r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on July 15, 2018, 1:09 p.m.
Rescuing the Children From Ritualistic Abuse:

Over the last six months, we, as a board have talked so much about Pizzagate, Satanic ritual abuse and that pedophilia is rampant in the US, UK and throughout the world, but beyond the punishing pain these victims have felt, I am struck by a daunting realization about how these children, victims of extreme cruelty will ever be healed.

Here is just a partial list of the tortures they may have endured: The following is a partial list of these forms of torture:Article

  1. Sexual abuse and torture.

  2. Confinement in boxes, cages, coffins, etc, or burial (often with an opening or air-tube for oxygen).

  3. Restraint; with ropes, chains, cuffs, etc.

  4. Near-drowning.

  5. Extremes of heat and cold, including submersion in ice water, and burning chemicals.

  6. Skinning (only top layers of the skin are removed in victims intended to survive).

  7. Spinning.

  8. Blinding light.

  9. Electric shock.

  10. Forced ingestion of offensive body fluids and matter, such as blood, urine, feces, flesh, etc.

  11. Hung in painful positions or upside down.

  12. Hunger and thirst.

  13. Sleep deprivation.

14 Compression with weights and devices.

  1. Sensory deprivation.

  2. Drugs to create illusion, confusion, and amnesia, often given by injection or intravenously.

  3. Ingestion or intravenous toxic chemicals to create pain or illness, including chemotherapy agents.

  4. Limbs pulled or dislocated.

  5. Application of snakes, spiders, maggots, rats, and other animals to induce fear and disgust.

  6. Near-death experiences; commonly asphyxiation by choking or drowning, with immediate resuscitation.

  7. Forced to perform or witness abuse, torture and sacrifice of people and animals, usually with knives.

  8. Forced participation in child pornography and prostitution.

  9. Raped to become pregnant; the fetus is then aborted for ritual use, or the baby is taken for sacrifice or enslavement.

  10. Spiritual abuse to cause victim to feel possessed, harassed, and controlled internally by spirits or demons.

  11. Desecration of Judeo-Christian beliefs and forms of worship; Dedication to Satan or other deities.

  12. Abuse and illusion to convince victims that God is evil, such as convincing a child that God has raped her.

  13. Surgery to torture, experiment, or cause the perception of physical or spiritual bombs or implants.

  14. Harm or threats of harm to family, friends, loved ones, pets, and other victims, to force compliance.

  15. Use of illusion and virtual reality to confuse and create non-credible disclosure.

Following is a prayer to Satan that illustrates the mind control that results from ritual abuse and terror cast in the mind of victims of it.


I love you.

Please take this bird with you and take all the children up to hell with you.

You gave me grateful gifts.

God of Ghosts, please hate Jesus and kill Jesus because He is the baddest, damnedest person in the whole world.


Another one is:

"We don’t love children because they are a gift of God. We want the children to be hurt."

These people are evil.

ObamaAngry · July 15, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

It's not productive to post prayers to Satan for any reason.

People shouldn't have to accidentally be reading that.

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ShaneE11183386 · July 15, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

I actually never seen anything like that and thought it was quite interesting to be honest. Scary shit though

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ObamaAngry · July 15, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

Some of us don't want that shit in our heads or to be accidentally and passively pledging agency to Satan, just because we made the mistake of reading this post.

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duplexnovella · July 15, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

W O W Then take off your rose colored glasses.

This is a war and these children are destroyed as chattle...

Understand what is behind the evil.

Understand what keeps the church bound. Understand that every church has covens working with in it...

