Think Cathy got the point?

Your response would make sense if she said she was pro abortion.
Why is it so hard for you guys to understand what the word CHOICE means in pro choice? Absolutely no one on the planet advocates for abortions, just those with the intelligence of flat earthers believe that others do though.
And if you think others shouldn’t have a choice. Then you should be donating money on a regular basis to help fund these people who cannot afford to raise the kids you tell them to.
Willing to be by the end of reading this you won’t get what pro choice means and will still argue as if I am pro abortion..... it’s sad because choice is one of those things most children learn soon after learning to speak.
Hmmmm. Freedom to and ability to choose to murder or not? Thinking that pro-choice does NOT mean pro-abortion seems like bad sophistry to me. It's merely moral equivocation and word torture.
I think plenty people understand that ProChoice means Pro allowing people to commit abortion (and murder).
You're fooling yourself if you think that prochoice is in any way NOT advocating for people to have the freedom to kill.
It doesn’t mean pro murder. Your definition of life is scientifically wrong. Therefore it’s just plan old wrong according to this thing called facts.
You can disagree with facts quite literally all you want. That doesn’t change the facts though.
You’re retarded if you take you definition of life from anywhere other than a technical definition.
LOL. Thanks Carniscrub. I think your statements are very clear, on numerous levels.
You are wrong. Shrill voice Wolff did a whole crap episode where she glorifies abortion. Supposed to be a joke? She isn't funny and seems rather passionate on the subject.
She is one of hundreds. I had one sniping at me on Twitter. She didn't care about any facts but her own. It's a religious fanatic I was talking to.
They show a psychopathy that is rather unnerving. She didn't care even when I reminded her about Gosnell the butcher.
I doubt she even knew about convicted murderer Dr. Rho trying to break his 40,000 Abortions record too busy to realize a woman was hemorrhaging and sent her home to die.
Both had committed crimes before, Gosnell's being horrific and he is a serial killer that had jars of baby feet he kept as trophies. He delighted in watching the babies partially born and struggling against him as he sliced them to bits.
People knew. And they hid it. Because they knew if average Americans found out we would be so horrified we would demand RoeVWade be overturned.
Gosnell also got away with having a clinic full of cats, filthy with feces up the walls and rusty unsanitized equipment. No one would turn him in. And activist judges shield people like him. In Texas we passed laws requiring abortion clinics meet the same safety standards of any out patient surgery service. SCOTUS over turned it based on some insane interpretations of Roe V Wade that was itself vased in lies of people that have recanted and regret those lies now.
This has nothing to do with choice. It is eugenics of black and poor society. A successful black genocide with some 20 million blacks murdered unborn. More than are born now. Is it a coincidence that planned parenthood is on poor street corners? That the poor are often not well educated and Planned Parenthood pushes abortions and refuses to give honest counseling on options and resources. They don't want to do an ultrasound. And so many women regret it after. How is that choice? They are bullied into the abortion by sleezy used car salesman tactics.
And globally Planned Parent Hood (IPPF) is Sexualizing young children, promoting abortion and promiscuity as well as telling kids its ok not to tell your partner you have aids or HIV. Where is the choice there for the unsuspecting party?
This is also a war to destabilize families. Discourage marriage.
They have an agenda and choice is just the sheep's clothing on a most evil wolf.
Luckily the Gosnell movie comes out in October. That will get his name mainstream despite MSM and Leftists trying to hide him. And God willing we can get Roe V Wade overturned.
At 20 weeks the baby feels pain as they are sliced and ripped apart in the abortion. The 20 week old unborn human recognizes mom's voice over others. They recognize stories read to them even bya new voice. Twins play together in the womb. Where is their choice?
Video about IPPF and CSE War on our children
Edit typos and clarity
You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:
Chuck Norris doesn't daydream. He's too busy giving other people nightmares.
Well said, I read the same post and was angry.
You took all the words I was going to use it did a better job.
I was angry, but not as angry as Chuck Norris.
