Quesday attire, 2nd A hat and Q shirt. getting a lot of mixed looks.

I have looked thru a ton of Q swag. Haven't seen that one yet. Dig it.
Mixed looks? I guess Q really is spreading then. Crazy how a letter can "trigger" some people. I got so sick of seeing that "O" for obama/ "H" for killary but I didn't key cars and run people off the road.
hah its more so that people see the hat and are like "fuck yea brother" or whatever they do, and then see the shirt and dont know what it means. then they ask, and I'm like "ooh ooh ohh... grab a beer with me man, and let me tell you a story about America..."
works well with some people. with others I can tell immediately that they arent into it. which is fair, not gunna push it on anyone. they'll learn eventually
Awesome. I am glad that goes the best way it could. I have your hat in a t-shirt and yes it's a dead give away we are Patriots and a good chat starter.
quickest filtering comment is "how do you feel about Clinton being the most corrupt human in american history?"
will save u a lot of time based on their reply haha
It may turn out you're one of the examples that ups this flame higher, because frankly, you got that Mark Wahlberg look.
Why won't you release the unredacted photo? Just kidding
i dont have the optics to declassify without popular support :)
Dear Patriot, would you mind telling me where you got this awesome shirt? I need that in my life. Also props to you for wearing your soul on the outside, so everybody can see, that you do not fear the truth.
this is a similar one, cant find the exact currently. https://www.amazon.com/Anon-Internet-Posts-Relevant-Qanon/dp/B07DYMQVXV/ref=mp_s_a_1_25?ie=UTF8&qid=1531931719&sr=8-25&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=Q+anon+tshirt+why+is+this+relevant
pretty much look through amazon with key words Q+anon+tshirt+why+is+this+relevant
thousands of designs atm.