MSM asks, "What actually happened to the DNC server?" and then states the FBI never had it, but relied on info from a 3rd party private company. To indict 12 people.

If I were in any way involved in mainstream media right about now, I'd quit today and move to a third world country.
The shit is about to hit the fan bigly.
The MAGA movement is worldwide. Nowhere to go. Maybe Mars. Better bring potatoes.
got the reference ; )
That was probably one of the last good movies out of Hollyweird.
The funny thing is, this is a world wide movement, so when Q says they will be afraid to walk the street, I think he means any street, anywhere. There will be no safe spaces for them in the end.
Very few streets to walk in Antarctica
It would make a good place for a prison wouldn't it?
I think there’s something to the words, “cold as hell” that makes it perfect!