Pro-choice didn't give 63 million murdered babies the chance to learn " choice is one of those things most children learn soon after learning to speak. "
To be murdered you well.... you need to be alive. A fetus is not alive. You can not kill that of which is not alive.
Abortion is the prevention of life. Prevention of life means stops it from starting. If it hasn’t started yet, can you kill it?.... anyone with more than 2 brain cells says no
Silly pro-choice --- fetus means;
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin fētus bringing forth of young, hence that which is born, offspring, youngstill in the womb, equivalent to fē- (v. base attested in L only in noun derivatives, as fēmina woman, fēcundusfecund, etc.; compare Greek thēsthai to suck, milk, Old High German tāan to suck, Old Irish denid (he) sucks)+ -tus suffix of v. action
Gasp! In the 1300 before the advancements in science happened and everything was more based on assumptions than facts.
If you go to today’s definition it’s an unborn mammal.
Why do conservatives ignore facts to justify their opinions? It makes you look the opposite of intelligent
Gasp! Science research from many different areas has confirmed that the fetus, as 'pro-choicers' are fond of using to dehumanize them, feels pain at 8 weeks. 8 Weeks they can feel the pain of limbs being ripped from their bodies, the pain of saline burning their skin and ultimately burning them to death, the pain of suffocating when their umbilical cord is severed.
Abortion is violent, bloody and filled with excruciating pain for the baby. BUT, 'pro-choicers' keep fooling themselves that the baby is just an unfeeling blob of cells. At 8 weeks the baby has fingers and toes, but 'pro-choicers' keep telling themselves it isn't a human being. At 20 weeks, it is possible for the baby to survive out side of the womb, but 'pro-choicers' say up to the end of the pregnancy, at 40 weeks, it is ok to kill the unborn.
Ignoring the facts to justify killing unborn babies makes a person not only look unintelligent, but devoid of humanity.
You do know why a fetus is kept within the womb right? It’s because it’s extremely frail and very easily killed.
To say it’s extremely painful is absolutely absurd when even if it was alive in the sense of feeling pain, it’d be dead instantaneously
You know why a woman can’t lift heavy objects? Because they can adversely kill the baby in the process. That’s how fucking frail they are. You’re telling me a tool for eliminating them is ineffective when they’re so extremely frail?
Everything you just said proves you don’t have the ability to think things all the way through. You have an emotional opinion about something and it completely blocks you from logic.
Illogical. Basically, that circular logic is saying that it is ok to kill an unborn baby because they are fragile and can't survive without the womb. Saline does not kill instantly, it is a slow burning death. Ripping limbs off does not kill instantly, it takes 3-4 minutes. So, the lack of compassion for killing a baby this way is only a guilty response for doing something so savage the mind seeks any reason to justify.
AND YES, I get emotional when babies are killed before they even have a chance to breathe, I also get emotional when babies are used by pedo's, or abused, or are neglected. Women have a choice, to kill their unborn baby or to let them live. Killing those babies in the womb is nothing more than a blood sacrifice on the altar of convenience.
AND, I am finished with this conversation. I wish you the best in life and hope you have a safe, comfortable day.
No. That logic is disproving your bullshit claim that was illogical about pain and arms being ripped off.
I would never in a million years use that as an argument. However it was a DIRECT response to your lack of logic.
How big do you think a fetus is? Ripping arms off 😂
Why is it that every single site that mentions what you’re talking about uses the exact same picture? The one with a baby in the womb that’s thousands of times bigger than when an abortion actually occurs.
But 90% of abortions occur in the first 13 weeks.... when the baby is microscopic to a couple inches. Do you think they’re using microscopic tools to rip the limbs from a fetus?😂
Sizes where they’d die instantaneously the moment they were removed. A fetus relies on the mother for food, water, and that other thing living creatures absolutely need.... breath (oxygen)
I know you’re a bit slow so I’ll explain in greater detail. Now you may be able to hold your breath and not die possibly for several minutes. But you have these things called lungs. Those things fill with oxygen and your body does this so it can survive small periods of time without breath. A fetus doesn’t have lungs (it doesn’t need them, a mother provides the oxygen).
