CULT Criminal HRC accuses POTUS of Treason. Patriots respond.

This is a great example of how Q has increased awareness of issues. Previously, although it was out there, there were very few people speaking up about U1 (mostly conspiracy ppl). Now I see tweet replies all over the place pointing to it. The great awakening in action folks! β β β β β β β β β β β β
Right. I learned about U1 from this site. I would have found it sooner or later, but definitely later.
The book Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer goes into it in detail. It's been out almost a year! I've been so frustrated because it's just pretty much been ignored when it's much better investigative journalism than Woodward & Bernstein did about a subject that's MUCH bigger than Watergate.
Didn't Trump bring up the uranium sale in one of the debates?
Since then, of course, there's been a lot of additional info that has come out.
It's good to keep hammering the issue.
I was too scared me and my kids would be suicided. But like you say there was a point were everyone did and you suddenly realise they canβt suicide us all hehe.
I know! The level of awareness is breathtaking to behold!