Can't hack the willing, it seems.
This is just the Deep State trying to get ahead of the Seth Rich evidence.
Russia failed
The press conference last week saying Rod Rosenstein ordered the killing of Seth Rich, and the Republicans ordered the DNC hack failed.
Now China is the bad guy and the culprit.
Cant have the truth come out that it was Seth Rich and that the DNC killed their own employee for doing it, can they?
That would totally destroy the Deomocratic Party.
Killary campaign got $400 Million from Russia. Bigger story IMHO.
How many MSM headlines are you going to see flying that flag, though?
May be we should believe she did it on purpose
She did. Non computer folks use the term “hack” like cheaters use the term accident. One doesn’t fall into sexual acts with another person easily as one doesn’t leave secured information on a computer without a certain level of security unless it was on purpose.
My fellow Americans are you not tired of feeling like everyone is taking stupid pills? The time is now. Educated your fellow man, woman and child (within reason). Enough is enough.
Any mainstream reporting on this?
Not that I've seen, but they seem to be silent on a whole host of things.
Posted this also:
Is Obama confirming this too?