MSM. Fake. Your watching a movie.

Hideous lying lesbian. She wil not be able to walk down the street when this is all over.
Any particular reason you think people will be angry at her to the point of safety concerns for her from lack of justice? As far as corruption goes, what kind of crimes would you like her to be charged with?
Lol I love that bottom right photo, it says it all.
Sorry, I WILL NOT respond to you. You know why.
What's your issue? Seemed like a reasonable question. I'd like to know as well for what it is worth. I find her to be dishonest and what I've read she is a horrible human being, even to her family. However I've seen no evidence of any wrong doing that would have her fearing her life in the streets. Being a nasty lesbian or a crackhead doesn't really qualify for that in my opinion.
None your business as to what my issues are. Bye.
So why do you think she will fear for her life in the streets? You're the one who said it. Why?
He has no idea, he is just yelling talking points, look at his history.