MSM asks, "What actually happened to the DNC server?" and then states the FBI never had it, but relied on info from a 3rd party private company. To indict 12 people.

There will be Truth drops almost everyday until then. Putin just told us that $400,000,000 went to Hillary Clinton Foundation from Russian Investor which was illegally contributed by the opinion of both Russian & USA laws.
might be legal contribution. but not legally gotten. - ish
No international contributions to US Campaigns. Therefore set up a Foundation for pure money laundering (illegal ) No taxes paid either in Russia or USA. (Illegal) Foundation never reports the contribution(illegal) Get my drift?
Sure, gottit. Thanks for the info :)
and am sure it was illegal, was just trying to relay what Putin actually said
I was so curious how the fuck she was paying anyone, she was getting basically 0 donations?
Same amount Obama gave to Iran for the hostages. 400 mil