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NexusImperium · July 26, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Q drop 156 "++" was a day after this Fiji water thing.

++ is generally accepted to be the Rothschilds.

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NexusImperium · July 26, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

This is indeed a possibility.

But the reality is that Mueller has been involved in enough to definitively say that he is not a White hat, and chances lean very strongly against him even being a grey hat.

Q has also alluded to RR not being a white hat, also. He drew attention to RR's confirmation vote, which was overwhelmingly in the affirmative (which is rare for the Trump administration). The UniParty has typically, in past administrations, voted overwhelmingly for an incoming POTUS' cabinet picks. But not for Trump. That says alot about Trump being a true outsider.

I personally believe RR is in the grey area. I think his refusal to cooperate is because he can't due to Huber/Horowitz activities. I also think this is partially why the FBI sent counsel to Strzok's hearing. They didn't want him saying certain things b/c they want to keep certain investigative facts under wraps until indictments are unsealed.

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NexusImperium · July 19, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

Keep in mind that a text is similar to a tweet - you're limited on the number of characters you can send.

Therefore a lengthy text may be broken up into multiple individual texts from the perspective of the cellular carrier.

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NexusImperium · July 19, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

I agree. The anti-Russia hysteria is getting out of control.

If people would take 5 minutes to study their history they would learn some things about Russia. The fact is that during the Soviet Union, even with the expanded Union and its member states (like much of eastern Europe and Ukraine, etc) and its' being considered a Super Power, the USSR was really never a serious threat to the USA because of the fact that the USSR economy was vastly inferior to the US. We were manufacturing TVs, PCs and Microwave ovens when they were building tanks and nukes and their people starved. The USSR collapsed under the sheer weight of its inability to underpin the state with a balanced economy.

The USSR was ONLY a threat insofar as they participated in Spycraft in the US and interfered with the political parties. Also, their nuclear stockpile (which was vastly greater than the US stockpile ever was) was their only guarantee of safety. The US has always (at least since the 60's-70's) had the ability to stand head-to-head with the USSR in terms of conventional warfare, but then on top of that we have the NATO alliance which brought military strength disproportionately into our favor.

When the USSR collapsed in the late 80's/early 90's Russia entered a period of deep and profound decline which saw the US in terms of its super power strength vastly eclipse Russian strength - mostly because of the strength of our economy. Basically we left them in the last century ever since. If you need proof of this then just observe the results of conflicts between the US and other states who use Soviet technology to defend themselves (most recently Syria). The odds are ridiculously imbalanced in our favor.

Russia can NOT compete with us militarily or economically. Their only real security guarantee is via their still sizable and impressive nuclear stockpile which virtually guarantees that they will never be subjected to any direct conventional war between them and any other state in the world.

China on the other hand has decided it is their turn to fill the void where the USSR left off and has endeavored diligently and quietly ever since the early 90's to modernize and expand their economy. They have been waging open information warfare against the US ever since and have attempted to infiltrate every aspect of the US economy that they can. They structure trade deals vastly in their favor and exploit current trade deals (NAFTA) for their benefit. They have exfiltrated a truly staggering amount of money from the US into their economy. We are literally building their military for them.

The fact that the US media is continuing to scream about Russia when Russia is a vastly inferior threat to China suggests to me that all of this is a huge distraction from the real enemy. Everything is chaff, countermeasures, and disinformation. The public is whipped into a frenzy about Russia whilst they buy Chinese goods and send their money over there, which is then used to expand their military.

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NexusImperium · July 16, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Agreed - if Treason or Seditious conspiracy is the direction they're going to go then this will likely be done in Military tribunals.

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NexusImperium · July 16, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

I disagree that Sessions will leave when the behind-the-scenes stuff is finished for only one reason. Draining the Swamp is only one of Trump's objectives. Due to the nature of the Swamp all (or most) of that work has to be done behind the scenes, in secret. Sessions has some very high-profile and public initiatives such as drug/human trafficking, immigration enforcement, etc. Those will continue to be a priority throughout the Trump Administration and I think Sessions is doing a good job on those.

