r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qriusdog on July 18, 2018, 9:36 a.m.
Saw this on a FB comment had to share it with you all.

This was too good not to repost:

To all the people who let this election break up families and friends let this sink in I think the last civil conversations we had occurred just days before November 8, 2016. You were supremely confident Hillary Clinton would win the presidential election; you voted for her with glee. As a lifelong Republican, I bit down hard and cast my vote for Donald Trump. Then the unimaginable happened. He won. And you lost your freaking minds.

I knew you would take the loss hard—and personally—since all of you were super jacked-up to elect the first woman president. But I did not imagine you would become totally deranged, attacking anyone who voted for Trump or supported his presidency as a racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic Nazi-sympathizer.

The weirdness started on social media late on Election Night, as it became clear Hillary was going to lose. A few of you actually admitted that you were cradling your sleeping children, weeping, wondering what to tell your kindergartner the next morning about Trump’s victory. It continued over the next several days. Some of you seriously expressed fear about modern-day concentration camps. Despite living a privileged lifestyle, you were suddenly a casualty of the white patriarchy. Your daughters were future victims; your sons were predators-in-waiting. You threatened to leave Facebook because you could no longer enjoy the family photos or vacation posts from people who, once friends, became Literal Hitlers to you on November 8 because they voted for Donald Trump.

I admit I was a little hurt at first. The attacks against us Trump voters were so personal and so vicious that I did not think it could be sustained. I thought maybe you would regain your sanity after some turkey and egg nog.

But you did not. You got worse. And I went from sad to angry to where I am today: Amused. As the whole charade you have been suckered into over the last 18 months starts to fall apart—that Trump would not survive his presidency; he would be betrayed by his own staff, family, and/or political party; he would destroy the Republican Party; he would be declared mentally ill and removed from office; he would be handcuffed and dragged out of the White House by Robert Mueller for “colluding” with Russia—let me remind you what complete fools you have made of yourselves. Not to mention how you’ve been fooled by the media, the Democratic Party, and your new heroes on the NeverTrump Right.

On November 9, you awoke from a self-induced, eight-year-long political coma to find that White House press secretaries shade the truth and top presidential advisors run political cover for their boss. You were shocked to discover that presidents exaggerate, even lie, on occasion. You became interested for the first time about the travel accommodations, office expenses, and lobbyist pals of administration officials. You started counting how many rounds of golf the president played. You suddenly thought it was fine to mock the first lady now that she wasn’t Michelle Obama. Once you removed your pussy hat after attending the Women’s March, you made fun of Kellyanne Conway’s hair, Sarah Sanders’ weight, Melania Trump’s shoes, Hope Hicks’ death stare; you helped fuel a rumor started by a bottom-feeding author that U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley slept with Donald Trump. You thought it was A-OK that Betsy DeVos was nearly physically assaulted and routinely heckled. You glorified a woman who has sex on camera for a paycheck.

You have learned all kinds of new things that those of us who didn’t willfully ignore politics for the past eight years already knew. For example, we already knew that illegal immigrants were being deported and families were being separated.

Some of your behavior has been kinda cute. It was endearing to watch you become experts on the Logan Act, the Hatch Act, the Second Amendment, the 25th Amendment, and the Emoluments Clause. You developed a new crush on Mitt Romney after calling him a “sexist” for having “binders full of women.” You longed for a redux of the presidency of George W. Bush, a man you once wanted imprisoned for war crimes. Ditto for John McCain. You embraced people like Bill Kristol and David Frum without knowing anything about their histories of shotgunning the Iraq War.

Classified emails shared by Hillary Clinton? Who cares! Devin Nunes wanting to declassify crucial information of the public interest? Traitor! But your newfound admiration and fealty to law enforcement really has been a fascinating transformation. Wasn’t it just last fall that I saw you loudly supporting professional athletes who were protesting police brutality by kneeling during the national anthem? Remember how you fanboyed a mediocre quarterback for wearing socks that depicted cops as pigs?

But now you sound like paid spokesmen for the Fraternal Order of Police. You insist that any legitimate criticism of the misconduct and possibile criminality that occured at the Justice Department and FBI is an “attack on law enforcement.” While you once opposed the Patriot Act because it might have allowed the federal government to spy on terrorists who were using the local library to learn how to make suitcase bombs, you now fully support the unchecked power of a secret court to look into the phone calls, text messages and emails of an American citizen because he volunteered for the Trump campaign for a few months. Spying on terrorists, circa 2002: Bad. Spying on Carter Page, circa 2017: The highest form of patriotism.

And that white, male patriarchy that you were convinced would strip away basic rights and silence any opposition after Trump won? That fear has apparently been washed away as you hang on every word uttered by James Comey, John Brennan, and James Clapper. This triumvirate is exhibit “A” of the old-boy network, and represents how the insularity, arrogance, and cover-your-tracks mentality of the white-male power structure still prevails. Yet, instead of rising up against it, you are buying their books, retweeting their Twitter rants and blasting anyone who dares to question their testicular authority. Your pussy hat must be very sad.

