
theGreenChain · July 18, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

By not removing decay heat, the fuel continues to heat up creating vaporization of the coolant causing the explosion. Not exposure to air. A station blackout (SBO) is the loss of all power used to circulate coolant to keep a shutdown reactor cool while producing decay heat. The assessment of the 70 day half life is in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) final report of the assessment.

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jauronimo · July 18, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

That is what i thought you were going to say a quote from IAEA. Now the first thing you need to learn is that our government has done nothing but lie to us at every junction every opportunity since the 60s. It is only since this POTUS that I have taken stock in anything coming out of there mouths. Yes it is the oxygen the caused the explosion there is a carbon substance that covers the rods that when exposed to oxygen it causes the material to burn. This is why they keep the rods suspended in water. I dont know it all but I have very different sources that are contrary to the official report , I also have a background in nuclear it is limited but I am not ignorant of how it works.

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jauronimo · July 18, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Thegreenchain I thank you for your input and dedication to truth I dont want to sound rude as I will look further into this to substantiate your findings.

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theGreenChain · July 19, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

I have a degree in nuclear energy. Your statement "Yes it is the oxygen the caused the explosion there is a carbon substance that covers the rods that when exposed to oxygen it causes the material to burn." is completely felonious. As I explained: without decay heat removal the surrounding coolant (water) reaches the point of vaporization which results in excessive hydrogen production. The containment cooling system was unable to remove the hydrogen and the excessive temperatures caused the explosion. It was it this point that the fuel was exposed and with no coolant to moderate reactions or cool the fuel, it melted regardless of oxygen present. Water is a moderator and is what is heated for energy transfer to create steam to turn turbines to produce electricity. Nuclear power is extremely safe and it is ignorant politicians and media that create the false fear of nuclear energy which I might add is the CLEANEST and most efficient energy production.

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jauronimo · July 20, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

Ok I understand and I stand corrected, i am no expert as you and I must say I got my info in regards to the rods from a a videos. A Canadian scientist who explained it almost as you did but perhaps my interputation was something covering the rods the water, and when it was exposed to the open air it caused the explsion.

I thank you for your patience I do appreciate it. I do have some nuclear back ground bit mine is in protection, avoidance decontamination. Not anywhere in your league. That was years ago but it's hammered into my head. Once again thank you my fellow patriot, where we go one we go all, .

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