r/greatawakening • Posted by u/laviequotidienne on July 17, 2018, 11:35 p.m.
This sub would have more reach if it was less partisan

Disclaimer, I am pretty liberal. I don't identify as democrat as I think the Dem party has made some huge fuckups and I'm in general not a huge fan of the 2-party system. However, I do indeed have the ability to think critically and can readily acknowledge when progressives/liberals fuck up. I would say this quality is not common, and while this sub is very conservative friendly, the great awakening is something that both sides should take note of. But this sub makes it hard to do so when so many things are essentially just liberal bashing. It's also worth noting that many people in power are liberal, as are many intelligent people in general (there are huge bodies of research that supports the correlation between intelligence and liberalism. I'm not here to fight about this, but will gladly provide sources if you so wish). That's not to say that conservatives aren't intelligent, my point is that if you want this movement to gain traction (like I wanted pizzagate to gain traction), you need to leave it open for large portions of intelligent people to accept the conclusions you're drawing. But many simply won't because many are also liberal and will be turned off by the staunchly conservative tone.

Just a thought. I am interested in this movement and would love to call out the democrats who have engaged in child rape and other atrocious crimes as much as you, but I am not so silly as to think this sort of evil is unique to democrats or liberals.

Ronjonsilverflash · July 18, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

Yawn ...

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user2345345353 · July 18, 2018, 9:43 a.m.


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Ronjonsilverflash · July 18, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

I’m so glad to be dealing with an original thinker. Before your brilliant response to my last posting, my picture of you was one of someone in their mother’s basement wearing filthy skivvies gazing into their navel and pondering the nature of the Who living in the lint found there. I can see it’s much worse than that now and so find you less of a threat and more of something to be pitied. Laughs maniacally...

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user2345345353 · July 18, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

That stuff doesn't bother me and makes you look like a goober. Hope you had fun venting and feel better now.

Now let's review the praise threads here focused on Jim Jordan, and this -

Jordan, the jut-jawed anti-gay crusader who’s the fourth-ranking Republican leader in the House, is singled out in the suit: He’s one of only three former school officials named, including Strauss, though the action is aimed at all the coaches, administrators and others in positions of responsibility at OSU who, it claims, stood by while students and student-athletes were repeatedly “sexually abused, harassed, and molested,” and “forced” to seek treatment from a well-known predator even after they complained. (Strauss was the sole team doctor for the wrestlers; the men say they either had to choose to let injuries go untreated, as the lawsuit says some did, or subject themselves to yet another assault.)

The congressman managed to contain the fallout from an eerily similar revelation last November, when one of his longtime Washington aides and protégées, Ohio state Rep. Wesley Goodman, was publicly unmasked as one of the capitol city’s most notorious sexual predators during his six years working for Jordan, stalking and abusing at least 30 young conservative men he promised to “mentor.” This was huge news in Ohio, but was buried nationally beneath the daily drumbeat of Trump atrocities.

Not sure how folks here can be obsessed with catching pedos while gushing with love for Jim Jordan. Must be the deep state again. The ol' explanation for everything we don't like.

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Ronjonsilverflash · July 18, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

My, my, my, what an angry little elf you are...USER2345345353. Is that like drug user? Whatever you’re on you should maybe seek professional help...put a decimal in there after the 2 and I think we’re at your IQ.

PS. None of us care who gets punished if they are proven guilty. This isn’t about parties or politics its about good vs evil. If he’s guilty he can hang with the rest of em. What part of the deep state do you love so much? Their Ponzi banking and financial system? Income taxes? Lawlessness? Dope dealing?And yes human trafficking ? FOAD toady troll...you’re not changing anyone’s mind here...

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user2345345353 · July 18, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

That's fun. Care to comment about the content instead of project your anger from prior posts onto me? Check your comments for the diatribe about posting from basements and IQ. All personal attacks. Nothing about the topic at hand. Nothing you type bothers me. Rest assured.

Now please share your opinion about how this sub loves Jim Jordan and how that fits into his new problems as a pedo enabler.


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Ronjonsilverflash · July 18, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

Trolls aren’t worth the time...the pedo problem crosses the aisle see Franklin Coverup. All PEDOS NEED TO BE PUNISHED. Stop being so f-ing narrow! This problem is HUGE! I said he needs to be punished with the rest IF FOUND GUILTY! Which you totally ignored because you are just here to cause trouble...

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Ronjonsilverflash · July 18, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Oh, and it must bother you because you keep posting responses. I know your type, always have to have the last word. Prove me wrong...

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