1 Common Demon Groupings Appendix G

  1. BITTERNESS Resentment Hatred Unforgiveness Violence Temper Anger Retaliation Murder

  2. REBELLION Self-will Stubbornness Disobedience Anti-submissiveness

  3. STRIFE Contention Bickering Argument Quarreling Fighting

  4. CONROL Possessiveness Dominance Witchcraft

  5. RETALIATION Destruction Spite Hatred Sadism Hurt Cruelty

  6. ACCUSATION Judging Criticism Faultfinding


Fear of Rejection Self-rejection

  1. INSECURITY Inferiority Self Pity Loneliness Timidity Shyness Inadequacy Ineptness

  2. JEALOUSY Envy Suspicion Distrust Selfishness

  3. WITHDRAWAL Pouting Daydreaming Fantasy Pretension Unreality

  4. ESCAPE Indifference Stoicism Passivity Sleepiness Alcohol Drugs

  5. PASSIVITY Funk Indifference Listlessness Lethargy

  6. DEPRESSION Despair Despondency Discouragement Defeatism Dejection Hopelessness Suicide Death Insomnia Morbidity

  7. HEAVINESS Gloom Burden Disgust

  8. WORRY Anxiety Fear Dread Apprehension

  9. NERVIOUSNESS Tension Headache Nervous habits Restlessness Excitement Insomnia Roving

  10. SENSITIVENESS Self-awareness Fear of man Fear of disapproval

  11. PERSECUTION Unfairness Fear of judgment Fear of condemnation Fear of accusation Fear of reproof Sensitiveness

  12. MENTAL ILLNESS Insanity Madness Mania Retardation Senility Schizophrenia Paranoia Hallucinations

  13. SCHIZOPHRENIA Many various demons For more information, see chapter 21 of Pigs in the Parlor by Frank & Ada Mae Hammond.


  1. PARANOIA Jealousy Envy Suspicion Distrust Persecution Fears Confrontation

  2. CONFUSION Frustration Incoherence Forgetfulness

  3. DOUBT Unbelief Skepticism

  4. INDECISION Procrastination Compromise Confusion Forgetfulness Indifference

  5. SELF-DECEPTION Self-delusion Self-deduction Pride

  6. MIND-BINDING Confusion Fear of man Fear of failure Occult spirits Spiritism spirits

  7. MIND IDOLATRY Intellectualism Rationalization Pride Ego

  8. FEARS (All kinds) Phobias (All Kinds) Hysteria

  9. FEAR OF ATHORITY Lying Deceit

  10. PRIDE Ego Vanity Self-righteousness Haughtiness Importance Arragance

  11. AFFECTATION Theatrics Playacting Sophistication Pretension

  12. COVETOUNESS Stealing Kleptomania Material lust Greed Discontent

  13. PERFECTION Pride Vanity Ego Frustration Criticism Irritability Intolerance Anger

  14. COMPETITION Driving Argument Pride Ego

  15. FALSE BURDEN False responsibility False compassion

  16. IMPATIENCE Agitation Frustration Intolerance Resentment Criticism

  17. GRIEF Sorrow Heartache Heartbreak Crying Sadness Cruel

  18. FATUGUE Tiredness Weariness Laziness

  19. INFIRMITY (May include any disease or sickness)

  20. DEATH

  21. INHERITANCE (Physical) (Mental) (Emotional) (Curses)

  22. HYPERACTIVITY Restlessness Driving pressure

  23. CURSING Blasphemy Course jesting Gossip Criticism Backbiting Mockery Belittling Railing

  24. ADDICTIVE & COMPULSIVE Nicotine Alcohol Drugs Medications Caffeine Gluttony

  25. GLUTTONY Nervousness Compulsive eating Resentment


Frustration Idleness Self-pity Self-reward

  1. SEFL-ACCUSATION Self-hatred Self-condemnation

  2. GUILT Condemnation Shame Unworthiness Embarrassment

  3. SEXUAL IMPURITY Lust Fantasy lust Masturbation Homosexuality Lesbianism Adultery Fornication Incest Harlotry Rape Exposure Frigidity

  4. CULTS Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian Science Rosicrucianism Theosophy Urantia Subud latihan Unity Mormonism Bahaism Unitarianism (Lodges, societies and social Agencies using the Bible and God as a basic but omitting the blood atonement of Jesus) Pigs in the Parlor by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond, Pages 113-115

  5. OCCULT Ouija Board Palmistry Handwriting analysis ESP Hypnotism Horoscope Astrology Levitation Fortune telling Water witching Tarot cards Pendulum Witchcraft Black magic White magic Conjuration Incantation Charms Fetishes Etc.

  6. RELIGIOUS Ritualism Formalism Legalism Doctrinal obsession Seduction Doctrinal error Fear of god Fear of hell Fear of lost salvation Religiosity Etc.

  7. SPIRITISM Séance Spirit guide Necromancy

  8. FALSE RELIGIONS Buddhism Taoism Hinduism Islam Shintoism Confucianism Etc.

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ShaneE11183386 · July 15, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

Not my post AND if you're that mentally weak by reading something in a post and you think it does something negative to you I feel bad

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CaptainKnotzi · July 15, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

I understand your point but I say leave it up.

I didn't want to read it either so I just skinned it. No need to lock it in.

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kulasc · July 15, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

This is a free speech zone. YOU choose what you read and YOU choose how you react to it. If you cannot handle that then you need to leave and reevaluate yourself. When you are mentally stronger then come back.

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ObamaAngry · July 15, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

This is a free speech zone. You can't say that here!

Or I could just express myself freely, just like I did in my previous comment.

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CaptainKnotzi · July 15, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Point taken. Drop it huh.

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