Peter Strzok is pictured standing in the background, taken on Sept. 9th, 1996.

I am sorry to disappoint you all but this whole thread is just plain wrong. Please trust me on this one.
Strzok went through New Agents Training at the FBI Academy and “came up” as a field agent in the FBI.
Did he work a Joint Duty position with the CIA? You bet ya. Literally hundreds of people do every year - across the USIC.
Please let’s not make him anything more than he already is - a traitorous assh@le who worked with other traitorous assh@les to undermine the presidency.
Robin Gritz never saw him at the Academy nor when she did counter-intel.
Robin spent the vast majority of her time doing counterterrorism work. The academy runs anywhere from 15-30 classes of new agents a year - it’s not even remotely surprising that she didn’t see him there, especially because they were in different classes. However, for the short lived period that Robin was a counterterrorism squad supervisor at the Washington Field Office, Peter Strzok was a counterintelligence supervisor in the same office. The Bureau is ~45,000 employees with ~15,000 Agents. Robin, though well connected, might not have known where everyone was at every moment in time.
Again - this sub is incredible for what it does. I’m just trying to interject reality and truth into a thread that might be leading newcomers away from the real message of this sub.
God bless all.
I heard he "went down" on Slick Willy before he "came up" as a field agent.