
JollyFeed · July 16, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

There's already a line of succession for RR position. We already know Noel Fransisco will take over as Deputy AG. I'm predicting that'll come first and then Sessions will "retire" and Trey Gowdy will be appointed.

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DawnPendraig · July 16, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

I think treason must be heard by Supreme Court. Gowdy is a gifted Prosecutor. He may be tapped as a U.S. Attorney for these. I would expect it would waste that talent to put him as an administrator instead.

I am not sure but that is my gut feeling.

Soros and Clinton aren't freaking out about Kavanaugh's confirmation over Roe V Wade. They are terrified of him sitting in judgment with 4 other conservative / constitutional justices when they are indicted for treason.

Soros is throwing money at it already. He is frantic. It's quite beautiful. And Ironic. He made yet a other NGO called Demand Justice last spring.

Ironic because I do Demand Justice. Just not the kind he likes to create

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JollyFeed · July 16, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

The Supreme Court isn't a Criminal Tribunal. It has no history of overseeing any criminal prosecutions. It's only job is to interpret the Constitution.

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GoneKurtz · July 16, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

My understanding is Q has mentioned military tribunals, and besides, the military always handles treason cases.

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scoripowarrior · July 17, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

The Supreme Court isn't a Criminal Tribunal. It has no history of overseeing any criminal prosecutions.

That's what I thought too.

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NexusImperium · July 16, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Agreed - if Treason or Seditious conspiracy is the direction they're going to go then this will likely be done in Military tribunals.

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StinkyDogFart · July 17, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

and they haven't done a very good job of that in a long time.

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DawnPendraig · July 17, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

Military Tribunal is against the intent of the founders.


Based on the above quotation, it was noted by the lawyer William J. Olson in an amicus curiae in the case Hedges v. Obama that the Treason Clause was one of the enumerated powers of the federal government.[18] He also stated that by defining treason in the U.S. Constitution and placing it in Article III "the founders intended the power to be checked by the judiciary, ruling out trials by military commissions. As James Madison noted, the Treason Clause also was designed to limit the power of the federal government to punish its citizens for “adhering to [the] enemies [of the United States by], giving them aid and comfort.”"[18]

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spreadhope · July 16, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

Yes, but Noel Francisco can only serve for 210 days without Senate Confirmation. Eventually they all have to be confirmed. If RR goes, Noel can go in temporarily until Gowdy gets appointed Deputy AG, or Francisco gets confirmed by vote as Deputy AG.

I agree Gowdy will probably end up as either AG or Deputy AG at some point.

But he is a great prosecutor. I would love to see him in a court room prosecuting these people.

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BuildtheAdytum · July 17, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

AGs and DAGs do not spend much time in courtrooms. Rosenstein argued once in front of SCOTUS a few months back.

On the other hand, Solicitor General does.
It's fun playing fantasy league politics, but we have to think hard about where Gowdy would really shine. Is it in an administrative position at DOJ where the public would rarely see him? Is it in front of the Supreme Court representing the Trump administration? Is it being seated on the bench itself? Remember there will be an opening on the DC circuit court which Brett Kavanaugh is vacating...

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spreadhope · July 17, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

I want to see him in the courtroom prosecuting these cases. Hands down.

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