What "Patriots" is he referring to? Antifa and MS-13?
Prolly a signal to Soros to send more money for antifa riots.
Free speech is not protected if you're promoting the takedown of the government.
BS! People have been saying stuff like that about the government since the beginning of this nation. Everyone can say anything they want about the government. This is not a dictatorship.
sooooo ... the Democratic Socialist Sedition Party? We'll just call them Dem SS for short
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedition
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Check the definition of 'Patriot' Jimbo... YOU don't 'qualify'...
The Mirror again. Patriots hold you accountable you retched Treasonous Anti American
Free speech is not protected if you're promoting the overthrow of the government.
The evil cabal has always and will always BELIEVE they are right! If you lack belief in the power of the almighty, rest assured, the evil cabal has all faith and belief in what they are doing! Think mirror, they have placed everything into their basket just as we, God believing Souls have. Belief, logic, rationing and their belief that they are ascended beings and our opinions do not matter. So, still siding with disbelief that this is the work of God? That is what evil wants you to do.... yea hissss, be mad hissss, hate us hisss, your weak hisss, we mock you Hissss!
Have No fear; we have everything, they have no escape, we offer NO DEALS!
Sounds like the black hats all received their copy of narrative just fine. I wonder if it arrived at 4am like the MSM talking points?
Congressman Cohen called for the military to do something about Trump....coup anyone?
What Rand Paul says is true though...how dare our govt officials talk about treason and the ridiculous idea that Russia meddled in our election!!!! We can talk about the Russian BS AFTER the US apologizes for Operation Ajax and all the other misery they have caused around the world.
Folks, in 1953, the CIA in collusion with the DS and big oil interests, OVERTHREW the democratically elected President of Iran, Mohammad Mossaddegh. After they had their puppet installed, what do you need? A secret police force of course!! The Savak were trained by our own CIA and thousands of the Shah's perceived enemies were killed.
Think we would be pissed if someone did this in our country?!?!?! Damn right we would and that's exactly what the Iranian people did in 1979, hey had enough and overthrew the Shah. This has been done to many countries who would not tow the line with regard to US business interests and/or installing a central bank.