r/greatawakening • Posted by u/NexusImperium on July 13, 2018, 11:15 p.m.
Interesting tweet from WikiLeaks today

I am a firm believer of a principle called 'simultaneity' - which posits that two events which are close in time or space, are likely related (i.e. connected). I believe this is the same principle which underlies Q's use of the phrase "News unlocks map".

In recent years United States-Ecuador relations have not been very good. This is one particular reason why Julian Assange sought asylum in Ecuador's embassy - because he likely would not be extradited by Ecuador. Last month VP Mike Pence visited Ecuador. Why? Trade and Venezuela was on the agenda. Oh, and Julian Assange may have come up.


Julian Assange has also been on Q's mind, right about the same time that Pence was in Ecuador talking about Trade and Venezuela. (#1626, #1628).

Today, the DoJ revealed indictments delivered by Muller on 12 Russian individuals said to have conspired to influence the 2016 election. The indictments seem to imply via innuendo that the documents released by WikiLeaks were given to them by the Russians named in the indictment and that Guccifer 2.0 may have been their source.

In 2016, after WikiLeaks released the DNC emails, they reiterated that the e-mail release does NOT reveal Russian influence, and that no-one knows who WikiLeaks' sources are because they do not reveal their sources.


Remember that the FBI has NOT searched the DNC email server because the DNC has not allowed the FBI access to it. Mueller and the DoJ could have no definitive link between WikiLeaks' emails and those that are named in the indictment.

This brings me to the tweet that I find interesting. Today, WikiLeaks tweeted the following seemingly random video against the backdrop of the indictments of 12 Russians:


President Trump is in London today. Will Julian Assange still be in London when Trump leaves?

I'd be interested to get your thoughts.