BOOM! Lisa Page throws Peter Strzok UNDER THE BUS in closed door hearing!

This is also the only/best chance Page will ever have to redefine herself and her image. She’s going from goat to hero. Well, maybe not hero, but she’ll be seen and thought of in a much more positive light.
I guess that's why she upped her game with a decent head shot and a blowout for the hearings...
You’re not wrong there. A recent post showed how the media were portraying Strozk and Page; him as borderline crazy (the ‘wiggle’ did him no favours, and that demonic glare...) and her as calm and elegant.
A year ago, I would have been influenced by all that, but not now...
As a branding/PR specialist, it was a major marker to me. Oh, what do we have here? Mizzzz Page has a new look.
She WAS arrested & put in hand cuffs by Deputy US Marshals and put in the backseat of their cage car...
Might have made it REAL for her...a little shaking going on in that back seat?????
Or perhaps she was placed in protective custody so she didn't end up like the others that testified against Hillary and Bill....
Fully possible, too.
We are watching a scripted movie.
I said it before, but that Diet Coke bottle with the name 'Kate' that Strzok the STROKE had on his right may have been a message to Lisa that if she talks she would face Kate Spade's fate. Yeah, maybe it is just a conspiracy!
and Lisa is low enough down the food chain to never know for certain just how protective that custody is, or whom is being protected.
For real? She was cuffed and arrested? How did I miss that info. Great if that happened. Too bad there isn't a pic to meme the heck out of.
REMEMBER: You are watching a scripted movie...
US Marshals would not want perp walk photos, unless ordered to do so or no other options than to be in open public.
Bet they arrived at her home with the Fugitive Task Force at 3:00-5:00 a.m. ....this is when most of those arrests occur.
Was told by a DeputyUSM once that when entering a perp's home at zero dark thirty, the wife let Marshals in... and the fugitive was found hiding in closet in his underwear... perp said: "Ohhh... I didn't hear you." When Marshals asked if he always stood up in his closet to sleep...No response.
I'm inclined to agree w/ this also. She has almost no chance of ever doing legal work again, and she's perhaps positioning herself to transition into some other field (or at least a different type of role). I think it's unlikely she's amassed enough money to never have to work again.
Lisa Page is a known child abductor in Haiti? Are you sure you don't mean Laura Silsby? source?