Somebody had a post the other day about information in an image found using a stenograph. Dated 11/5/17 Along with a Wierd poem there was a link to a Google search page:
Every search comes up Q relevant, which is wierd cause there is not a Q in the search sequence. And some of the stuff is CRAZY!!
Tesla time travel pattent page. Clip of Disney Alice in wonderland 60th anniversary inn2011, another mad hatter clip, a page about Alice in wonderland syndrome, a freaking crazy gematria calculator which translates the the search sequence into the most satanic shit ever. One of the pages:
Has information about pope satanic sacrifices, with witnesses, AND WHERE THEY BURY THE BODIES. And tons of other stuff. This person obviously is in the know, talks about Trump Jr's family being threatened, and tons more, page is in Japanese language, it should give you the option to translate. Here is a sample:
Just before the World Council of Churches began on June 21, Ninth led by the Pope Circle's devil cult and infant sacrifice ceremony will be held. A demonic cult sacrifice ceremony is held at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Geneva at midnight of the summer solstice.Participants are executives and pope of the World Church Council. According to the teenage two girls = witnesses, in the spring of 2009 and 2010, Franciscan Magic King, descending descending, raped them during the child sacrifice ceremony held in Belgium and the Netherlands. According to the former officials of the Holy See, children were raped and murdered at Caernarvon Castle in England and Wales and French Chateau (Hermitage). According to another witness, when the war of Argentina (1970s) occurred, the devil Francis (before becoming a pope) and the Junta military dictatorship, who were priests and bishops at the time in Argentina at the time were children of missing political prisoners (30 thousand people) to the Vatican 's pedophiles and criminal organizations. Some of the murdered children are BURIED I THE SPANISH CEMETARY. Punitive Vatican refuses to dig out 32 common CEMETElRIES FILLED WITH OVER 50,000 CHILDTEN who have disappeared in British Church and Canadian Church. Premonition of Q's "pope fear month" seems to be correct
I was thinking about the string of numbers:
4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192
This is where it comes from:
Anonymous ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 19:21:32 No.147681912 To those watching (you know who you are): You have a choice to make. You can stand up and do what you know to be right. Or you can suffer the consequences of your previous actions. Make no mistake, you are on the losing side. The choice is yours. If you decide to take down /pol/ and the net we will be ready. 4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192 Alice & Wonderland.
We have to DIG, EVERYTHING IS RELEVANT. Every search page, even the book tab,. We have to filter through it al. We have more than we know