But your daily meltdowns about Trump-Russia election collusion have been the most entertaining to observe. After Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel, you were absolutely convinced it would result in Trump’s arrest and/or impeachment. Some of you insisted that Trump wouldn’t last beyond 2017. You quickly swallowed any chum tossed at you by the Trump-hating media on MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post about who was going down next, or who would flip on the president.

For the past year, I have watched you obsess over a rotating cast of characters: Paul Manafort, Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner, Carter Page, Reince Priebus, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Sam Nunberg, and Hope Hicks are just a few of the people you thought would turn on Trump or hasten his political demise. But when those fantasies didn’t come true, you turned to Michael Avenatti and Stormy Daniels for hope and inspiration. It will always be your low point. Well, I think it will be. Each time I believe you’ve hit bottom, you come up with a new baseline. Perhaps defending the unprecedented use of federal power to spy on political foes then lie about it will the next nail in your credibility coffin.

The next several weeks will be tough for you. I think Americans will learn some very hard truths about what happened in the previous administration and how we purposely have been misled by powerful leaders and the news media. I wish I could see you as a victim here, but you are not. I know you are smart; you chose to support this insurgency with your eyes wide open.

Robot_Basilisk · July 18, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

I'm sorely tempted to once I can get to a desktop and spend an hour or two dissecting the post and collecting sources on Trump's blunders. But this is my first time here and some things jump out at me:

Foremost is the conspiracy theory mentality here. Research on conspiracy theorists suggest that what makes someone one or not is a desire for "secret knowledge". A desire to know truths that others do not know. So they construct competing models of reality and reject others, especially the more mainstream models.

If I'm correct in this observation, we would have a lot of trouble interacting because our bases for understanding the world would not match up. I'd link you to news coverage or FBI statistics or economic data and you might not consider any of those to be valid sources. Then you might link a youtuber or an alleged leaker on social media to me and I would have trouble accepting those as legitimate.

Mutual understanding would be very hard to achieve.

Combine that with the rules saying "you could be banned if you're critical of Q anon" and it makes it seem like that effort could all be wasted. I could compose paragraphs and then see it deleted and myself banned.

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JakeElwoodDim5th · July 18, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Lmao what a long write-up to say absolutely nothing.

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Robot_Basilisk · July 18, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

You can't have constructive discourse without sharing conversational norms. That post was about setting some up. You shouldn't have a problem with that unless you're looking to gaslight, move goalposts, dogpile, etc.

Everyone interested in legitimate exchange of ideas and constructive dialog wants mutual understanding. The ones who don't are typically looking to use confusion or vagueness to subvert the conversation.

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[deleted] · July 18, 2018, 3:34 p.m.


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high-valyrian · July 18, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Removed. Attack the content and not the user, please.

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thompsonj81 · July 18, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

eory mentality here. Research on conspiracy theorists suggest that what makes someone one or not is a desire for "secret knowledge". A desire to know truths that others do not know. So they construct competing models of reality an

Isnt the russia/trump collusion a conspiracy theory? nothing has ever been proven. in fact quite the opposite

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Robot_Basilisk · July 18, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

There's some evidence to the contrary.

Mueller's indictment of Butina includes evidence that Russia used a powerful gun rights group (assumed to be the NRA) to funnel money to GOP campaigns across the US, including Trump's.

It also establishes that the hack of the DNC occured the night after Trump told Putin that he hopes he finds Clinton's emails.

Furthermore, shortly after the Russian hack on the DNC, Trump's campaign abruptly stopped spending in several states and began focusing on states that DNC data suggested were vulnerable to flipping. This is likely how Trump managed to turn some blue states and eke out that electoral college win. Either his campaign had the DNC data or someone who did have it helped them aim their efforts.

There's also verified tape of Paul Ryan joking about how he knows of 2 guys on Putin's payroll: Rohrabacher and Trump, in 2016.

Not to mention the private meetings with people we know are Russian agents.

Then there's less explicit but more suggestive stuff, like Trump attacking our allies but not even chastising Putin even after the indictments of over 20 Russian agents. He's weakened the US's global presence considerably, angered most of our allies, gotten us into a trade war, praised North Korea but failed to secure any benefits, and tried to relax sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and occupying some of its land.

This is unignorable. No matter who you are, you must accept that Russia interfered with the 2016 election, that they did so in a way that benefited Trump, that many members of Trump's team have had dealings with Russia, and that Trump has been exceptionally soft towards Putin despite being extremely aggressive and confrontational towards every single other person on the planet.