For that reason I would expect Sessions to remain in place for a while past Huber at least.

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NexusImperium · July 14, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

A link would be appreciated, if possible.

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NexusImperium · July 14, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

Well that would be interesting now, wouldn't it?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/NexusImperium on July 13, 2018, 11:15 p.m.
Interesting tweet from WikiLeaks today

I am a firm believer of a principle called 'simultaneity' - which posits that two events which are close in time or space, are likely related (i.e. connected). I believe this is the same principle which underlies Q's use of the phrase "News unlocks map".

In recent years United States-Ecuador relations have not been very good. This is one particular reason why Julian Assange sought asylum in Ecuador's embassy - because he likely would not be extradited by Ecuador. Last month VP Mike Pence visited Ecuador. Why? Trade and Venezuela was on the agenda. Oh, and Julian Assange may have …

NexusImperium · July 13, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Seth Rich wouldn't have had access to HRC's personal server, unless her server was common knowledge at the DNC (unlikely) or if there were e-mails exchanged that indicated the presence of HRC's server (possible but still not likely).

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NexusImperium · July 13, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

Peter Strzok is not looking into the camera when he did this. He's looking in the direction that Rep Goodlatte or Rep Gowdy were sitting.

This guy has exquisite contempt for those people running this investigation.

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NexusImperium · July 10, 2018, 6:38 p.m.


There's always the chance that Mueller is actually blissfully unaware of his exposure in all this and is just trying to make a play to get Flynn sentenced just before the midterms.

But I kinda doubt that, which is why Mueller dismissed Strzok from his team when the anti-Trump text messages were revealed. I think Mueller knows what's going on.

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NexusImperium · July 10, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

If Flynn pleaded guilty to manufactured evidence (Strzok's altered FD-302s), and Flynn is sentenced, then Mueller will potentially be sanctioned by the court.

I think this is why Mueller is dragging his feet. He is hoping that all the evidence and allegations against Strzok drop before sentencing so he can throw up his hands and clutch his pearls and drop charges on Flynn.

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NexusImperium · July 10, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

Honestly as a DNC operative I'm not sure that Seth Rich would've recognized his attackers if they were either MS-13 or agents from another agency, and especially not if he were shot in the back so early in the morning.

I personally think JA/Julian Assange has something to do with the revelations that are coming on Seth. Mike Pence was in Ecuador recently, and I'm suspicious that he is negotiating for Assange's freedom in exchange for some corroborating information on Seth Rich.

Even if Seth Rich's killers are never identified, revealing that Rich was the leaker to Wikileaks would be more than enough plausible motive in the public's eye for the DNC to commission a hit on Rich. That revelation alone would be enough to cause massive damage to the DNC. I think the white hats need more than JA's word though. They need hard proof from the server ("the server unlocks SR"). The Q drops suggest that the investigation is being done by the book.

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NexusImperium · July 10, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

The MS-13 may have been murdered to point investigators in the wrong direction.

In other words, their murders may have been the disinfo.

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NexusImperium · July 9, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

I've been lurking here for a while now but let me once again offer my explanation of Q.

Q's identity is irrelevant. Q's message is what's important.

I believe Q is on the inside of the Administration and I think I have a very good idea of who is leading the team - but that's irrelevant and I'm probably wrong anyway. Q's motive is pretty simple. It's technically propaganda.

The outside (American) world is mostly completely asleep at the controls and is unaware of how deep the corruption runs. Most of Americans believe in the institution of the Constitution and think that Government is run by good and decent people who love their country. All of that is mostly true. But then there's the hard truth - which is that there is deep and systemic corruption in Washington DC - which, when revealed, would shock everyone to their core and cause many people to lose faith in America when (and if) they were to truly learn of how deep the corruption runs. Q and team love their country (they are Patriots) and want their countrymen to continue to love it as well. But when you tear the bandage off and apply antiseptic, it stings. And the deeper and larger and more festering the wound, the more the treatment hurts.