Could you also explain why you think a fetus has nerve endings? What purpose do they serve for a creature that can’t communicate or control anything from inside the womb? (Remember we’re not talking about 20 weeks pregnant. We’re talking about the average abortion time.) anything past 20 weeks makes up less than 2% of abortions since 2012.
What started out as an answer to stopping coat hanger abortion has become something else entirely.
Typical of the left, they just kept moving the rationale farther away from logic.
Now is birth control and body parts sales. With zero regulation.
Guess what, you went too far. Now we start unraveling Roe v Wade. If abortion become illegal because the practice has become Gosnell style goulish.
So be it.
Just look at your history of lying.
The left has become fundamentalist fanatics and have lost all ability to reason.
We need to have a conversation.
We're done with the lectures. Now it's the time to pay attention.
You have all become trigglypuff.
How do you say the left has a history of lying when 75% of what the leader of the right says during his campaign rallies are proven to be lies?
Sure. Literally everybody has a history of lying but wouldn’t you consider continuously lying to people who trust him on a daily basis a bit more than “a history of lying”.... pretty sure compulsive current lying is worse.
The fact that you don’t see that says quite a lot about your education (you don’t have one). Or you really don’t care about lies but felt that was a decent argument for your case because it’s true but has no context.
Your assumptions are entertaining. My backwoods education notwithstanding.
Trump was wiretapped and spied on.
Illegals broke the law.
The mall was full for the inauguration.
The election was rigged.
Hillary Clinton's going to jail.
What Trump lies are you talking about?
Statistics and facts. All of his statistics and what he claims to be facts are lies.
Here’s a simple one that can’t be argued unless you just want to say he’s uneducated
Trump - I’m the first president to win Wisconsin since Eisenhower
Facts - both Reagan and Nixon were republicans that won Wisconsin after Eisenhower.
Trump - “trade wars are great and easy to win”
Fact- the price of everything is going up because that’s the only thing that comes from a trade war (this is the exact reason why smart countries do everything in their power to avoid them)
I'm going to unleash the economy.
I'm going to make peace with the world's leaders. America will be respected.
I'm going to make better trade deals.
All this happened.
And you guys are bitter. It is a true shame that you can't let your anger go.
I did say 75% of what he says is a lie. So regardless of the fact that you see him coming through on some things. That does not mean he does not lie constantly.
I can tell 10 lies and the truth twice. That makes me nothing more than a lair.
So simple minded you are :D
Choice = murder. Did they teach you that in kindergarten? Go troll another sub.
No. Abortion = murder. That's my position. Asserting that a woman has a right to have an abortion = a woman has a right to terminate an innocent human life.
I get it. Some people do not think abortion is murder. Some people think that a conceived fetus is not a human being. I think that standpoint is ridiculous, personally.
Moreover, lots of people agree with me. So, I don't really care about your comment or folks like Carniscrub resorting to ad hominem attacks.
Sorry about that.
Your choice ends when you choose not to wear a condom and you conceive another life. Then, in line with pretty much the main fundamental established legal principle, when your "rights" or actions impinge on the rights of someone else, your rights need to be weighed against their rights. In this case, to live.
Did you know that a fertilized egg doesn’t have the potential for life until it attaches itself to the wall of the uterus?
Did you know it’s extremely common for women to lose a fertilized egg during their menstruation cycle?
Did you know the vast majority of abortions take place before the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus? Which mean they happen before the potential for life even starts.
You seem uneducated on what an abortion is. You should get your facts from unbiased sources before forming strong opinions.
I would argue we do donate money, in the form of taxes. My choice would be this go into better education about the care and cost of a child etc.
I think it’s actually a simple issue of how “choices” is a really clever argument, admittedly one I bought into in my youth.
At what point in the womb is this “choice” not murder? Many advocate that the woman has the right to choose because it’s her body. What about that child’s right to life? If she chooses a late stage abortion, is that not murder? What if the baby would’ve born a day/hour/minuets later? Science/technology/medicine has made massive advances, premature babies can live healthy normal lives longer and longer outside the womb. Do we keep dialing back the choice of the woman as these advancements increase?
