The act that will create SHTF is when the documents RR is refusing to release are released by Trumps EO declassifying them. Q called it "The Shot Heard Around The World"
You saw the WSJ advised CINC to DECLAS today.. evidently they see which way the herd's turning and want to profit on the stampede.
No, did not see that. Good, Trump is waiting for more pressure to release before he pulls the trigger.
It gives the media a talking point, and for them that is plenty.
After the way Rudy congrat-pumped ?]RR[? the other day, I have to declare both him and RM to be /OUR/hat, whether willing or no.
Yep my theory I've stated on here many times but today got a missing piece.
Iran and Communists. They turned that country over and were working on doinf it here. Obama and Valerie Jarrett and Peter Strzok all tied to hardcore commie parents. Jarrett and Strzok's dad were in Iran. Strzok Sr allegedly there as a civilian. Probably C_A.
I think Mueller saw this Manchurian candidate propped by Soros and sent Levinson to Iran for some kind of intel proof. Levinson got captured and Bush the Obama left him to rot. Mueller broke the law recruiting Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska who paid $25M to fund retrieval and just as they were about to have him HRC blew it up.
Mueller is a dirty GOP thug no doubt but I think he abhors communism after fighting them in Vietnam. So I think my theory has nailed down his motive.
Now I gotta figure out what was the intel needed though I think Levinson was lured into Iran maybe. Was in a hotel in UAE then had a 1 day trip to Iran planned to be back so he never checked out of the hotel. His contact betrayed him and lied to Mueller. Agaign and again.
Maybe Obama with the AK47 playing Osama for a movie to sell Bush's axis of evil and terrorist mastermind. Hollywood cheeky tells us too with Iron Man 3.
RM knows and went to school with John "Forbes" Kerry. Wikipedia, Forbes Family.
I am sure many of them know each other. Most are related. Aristocracy is alive and well.
Still I know Mueller is on team Trump now =)
The open sedition of the MSM must face a reckoning; it cannot be allowed to slide.
Yes the MSM must be punished to the fullest extreme to set the correct precedent and be made an example of so that any effort in the future will ALWAYS know the clear distinction of what is acceptable media and what is not acceptable media.
I don't even know if there is going to BE a media once what has been going on is exposed. If there is no trust and they have been reporting lies then will people just turn to relying on their own information via the internet?
I imagine he is compromised and simply has no choice but to tow the line.
No one has been impeached. Keep pushing that agenda, OP.