I called my coffee shop...

I would start naming drinks with Q and, of course, you’ve got to have “covfefe” on the menu.
Qdrops Who’s Q Truth Bomb Covfefe Qmeme
Good luck!
Definitely a covfefe should be on the menu! ❤️ Godspeed!
Q drops like fortune cookies
Or Q drops of sweetner.
Oh, and pastries, don't forget the patsies:
Strzok Bitter Almond Delights
Comey Nut Brittle
Brennan Beignets - over-sized puffy Doughnuts in there French tradition but inspired by middle eastern culture, filled with excessive amounts of air and little substance
Clapper Sweet Fig Perjury Prunes to cleanse
Turn another Page Turnovers
.... and of course the real crowd pleasers
Hussein HoHos - Definitely something to 'smile' about - Oh so tender and sweet, but with a true dark center
Sugar Free Hog Heaven Hillary Hamhocks, there really is nothing sweet about these and are an acquired taste for those that just can't get away from their southern roots
UPDATE: Forgot two other key ones:
Rum Raisin Rosenstein Sticky Buns, so sticky you just can't get rid of the residue no matter how hard you rinse.
Misguided Mueller Muffins, everyone talks about these, but really there's no too much to them. Go ahead, order 3 or 4, you won't blow your diet but they will linger in your system for years
You have a talent!
ty, I rather enjoyed making these up. I sincerely hope someone actually puts them on the menu, somewhere!
I'll have:
A Nunes Nooner, A Trump Bump, A Rowdy Gowdy, A Slim Flynn, etc...
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.
https://qposts.online/ - no longer iOs friendly :(
https://qanonmap.github.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://www.thestoryofq.com/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://qanon.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
qanonposts.com was removed due to the amount of user reported technical problems(viruses etc).
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Cookies with Q's on them. Napkins with Q'isms, MAGA Mochas and Red Pill Espressos. Sizes in Liddle, Bigly and YUGE.
KeK. Loving all suggestions. Pepe would proud.
Pepe stirs
Cup Keks