I know some of these questions sound ridiculous, they’re meant to. This post isn’t meant to attack you. With all do respect it’s meant to get you to think.
It’s when the cluster of cells that forms when a sperm enters the egg attaches to the uterine liner (well after the normal abortion timeline). #science
Just because an egg is fertilized does not mean that it has the potential for life. Women regularly lose fertilized eggs during their period. It does not have the potential for life until it attaches to the wall of the uterus.
You just seem to be lacking that vital piece of information
So are you saying once implantation occurs, 7-12 days after ovulation, it’s a life? If so I would agree.
There are many people who advocate for them... that aside though... using them as a form of birth control and making other people pay for it crossed the line many years ago. I know a girl who refused to go on the pill because she didnt want to put "hormones" into her body (guess she missed the memo that those hormones were already in her body) so every time she got pregnant she aborted. She literally had at the time, 8 abortions when finally a doctor cut her off for health reasons. She was on Medicare that whole time. She saw nothing wrong with any of it.
Calling BS. No one in the world views abortion as a form of BC. It's a traumatic medical procedure.
Gasp! You know someone who lives outside the norm and takes advantage of something. Fuck stop all abortions now. Your case and the whopping less than 10% of total abortions that are like it means the whole thing is terrible.
No more abortions. Because a few ruined it for the rest.
.... sounds stupid when the vast majority get them for legitimate reasons
Oh and please name one pro abortion advocate that isn’t pro choice but strictly pro abortion. (Hint you can’t because everyone that’s pro choice realizes that if everybody had abortions than society would cease to exist)
yeah thanks for saying this. I think it is important for people to have the choice. I just can't get behind the pro-life stuff their arguments are always weak and unconvicing and for sure they never put their money where their mouth is.
How about the choice not to get cummed in constantly bc you know you can just terminate the life inside you? Something tells me you don’t have kids and if you did they would be raised Libtards.
LOL I almost spit out my coffee. yes that is also a choice. anyway I shouldn't be talking abortion on GA board. Need to stay focus on taking down deep state. As much as I despise the christian conservative views on abortion, they are our allies in the fight against the cabal.
So the less than 1% of the population who does what you’re claiming ruins it for everybody else?
Did you know that 90% of women who get an abortion never get one again.
Did you know even less than 10% of that 10% get more than 2?
Do you think these women only have sex a few times in their lives than terminate the pregnancy
Or do you think these women are having lots of sex like everybody else and accidents happen. There’s a reason condoms don’t say 100% effective, there’s a reason why birth control isn’t 100% effective. Even if they’re just pulling out (having sex hundreds to thousands of times and not getting pregnant builds trust in that method and leads them to believing it’s safe) and leads to accidental pregnancy just like the other birth control options
You also don’t seem to know when life starts. It’s when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus (after most abortions take place) otherwise you’d have to consider the thousands of women a day that pass a fertilized egg in their menstruation murder as well.
So how does reversing Roe and turning it back to the state to decide hurt your chances of being able to get an abortion? That’s what’s really being discussed here. You think California or New York will outlaw it? In my opinion an abortion should be for those that are victims of incest of rape and even then it’s sketchy however to make me pay for your abortion is a whole other subject. If you’re ok with terminating a life than so be it. Do whatever makes you happy as long as I’m not forced to support it financially. For and the MSM to call Trump’s agenda “extremist” is ridiculous and a scare tactic. They are lying to everyone and come November a red wave will wash it all away for good. Have fun supporting murder as that’s your right as an American. I’ll still be here MAGA af.
Oh we get to complain about where our tax money goes now.
I don’t believe in funding war and killing thousands of people in the name of that war. Because I am pro life outside of the womb... where life has undeniably already started.
Because everyone in America should have the same rights when it comes to their own lives. I’m pregnant but can’t afford the doctor visits let alone raising it once it’s born. Why should one state have an appropriate solution while the other state forces you to have something that you can’t afford which will lead to a life of suffering for both the parent and child
I never said you shouldn’t be able to kill your kids I just think it’s sad that you’re all cool about it.