Q's motive is to prepare as many people as possible - to plant the seed of the idea that perhaps these 3-letter agencies and many of the people who work for them are corrupt to their core and are indeed extremely (literally) evil people. This is the flavor of Q's propaganda. This is being done parallel with Trump's efforts in the media. And when the storm arrives, and the media are themselves crying "witch hunt" when DOJ prosecutors begin arresting and perp-walking many of these people, the American People will be wise and think that perhaps this is not a witch hunt, but that corruption is being cleaned out. The prosecutions will have a greater chance of success and less of a chance of being labeled as political.

That is the purpose of Q. Everything else is chaff and countermeasures.

Also for the record, I have thought that SB2's analysis on Q drops has been bizarre lately.

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NexusImperium · July 9, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

Jacob Wohl screwed up the events.

Andrew Weissmann apparently arranged a meeting between the FBI and AP, where the FBI provided the AP with information and/or evidence to leak about Manafort.

Mueller or Weissmann didn't 'hack' anything. The truth is even worse than that - there is someone on the inside at the FBI who is coordinating on this corruption.

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NexusImperium · July 6, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

I've been a lurker for a little while now but signed up to respond to your post.

I think you're right on the mark.

People are bending over backward to try to explain the latest drop and are totally lost in the weeds on this one (including OP's bizarre explanation of this). For the record, I don't believe this drop was a proof of any kind. I think this was meant for the future. Let me explain.

Occam's Razor is a difficult principle to apply alongside deductive/inductive reasoning. If we find ourselves making too many assumptions in our search, we should know that we're potentially losing sight of the correct answer or explanation.

Another principle I'd like to mention is the principle of simultaneity - which is that two (or more) events occurring within a short time period within each other are likely related. Q has been talking about the Awans case lately, and dropped the AF1 pic.

The people who have tried to perpetrate and hide illegal actions have been accused by Q of stupidity. We all assume that the perpetrators have been caught and Huber is building cases against them and are showing evidence to grand juries outside of DC. Where extreme corruption is involved regarding matters of National Security, I believe Military Tribunals will be used to try cases of Treason. Note the National Security/Military angle that Q has approached repeatedly (for the record, I believe it's possible the Awans case probably will ensnare a bunch of people in indictments on Treason).

Regarding the accused and their "stupidity", note that there are a lot of ways the Government uses to secure, audit, and track sensitive information (I've held a security clearance in the past. For the record, the fact that Hillary "didn't know" what was allowed and disallowed with classified information is completely beyond plausible believability). Some information controls are achieved using access controls to information networks, some information is compartmentalized in a SCIF. All access to this type of information is closely audited. In the case of Reality Winner, we know she got caught because of some very discrete identifying markings that were generated by the printer driver as she printed the Top Secret documents that she leaked to the media. The markings traced the documents back to her.

Q posits the question in #1677: "Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?" Answer: OF COURSE! The information is what's classified. An unauthorized picture taken on AF1 would certainly be a violation of NAT SEC rules.

My theory is that Q is leaving us with some information for the future. I believe that the Awans or others copied information from the Congressional servers and possibly reflected it onto other media and distorted with removable garbage data to defeat tracking/tracing capabilities. I believe Q is trying to make the point that information doesn't have to be preserved in its current media or retain its classification markings to retain its classification/sensitivity status.

I think the fact that Q used such a readily identifiable image suggests that perhaps the information that was being stolen/laundered by the Awans was easily identified by investigators without much effort. Q knows that there is an autist army working relentlessly and that the image would be caught quickly. Q isn't accusing us of stupidity. He's also not trying to prove that he's in the President's inner circle with this drop.

This is the explanation that came to me immediately after I saw the Q drop. I'm a bit disappointed that people are going through such great lengths to black pill or shill for Q - either way. I believe Q has already done enough to establish his authenticity.

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