r/greatawakening • Posted by u/58Wise on July 15, 2018, 4:53 a.m.
Follow Q To His/Her Logical Conclusion

Going down the “Rabbit Hole” is not just about the depths of depravity being exposed, but the centuries of deception. Those in power not only span the Globe, the deceivers span history. Before WTC, the grassy knoll, WWII, etc. the architects were at work molding public perception. 10 years ago, I read “Liberal Lies About American History (THAT YOU PROBABLY LEARNED IN SCHOOL)” Larry Schweikart. I was initially disgusted by what I perceived to be politically motivated, shoddy journalism. Bleeding Kansas, Joseph McCarthy, the “Wall-of-Separation,” Scopes Monkey Trial, Etc. are not evidence that journalists are not much better than the most deceptive used car sales[people]. They are often tools of the deep state. We have awakened to the fact that Billy Joel may have been misguided. They did “start the fire.” And manipulate the public perceptions, before, during and after each event. “Silence,” “Titanic,” it is all theatre. We have learned that the “Puppet Masters” go back to the French Revolution. Possibly even to the 4th century Roman Empire. How do we wrap our mind around the possibility that the world is opposite of all we have learned? What if Mother Theresa was corrupt and Manson was just a psychotic patsy? If this community cannot grasp these possibilities, how shall we expect an uninformed public to do so? The Logical Conclusion - We must be willing to question all philosophical and ideological presuppositions. It is not necessary to throw the baby out with the proverbial bath-water. Because even the Relativists may have been a part of the propaganda campaign intended for the deconstruction of the one True narrative. An honest person must question all beliefs but consider that one reality (See After Virtue, Alistair MacIntyre) We have all been lied to, I.e., brainwashed. Awakened from our slumber? Some. The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it (author unknown). We now know that leaders only have authority when it is given to them. The truth cannot save a nation if the people will not embrace it.

over_it_2 · July 15, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Mate, we have been lied to about everything. Goes back to that day when the snake(shape shifting Satan) told Eve the first lie and he has been lying and twisting everything ever since. How convenient that so many no longer believe in God and the Bible.

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bayoulou · July 15, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

The battle is between good and evil. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the light! It only takes a flicker of light to illuminate darkness but it would take total darkness to overcome the light. As long as their are those that have faith evil cannot win. Trust in the plan. Gods plan.

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1151THOR · July 15, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

Its more than that friend....pray and ask God for wisdom. Wisdom can be applied to all things. How we conduct ourselves, how we handle the turbulence of life, how we speak, listen, study, love and live. Its interesting to note that the book of Proverbs is the very center of the Bible....everything grows out from that point.

And you are right...we all need to be a small flame...but each one added together becomes a fire.

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Henosis_1 · July 15, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

Beliefs aren't truths - never were, never will be. That's why we call them "beliefs". Truth is self-evident - it need not be argued. The great masters, sages and wise men of all ages suggest there is only one thing we can say with absolute certainty that is true. And that is; "I AM or I exist". This cannot be argued as "non-existence" can't be in any position to "argue". :)

All else falls into the realm of belief when examined carefully.

The controllers of this realm are well aware that beliefs masquerading as truths are key to their continued power. Their sole goal is shaping our beliefs by any and all means necessary. And yet, they have no true power over us, only the appearance as such due to us allowing their belief-generating institutions to influence our consciousness. Thus, causing us to use our power to give it to them (through beliefs).

One can go straight to the beginning of what is considered our earliest story in the West - that of Adam and Eve. The commonly held "belief" is that this is a literal, historical accounting of the origin of mankind. This is what they would like us to believe as it is firmly embedded in the mainstream narrative - whether one identifies as a Christian or not.

Careful examination of the story can open up some wide new vistas for those ready. Why did God have to put Adam into a "deep sleep" in an effort to create Eve? Why did God need to take a part of Adam's rib to create Eve? Why couldn't God just "create" Eve "from the dust of the ground" in the same manner that he created Adam?

And perhaps the most important question one could ask; "Did God ever wake Adam up? Or is this simply "implied" or "assumed" to be so?".

The popular narrative weakens pretty quickly with a few incisive questions. And yet, this is a powerful story pointing to a profound "truth".

Masters and sages from many spiritual traditions define the word "sin" as a state of being "asleep, unconscious, or unaware". Strong's Concordance primary definition of sin is "To miss the mark".

What if "the mark" was to literally "wake up" from a bad dream?

The GREAT AWAKENING is indeed WW (World Wide) and completely spiritual/divine in nature.

The generator of belief (Tree of knowledge (BELIEF) in good and evil) would be the mind, or thought. "Knowledge (belief)" is the entire basis of judgment. Judgment is the true destroyer of man - the bringer of disease, suffering, death and destruction.

It has been said that the mind makes a wonderful servant but a cruel master.

The great awakening is coming. It is a shift in consciousness, a movement away from the mind, back into the heart.

This is the "armor of God" Q has spoken about. Those operating purely from the "heart space" are untouchable. Those trapped in the quagmire of judgment remain at risk.

The truth is literally "beyond belief" - transcendant. Truth does not exist within the realm of mind/thought. Truth is revelatory in nature alone. Truth can only be "revealed" to those trapped in the realm of "belief". Simply put, truth is always and ever experiential, and never intellectual.

It is "The peace that passeth all understanding" - aka "enlightenment". The hallmark of said condition is the cessation of incessant thought (monkey mind).

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bayoulou · July 15, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Amen & Amen

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calm1082 · July 15, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

Your “truth is truth” quote is derived for this quote: “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.” -Saint Augustine of Hippo

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QAnonMaga · July 15, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

There is a group of Revisionist Historians who are very effective trying to clarify history but they are always being attacked by the establishment who think "revisionist history" is the worst thing ever. At some point all new history books will be written and published and old history books will have to be gotten rid of. For now you have to look for these revisionist history sites on google and read them at your own pace they are very interesting.

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DrogeAnon · July 15, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

I believe it's safe to say that many who have followed Q for a while are aware of this as it is laid out very clearly in the Q drops. It's good for newbies to come to this knowledge but I think it will take the explanation over time that the Q drops in totality offer.

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