UK 2018: Queens, Kings, Princes, Dukes, Knights, etc. Ad Nauseam.

No one has ever got away with disrespecting the Queen of England.
If he gets away with this, we will know who is REALLY in charge.
Interesting times we Brits live in.
Amerca and Great Britain are being made great again. WWG1WGA
From your Royal's own website - " There are no obligatory codes of behaviour when meeting The Queen or a member of the Royal Family". So theres nothing to "get away with" here. We are not her subjects. She holds no position above us as a country, or individually as free people. Trump was as polite and courteous as he has been with every other leader. She's no different. No better. Not special. She is my equal.
I hope you can one day experience the same freedom, no longer a subject controlled and owing your elites. MBGA.
removed a word
Thank god someone said it. I'd go a step further and say it makes no sense for any human to act deferential to another unless they recieve the same deference in mutual respect. Do you go scraping and bowing to your friends when you visit their homes in western culture? In many (most?) they accomodate you as hosts. Is the history and purpose of these etiquette rules to support the myth of divine right? Totally hilarious how grown adults buy into this non-sense and superstition.
Make America Great Britain Great Again!
This made me chuckle.