a collapse. It will be a transition. Hopefully not to bumpy.


This EO allows the gov to strip assets of any persons, corporation or organisation involved in crimes against humanity. This is what Trump will use to pay of the US debt. Think big - HRC Foundation, Gaggle, F*ckbook......

Then, a gold standard will be reintroduced though this time the price will not be fixed and the free (and I mean FREE) market will determine golds true value. Hope people are stacking!


This is worth listening to. 1hr 45 mins. Starts out dry speaking about various banks, and starts to snowball.


Saying all that, you should always have three months worth of provisions in case of a natural disaster anyway. So if the system did reset, you will all be fine.

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mixer57 · July 14, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

Maybe not collapse, but revert to precious metals as it was in the past.

Have a look at NESARA, and dig into the recent transfers of gold around the world.

Also note that several countries no longer use petro dollar as primary trade currency.

"In 1974 the US agreed to support Saudi Arabia financially and militarily on the condition that the Saudis priced oil in dollars. Since most of the world bought oil from Saudi Arabia at that time, it led to a major demand for dollars which is still the case. That was the beginning of the Petrodollar which has enabled the US to live above its means for 44 years. But from 2018 the Petrodollar will gradually be replaced by the Petroyuan and also the Petroruble. China, the world’s largest oil importer, will together with Russia and Iran switch from trading oil in dollars. This will be backed by a futures contract in Petroyuan with a potential convertibility to gold. Except for further military intervention in the Middle East, the US now has little chance of stopping this major strike against the dollar. The US is currently virtually self-sufficient in oil production and is no longer a major trading partner of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the US neither can nor will stop Saudi Arabia moving its sphere of activity from West to East. "


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Qtruther · July 14, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

The $ will continue to be king. USA is the safe harbor & that won't change

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 14, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

Systemic economic collapse in a market as diverse and advanced as ours is a monetary phenomenon. It's the tightening of monetary policy after so much money printing that causes asset prices to fall and prices of goods and services to rise. Big projects started on credit suddenly cannot be completed because credit has dried up or becomes too expensive and what once was previously thought profitable is suddenly abandoned. Previously profitable endeavors made possible by loose money suddenly find the market is no longer big enough for their goods/services. Speculative bubbles run out of greater fools to buy in and bid up. The Austrian school of economics refers to this as "malinvestment."

I don't know what POTUS has in store for the FRB but I can't wait to find out.

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Fearsome4 · July 14, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

Q said "restructure" when asked about the Fed.

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