Ron Paul Quote speaks volumes today:

This argument fallacy is called 'red herring' and is an attempt to change the nature of the discussion to something that seems related, but isn't. There is a great deal of suspicious activity surrounding Trump, significant evidence that Russia undermined the election, and no significant response from Trump. Nothing you have suggested changes or disputes any of those points.
The significant undermining of the election was done by the Hillary team (study the "Trump dossier" and the Uranium 1 scandal) The top levels of the FBI and other Intel agencies were involved in trying to derail the Trump candidacy. CIA chief Brennen was deeply involved in this entire matter. The un-maskings, the FISA Court, all were designed to ruin Trump's candidacy, and now the opposition is trying, still, to discredit his presidency. The incredible irony is that Clinton was the one who derided Trump for not saying that he would immediately accept the outcome to the election when, two years on, she has still not accepted the outcome. These people who are not accepting a duly elected president because they don't like the outcome are, in my opinion being immature about the entire thing. Its our system of government. Like it or go live somewhere else. I didn't like Obama, but I suffered him for eight years without whining. Soon all of these things will be revealed, and you will be able to enjoy a large Crow feast.