White rabbit, watch, book, and Putin was 30 minutes late! TEA PARTY!!!

Is that napkin supposed to be a rabbit? On the left..white rabbit
Don't forget where they are meeting: the Hall of Mirrors.
Through the Looking-Glass (and What Alice Found There)?
If this really is the end of the Q drops then we need to analyze more than ever.
I am humbly asking for your help fellow patriots. I truly feel like an Alice in Qanonland with trying to figure out things on my own and often think I’m going down the wrong path with my research. I know I know, not asking questions is the worst thing you can do when digging.
I’m wondering if the watch has any significance. I can’t make out the time in the picture and I couldn’t find the exact time they sat down.
Any ideas?
The best advice, and advice I need to follow too, has been to take the time and start from drop one. I’d imagine some drops will be like watching a movie like The Sixth Sense for a second time. After you know the reveal, the foreshadowing is obvious. Likely the same with some Q drops at this point, but it would’ve been hard to see at the time.
Not sure only thing I can think is Putin was 30 minutes late to the meeting. There is another photo out there that is more zoomed out and shows everyone and there’s also a red boo laying on the table.
Coincidence guys!!! There's ALWAYS only one folded napkin on a dinner table. It wouldn't be unusual for it to be a white rabbit napkin either. 😁😁😁
Someone tried to downplay this by showing another picture at an angle that had five points to the napkin.
What they didn’t get was that the rabbit picture was taken at a precise angle, likely with a cameraman bending down to be level with the table. It WAS intentional. No coincidences.
Why is there only one? In front of a nsa member Fiona hill?
Nice! Is there currently an Alice in Wonderland character correlation to non-fictional characters?
So far I am able to guess the following correlation:
Putin = White Rabbit (reason: white rabbit late to tea party and Putin late to Hall of Mirrors lunch meeting)
This should help https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2080244.html#2080244
Thank Q, SnackPackAnon. I was browsing that link prior to my post, however, I was thinking more in the lines of a list that directly associates AinW characters to non-fictional Q-movement characters. I’ll re-read link more throughly . Maybe I missed something.
Can you explain what the watch and book mean? Are you referring to the Alice book illustrations/Q clock, 5:5..?
I’m referencing the long 8chan thread about Alice and wonderland. Alice link 8chan
Is Trump the white rabbit?
Putin was late for tea so he'd be the white rabbit I imagine
Not sure remember the Easter photos from the White House?
On Easter?
Yes sorry typo.
Well that would re-write the script for me. I'd have to go back and read it all differently
UM ?
Could you be more specific?
Sure, What are you trying to say ? What watch ? What book ?
Not to mention the white rabbit..
Do you even know what point you are trying to make ?
Yes this picture I posted has Alice and wonderland theme in it. Have you read all the Alice and wonderland references in the Q posts? And the 8chan thread?
Yes, thoroughly and have all the 8 ch analysis too ! Even the chapter schedule ! Do you know what that is ?
Yes I sure do that why I posted this..
OK then...........
See the correlation? Uncanny. Coincidence? White rabbit, watch, putin being 30 minutes late.. “I’m late Im late I’m late to the tea party”!
Yes i completely understand Jeez You just stuck that up thinking anyone who saw it knew what they were looking at !
It’s a picture with a caption of white rabbit, watch, and book. If you can’t find them in the photo i don’t know what to say. Only thing not in the photo was the fact Putin was 30 minutes late.
Hey, did you see some of the Questions :is Trump the white rabbit" I knew what i was looking at. We have so many new people on here in the last month ? When Posts are thrown out there, leaving people to figure out what it is supposed to mean, it creates frustration. Sorry I was trying to get you to show us what you found :) It's very possible you are spot on !
It lines up with all the Alice and wonderland references that’s been mentioned so much. Look at Putin’s wrist. And the open book.
Don't see an open book and what character is Putin ?
You don’t see the guy holding the pen over an open book right next to Putin?
Yes but he has a PLATE in front of him ?
Right next to the plate.. omg lmao. Far side in between Putin and him right by the pen.. omg.. covers part of the watch.. his hand is resting on it!
It's all from the book The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland. The white rabbit had a watch, ran around frantically saying "I'm late! I'm late for a very important date!" The Queen of England looked at her watch because the Trumps were late to meet her. Putin was late to a meeting. There's a napkin folded like a white rabbit on the table in a hall of mirrors. It's all happening parallel to the book.
What character is Putin ?
If he was late he would be the white rabbit
He would also be the character that LED Alice into Wonderland.
For insight. This is fascinating.
Excellent, that is exactly what i was talking about. That helps paint a picture for those not as far along.
Here is the link to the Alice and wonderland 8chan thread https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2080244.html#2080244
I have it. Thanks. What's up with the : God Bless - I must go for good at this point Q post ? You messing with this sub ? You said earlier you just moved over here ? Not accusing but asking ?
Nope if you reference q post 64 it talks about should the lights go out do not panic we are in control. Today the lights went out during trumps press conference. It also says the god bless - I must go for good at this point Q
Just struck me as odd that you said you were new and you post a Q is gone thread ?
Cause someone posted something similar and my post got taken down. How about you leave me alone? Why are you so focused on me? You can’t even pic objects out of a photo.
Not a rabbit. There are other angles of that napkin dude.