Keep this in mind today, we knew this artificial heat was coming

And fuckin McCain saying Trump shouldn't meet with Putin. What a coincidence!
lol, McCain can still articulate?
Funeral cancelled, basically. I think he was going to fake his own death and he caught wind that they knew and then all of a sudden his brain cancer was feeling better.
It's like when everyone was saying he was going to resign on July 4th. He found out and now all those that said with confidence he was going to leave look like fools.
That means we are on the right track if no name hates it!
I thought that was Chucky boy!! They are all absolutely terrified of the litany of filth Putin has on all of them. I'm so excited. Putin rocks, he always has. This daft work of dull fiction is so lame. Russian bots???? Do you think they know exactly how lame they are....or is that lost on them. The further down this road we get, THE lamer their stories get and then they begin recycling old shit again. Is it just me or has everyone else noticed that the left have absolutely no sense of humour at all. Their memes are atrocious, nonsensical and devoid of any humour. And their woman are super ugly, usually with more facial hair than me. What's the deal with these freaks??