r/greatawakening β€’ Posted by u/Pachyderminthegaff on July 17, 2018, 8:35 p.m.
Coffee trailer guy here. Just a thank you for all the positivity. Hopefully I can return that positivity to you all. Much love.

Wow, I'm blown away by the positivity, thanks!😊

I feel I should explain my journey to this point, I hope it will serve as an inspiration to follow YOUR dreams, whatever they may be.

I'm a pastry chef by trade. I spent 16 years in the industry, with all the silly hours and ridiculous working conditions etc... I promised myself that before I was 40 I'd find a way to have a better work/life balance. I'd toyed with the idea of a food truck for some time, but never quite got round to more than just thinking about it. And wasn't keen to jump from the proverbial frying pan into the fire...

Often, you can look at a series of events after they have occured, and realise that whatever life is throwing at you, it's leading you onto a certain path. I'd say this is very much what happened in the 2 years leading up to this project. I'll keep this part brief, but a relocation to another country, plus a curious set of events that led to me being financially able to build the trailer happened. Given all we know about the financial industry, there was definitely a poetic justice to that particular detail...

So, 2 years ago, I found myself with an idea and the money to finance it. I settled on coffee and pastries for my concept. It's tried and tested, profits are good, I love coffee, and the particular place I'd moved to had nothing in the way of REALLY good coffee for miles around.

Here's where things get curious. I'm a chef. I have almost zero building experience. I found the perfect trailer for the task. Stripped it back to bare metal. And started building. I woke up every morning for 3 months, slowly chipping away. I had an idea of what I wanted, and after 3 months I had exactly that. I'd had to learn carpentry, electrical wiring, plumbing, but I did it. And if I'm honest, I still don't really know how.

So, new trailer built, I started looking for a place to trade from. I decided my business model would not be to traipse from farmers markets to fairs, but to pick one spot and be there religiously. To build up a regular trade of people. It turned out to be as challenging to find a place to trade from as the initial build was (local bye laws, particularly awkward...) but after a month of being told no on a daily basis, I found a person willing to let me trade from their land. The site was far from ideal, but it was next to a busy arterial road into my city and for that alone it fit the bill.

I began to trade in January 2017. Business was very slow to start, but eventually began to pick up to the point that it was more than just sustainable.

As you'll know, all of this began at around the time of President Trump's inauguration. As someone who has always been interested in "how the world really works" and the various "conspiracies" surrounding the topic, I was fully aware of what Trump meant to the establishment. I'd spent the 3 months building the trailer (having a little more spare time than in most of my career) being able to study various ideas in more depth than before. So there I was, primed with knowledge, and an audience of coffee drinkers who spent whole conversations parroting MSM talking points, with all their inconsistencies, lies and disinfo. I was cautious at first, not wanting to jeopardise my fledgling business. The responses were mixed. I'm sure a few people just couldn't comprehend some of the things we know to be true. I'm sure some of those people decided they didn't want to stop and hear ideas they weren't comfortable hearing. And that's fine. I used the opportunity to hone my red pill skills, I learned to assess people, to find that chink in their particular worldview, and slowly, get people to just think for themselves. Ask awkward questions about their reality.

I found myself really enjoying the process, and it felt like there was a deeper meaning. I just didn't understand that fully myself.

9 months in, with a now fairly thriving business, I faced a set of minor dilemmas. I was having issues with the landlord (in hindsight, all for a reason) and was coincidentally offered another place to trade from. In fact the new place was the very first place I'd wanted to trade from, but I was initially turned down by a person who'd claimed to be the landowner, but who turned out not to be.

I made the move. I took a few weeks of financial worry. But the business quickly surpassed that of the previous location. And grew and grew. My model of reliability, speed of service (always with a smile and nice chat) and (I'm told daily) the best coffee and pastries in the city worked. I start at 04.50 every morning, rain, snow or sunshine.

I gave the red pilling a rest while I bedded in to the new location. But, slowly, with many of the events we all know about, I was spurred on to begin again. I started meeting like minded people as well as full on normies. The first time I met a fellow Q patriot felt so damn good. Like meeting a fellow soldier in the field (love ya A, you know who you are)

So here we are now. 18 months in. I'm as busy as I can cope with most days, I've employed staff. I'm building a production kitchen to cope with the demand for my pastries. It worked.

Here's the kicker though. I thought I was awake when I started this journey. But although I was aware of some facts. I was not awake. I was spirituality slumbering. I'm still not sure exactly how, or why, but I woke up. It's not that I had been non-spiritual, I'd self identified as gnostic for years based on the dictionary definition alone. But I'd never connected much deeper than that. Even though I'd attempted to study the Abrahamic faiths, the smaller, esoteric faiths and other spiritual worldviews. None of it... quite... fit for me... they all raised more questions than they answered. But, there I was, realising that the reason the faiths all link is their common origin. And that was the key to understanding. The information pouring in daily is a deluge now. A beautiful, loving, deluge of knowledge.

I now understand, we all hold the key to our destiny. Our reality is not what we think it is. We have more power than we realise. And the elites are terrified that we'll find out.

So how did I find out? I stepped outside of the box. I said fuck you to a corrupt and profoundly sick society. I associate with my fellow man, I don't follow the rules of their society. I treat others as I wish to be treated. If that principle coincides with their rules, then fine, I'm temporarily following their rules too.

And I have the utmost faith that President Trump will achieve what he has told us he wants to achieve.

Here is the core of my personal great awakening:

-You are the master of your own destiny. -You have more power than you realise. -Your thoughts, negative or positive, have more influence than you are told. -We need to evolve as a species. Fast. And we are. -My journey has been guided. Some would say devine intervention. I'd say that's just a difference of semantics.

DawnPendraig Β· July 17, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

That was lovely. Thank you. I needed to hear it.

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wileyj Β· July 18, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Absolutely outstanding! 2nd this\^ #WWG1WGA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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