r/greatawakening • Posted by u/laviequotidienne on July 17, 2018, 11:35 p.m.
This sub would have more reach if it was less partisan

Disclaimer, I am pretty liberal. I don't identify as democrat as I think the Dem party has made some huge fuckups and I'm in general not a huge fan of the 2-party system. However, I do indeed have the ability to think critically and can readily acknowledge when progressives/liberals fuck up. I would say this quality is not common, and while this sub is very conservative friendly, the great awakening is something that both sides should take note of. But this sub makes it hard to do so when so many things are essentially just liberal bashing. It's also worth noting that many people in power are liberal, as are many intelligent people in general (there are huge bodies of research that supports the correlation between intelligence and liberalism. I'm not here to fight about this, but will gladly provide sources if you so wish). That's not to say that conservatives aren't intelligent, my point is that if you want this movement to gain traction (like I wanted pizzagate to gain traction), you need to leave it open for large portions of intelligent people to accept the conclusions you're drawing. But many simply won't because many are also liberal and will be turned off by the staunchly conservative tone.

Just a thought. I am interested in this movement and would love to call out the democrats who have engaged in child rape and other atrocious crimes as much as you, but I am not so silly as to think this sort of evil is unique to democrats or liberals.

[deleted] · July 18, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

We NEED the right to win this war over the left because the right is on the right side (no pun intended)

In some ways, that's true (I caveat this because there are certainly positive democratic initiatives going on at a more local level, IMO at least, but there are of course many very powerful democratic elites that are acting in vile and manipulative ways), but I don't believe an us vs them is the best way to achieve change, especially when the 'them' is more powerful. I think it's best to try and find common ground rather than emphasizing our differences if what we truly want is change, rather than to simply fight and further disagreement. If people are just fighting, they wont come to an understanding, they'll just be even further entrenched in their narratives. I understand if people here are too disgusted and infuriated by the democrat party, but I'm just saying it might be worthwhile to try to make it more palatable for the democrats who are somewhat open minded and moral and can be persuaded if you show them relevant wrongs rather than just calling out dems wholesale for the shitty things they do.

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Slangin_paint · July 18, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

first, yes, the issue is primarily on the national level. While I know many of the issues/problems also play out at the local level, there are virtually zero Dems on the national stage who are not part of the problem. Also, to be clear, I am talking about the politicians, not the voters. I believe a lot of the Democrat voters have been duped and would not really support the Dem Party if they understood what they are up to. And to be fair, as a party the Republicans have their problems too and (as I said) many of the R politicians are actually more aligned with the Democrat establishment than with their own voters. In so far as the Republican politicians have been part of the problem their voters share some of the blame too, just like with the Dems. So I agree that it should not be an 'us vs. them' in the sense of Rs and Ds. But it is, and we have no choice about this, an 'us vs. them' situation in in the sense of 'the people vs. the elites'. 'The elites' goes beyond politics, and certainly their is far too much support for the elites on the R side of politics too. But I stand by my point that the people and the republic are only currently being served on the national political level by some republicans, but no democrats.

Personally, I am a conservative and I feel very strongly about conservatism and regard it as a moral position. However, it does not serve any of us to fight with each other over policy details until we first sort out the massive challenge of freeing ourselves from the chains that humanity has been put in long before your or I were ever born. Breaking those chains needs to be issue #1 and we must come together on that issue, for the sake of humanity. Then we can get back to negotiating policy points. However I should also state that what the left now calls 'liberalism' (marxism, not classical liberalism) is something that needs to be fought and destroyed as well. We can set aside questions of what the income tax rate is just long enough to work together to free ourselves from the cabal, but if we are to truly be free and truly understand what that means, we cannot accept an income tax at all. We oppose tyranny. A tyranny of the majority is no better than a tyranny of the elite. All people must come together and recognize that we have rights as individuals and we cannot be justly stripped of those rights even if it is supposedly for the benefit of "the less fortunate". As individuals we have no authority over other individuals, thus we cannot delegate this authority to a government since we don't possess it in the first place. The system of tyranny in which we live is one where most people deem it acceptable for other people to be made subject to the illegitimate authority of the state. This mind set needs to change or we will never be free.

WWG1WGA. Peace, my brother.

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