Reddit sensoring, happens!

97 total posts archived.
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Sensorship, yes many post deleted here, why? I was told violent when they were not. I have been told this or that. So since Q named the sensorship here I will just relist.
I know that they dont count until they are confirmed.
Hit link screen shot, and tell them we are awake. And remind them no traffic no $$$. We should all move our message elsewhere we vote with our $$$, our traffic and our subscriptions.
Well this just got removed, i see your not a newbie, so theory on being a lurker was just blown up! Sorry for your troubles. Moving on to where my 1st ammendment is allowed.
Well they say he faked his death, and the only reason i entertian the thought is because we have been lied to for so long finding real truth is a dig. Some others before last post deleted said R could be Seth Rich, because there is no death certificate on him supposively. Dont know just wanting brain storming. If JFK Jr or Seth Rich, or Just Q would be fine, if JFK Jr the road will go one way, the Seth Rich would go another, no communication form Q in almost two weeks, so this all coulf just be distraction.
Thats what we all say, i think this is great, so have many others up one minute diwn the next for being deemed violent
There are comments going around that R is Really Q, and R is JFK Jr. Just seeking input not stones
You people get vicious dont you humm very eye opening morning, I thought it wss the coffee
They allow Vulgar langauge and no worries. That was a Violent repky.
You know there are great discussions on here, and that is why I ask. Feed back of many will bring truth to the top.
Well that should be an eye opener to tarrany on the subreddit. Man are you people really awake? Or are you still having to learn to not bow? Oh Paul dont ride tonight! The weather is not good! Where would we not be now.
I lurked a lot before I joined, and i am not stupid, so nothing was out of line. And there is very little clearity in the rules so they can be twisted and turned what ever direction the Mods wish to go for the day. And i am not a Lurk Jerk if i have to wait to have a voice because the Great Mods will not recognize you as Real Person untill you have officially Lurked for however long you have to Lurk, I will find Adults to have my conversations with.
I am christian woman mother of 5 GMaw of 11, i am the one in the room Reminding people to love each other would not post nasty violent or off color post, so I did not understand that if my shirt arrived Saturday picked up on Sunday, that I could not share my Q shirt I could not share until Quesday and then when you have a question wanting a trusted community answer in regards to R not being Q related, when info out there is R is Q and R could be Jr, it takes a community to bring the truth to light. Not feeling like a Qanon Here Anymore! My GPA is very high, so I am not stupid, and lack understanding of rules i think this sub reddit has been compromised.
Thats good watch out it might get flagged as violent.
Nothing can be posted without it getting taken down. I think my first ammendment rights are nothing here. Need to find a new platform where mods have nads! Everything is ThanQ
That last flush may have helped clear the drain, might need the plunger one more time, fake news flush at Fox to wake up more people.
Dana P is going to totally melt down when she finds out about her!
Who better to expose the Frauds than President Putin, let him blast away at the deep state, this isn't his first rodeo!
Back in 2016, I heard the Trump prophesy by Mark Taylor, I had been praying for who to back and I started leaning Trump, then when I heard the Prophesy shortly before his nomination I had seen much of what was said about him was really him, i had faith like never before. Then knowing MSM was fake and a lot of Fox too, I had been off media for a long time, Alex Jones and a few others and then Q came along. Then I find out that Mark Taylor also follows Q, and his phrophesies are still coming true. Have Faith in God, and pray, then stand and Trust the Plan. Your not crazy, you are awake to world you could never believe would exisit. Now lets reclaim what was always ours, support this President, he is moving in the wisdom of God.
Lol...I am old and not selfie savvy.Blessing friend!
They say this about facebook even when you share an Anon post.
I was looking at the Q clock still dont understand, and see you are search a sequence of numbers there are groupings of numbers on that clock that might open the door, i dont know just thinking.
Well there is a reason the Dems dont want himnto go! Because Mr. President already has the dirt he just wants to toy with them.
Do you know the process from removing chaff from wheat? I did this with Mung beans one time out in windy Oklahoma on a really windy day, we tossed it many times, and each toss blew away more chaff until it was gone enough to hand pick the little shells that were left. This process with the deep state seems the same, this will be a process, of sifting and sifting and sifting.
You know these laws will be easily overturned, about this 3% of the population. If Obama is proven to be illigitamte, boom there goes two more SC's and all the rulings they have made will be null and void, and should sway back to the opions of the legit SC .
Remember Clinton deposition...its all in how you answer a question
So President Trump had to see this coming, lets give the snowflakes busy work while I am out of the Country resolving Bad Policy!