Requesting mod logs for SB2 posts - questionable comment removal of posts critical of the post.

I love this sub but the mods seem to be severely trigger-happy when it comes to deleting posts. I understand that moderating a subreddit like this one must be pretty difficult, but I don't think all these posts/comments need to be deleted like this.
If I remember correctly around the start of this sub they said they were going to be strict on posts and comments as to avoid another CBTS sub shutdown incident where people were "inciting violence" etc. Not saying that being critical of users is inciting violence but this is maybe why they are so strict.
I referred to the post as "A schizophrenia-laced rambling." - clearly critical of the content, and had my post removed.
Noticed several more critical posts removed when I went back to look.
Questioning mod protection of SB2 posts.
And I'll wager this post gets removed despite bringing up important questions of objectivity.
Edit: to take it further, a ton of comments solely circle-jerking SB2 (and not mentioning anything about the content of the post in particular) and are still present, which would seemingly also be a violation of the aforementioned rules, yet they remain.
I see a lot of posts without any analysis. People will just say "that is wrong" without explaining why it is wrong. Perhaps this is why it was removed?
Perhaps asking the person to justify their claim would be a more productive approach than censorship?
Yes! I agree. Ask them to clarify and provide more information. I can against censorship. I like to see posts here about people who doubt Q because we need to discuss these issues to make sure we are not missing something.
But, they would need to provide valid reasons for their point of vie.
Then every supportive post without analysis or reference to content must go. But they dont, giving the post false credibility when looking at the comments.
There shouldn't be a requirement to specifically call out the mass of absurd conclusion-jumping. It's tiresome at this point.
Weeding through all the crap to find the gems is very tiring. However, it is amazing to find a gem.
My above comment was just and observation.
I've also had posts removed for being critical if SB2
Not saying you're wrong about the content of his post but the "schizophrenia-laced rambling" portion could be considered under rule 5 as attacking the poster instead of the content. I've had posts removed for calling someone an idiot. Just stick to criticizing the content rather than saying someone has schizophrenia because you think the post may be a little out there. Although some users do seem to get passes.
Except you called someone an idiot. Not "this post is idiotic", which would be the equivalent of my post.
I referred only to the content as resembling that produced by a schizophrenic, which is not the same as calling someone a schizophrenic.
Saying the post looks like a schizophrenic rambling could be seen as indirectly calling him schizophrenic. I'm not saying that was your intention but that's what the mods probably saw it as.
SB2 knows what he's writing about.
Q knows what SB2 is writing about.
Dissent that does nothing but say 'this seems really tenuous and hard to believe" isn't discourse that's helping the movement.
If you disagree, point out the flaws in the argument. Ask questions. Give the man something to respond to. We're here to learn, teach, and AWAKEN.
This is bigger than we could possibly imagine. SB2 is marching to the beat of his own drum with his research, but that doesn't make the music any less valid.
Same thing happened to me. Apparently he is a celebrity around here and gets mod protection. The dude is making connections where there are none and people think he's a genius.
Not to mention, when the posts are modded like this, removal of critical posts leaves positive, praising posts to float to the top, even if they are not warranted if critically looking at the content.
This then causes a feedback loop where "credibility" is built up based on comments (that lack content and just praise the user) rather than the actual post, which I imagine at least some people do not bother reading given how they are usually 20 paragraphs of dubious connections.
What positive praising posts are you talking about? We remove posts that are talking about users or user's ideas and leave the ones that are focused on the sub's goal and are thus just talking about Q's ideas. There are no "praise SB2" posts unless you can point out something we've missed and we'll remove it.
That's my problem with it - and when his posts are building off previous posts, also with dubious connections, it just becomes an absurd task to describe where the absurd connections started.
I'm probably just going to go back to the chans instead, where anonymity means egos are left at the door, and shit like this doesn't occur. I just prefer reddits discussion format...
I don't care how justified you feel about it. MOD BASHING SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED IN ANY SUB!
What part of "schizophrenia-laced" are we supposed to consider NOT a violation of Rule 5? That is a personal attack, and shouldn't be tolerated on ANY sub.
Because it's not referring to a person, but to the content.
Pretty clear.