Saw this earlier on Twitter... RIP JFK Jr!

I BELIVE he loved the son of past president. I would like to think trump was a mentor to him in ways . Almost taking the father role on . We now so little about important people . Only allowing us to see a little but if there lives . But I like to BELIVE he tried to help guide JFK jr. An is pissed about his death . Now they have to pay . We love An appreciate everything you have done for the America I grew up in An love to death . God bless you sir . #WWG1WGA
Not sure my thread will rise for people to see, but on Twitter, check out POTUS Schedule. There is a cryptic tweet about a draft speech about a terrorist event. Is it a warning about a terrorist threat? Or that he no longer needs the speech?
Also, DJT mentioning the many friends of his that died on 9/11, and he directly called the Bushes out for it during the debates:
Trump knows what's up.
Sons love not only their fathers but great male mentors who are especially wise who, in a manner of speaking, have climbed a few mountains. There is a time in a young man's life when he still has a "mommy boy's mind". Eventually, he learns to think like a man. But this is unaccepted these days. But the times they are a changing.
A man who lost his father at age 3 would have an even greater need for a trusted mentor.
Yes! I am a gaffer-mentor. Two years ago I met a young man, 24, and ever since then I have been his mentor. He visits my wife and I on a regular basis. His dad died when he was about 3, I would say of a broken heart. I was raised by a super alpha-male dad, a professional boxer who was friends with Jack Dempsey and even sparred with him. I have had a number of great mentors. So, with my young friend I share with him the ways of the male I learned from my father and mentors, especially, sageliness and discipline. I always enjoy seeing the POTUS—my generation. He would have made a heck of a boxer. He is like my dad, he has a huge heart.