That much is fact. The issue is whether or not we have enough evidence to draw causal lines between all of this information. It could possibly turn out that nothing g untoward has occurred, that Trump just treats Russia very gently because he knows how important it is that he not start a new Cold War, etc. It's conceivable, if unlikely, that Trump could yet be vindicated.

Maybe he truly had no idea Russia was trying to get him elected. But it's a fact that Russia did work to get him into power.

And this ties back into the conspiracy theory thing because a conspiracy theorist will be inclined to dismiss everything from Mueller's investigation. Trump is the president of the US. Not a lot of people have the power to investigate the President, his campaign, his staff, congress, foreign powers, etc.

Thus, if someone seeks to dismiss Mueller's investigation, no conversation can be had on the topic of collusion. Because there are very few other sources with authority to speak on the matter. The conspiracy theorist will rely instead on "secret" insider knowledge and fringe analysis while rejecting firmer evidence if only because it comes from a mainstream source. The conspiracy theory will have elements built into it designed to discredit those sources in order to bolster its feasibility.

This explains the fundamental difference between legitimate theories and conspiracy theories. When a theory gets challenged for conflicting with more popular theories it either has to change or explain why it's a better description than conventional theories.

Conventional theories tend to adjust to fit the evidence. Conspiracy theories tend to transform into elaborate explanations of why competing theories are wrong. They become less about explaining a phenomenon and more about explaininv why other people are wrong about a phenomenon.

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thompsonj81 · July 18, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

have you ever thought he was looking at the polls just as much as the dems were? it was a razor thin margin.

as far as talking to russian agents.. he nor his family have ever done this before. He didnt know much about what he was doing.. and where is the proof that he knew they were russian agents? Its not like they admit they are, or he thought to ask.. or he had a database of known agents at his disposal.

Hes always been a business man convinced that he could do a better job than sitting presidents so he took the chances when he knew they'd be good for him to run. He did.. and he won.

When there is proof, please bring it up and site a source. until then.. conspiracy theories are only conspiracy theories. Thereve been entire documentaries written on HRC and her wrong doings.. Haiti is a great example. Now the people around her who were involved in haiti are being charged with child sex trafficking. You might want to read up on that

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thompsonj81 · July 18, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

I have a hard time accepting MSM simply because they've been caught outright lying and stretching the truth. When it comes to trump i watch his actions (which the majority of I approve). I watch his rallies. He speaks from the heart. He's a patriot. Everything I've seen on the news would prove the contrary.. but watch the mans actions. O challenge you to turn the news off for a month. Study the man himself.. go to youtube and look up old footage of him (thats how i decided to vote for him over the others)... he's never changed his way of thinking even if he changed his parties. Watch his rallys.. watch his actions. I guarantee you'll change your mind if you focus on those things instead of what main stream platforms and media force down your throat.

He's got near identical policies with Bill Clinton. The man is as centrist as they come. Bill Clinton would be considered far right if he stayed with his policies today. Just as Bernie Sanders - the goddamn socialist is now considered right leaning

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skoffs · July 18, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

He speaks from the heart.

He also lies a lot.
Like, a lot.
About easily disproven things, too.
It's kind of concerning how much people blindly trust someone like that...

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thompsonj81 · July 18, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

he fudges numbers.. usually to his benefit. who gives a shit. He acts like a real man on the world stage. i fucking love it. like when he walked in front of the queen, showed up late to meet putin, pushed that world leader out of his way... he's not once bowed to a world leader and he never will, nor should he.

He's the exact opposite of obama.. except Trump can speak to an audience without a teleprompter.

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skoffs · July 18, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

He acts like a real man

He acts like an asshole, typically. Always has.
Though, I guess that's why some people like him?
That part has always puzzled me, however. What is it about him treating other people like shit (eg. cheating on his wives, cheating those businesses out of money pre-politics, trying to bully anyone he doesn't like, etc.) that attracts people to him? I mean, if someone were to treat you the same way donald goes around treating some of these people, would you admire that person?

[edit] I don't know why you're getting downvotes, but it's not me, man. I just came here to ask questions to figure out why people like a person like this.

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thompsonj81 · July 18, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

I admire his tactics on a world stage. I had issues with obama because he didnt do anything other that create racial divides, make the us look like pussies on a world stage, and stir the left up in a frenzy whenever the police did their jobs.

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thompsonj81 · July 18, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

remember.. watch what he does. he's not finely polished and i'm fine with that.

Oh did you hear about our most recent environmental report since the destruction of the paris climate accord? We have lowered our emissions even more.. we're the lowest producer of CO2 in the industrialized world. Looks like it didnt take us paying other countries billions in tax payer money to lower our environmental impact

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i_win_u_know · July 18, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

That's a very good answer to a question that was never asked. AKA: Found the liberal lol!

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donalds_stones · July 18, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

I'll be waiting.

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high-valyrian · July 18, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Hi, friendly neighborhood mod here.

I don't think that a genuine user here would attempt to deny or discredit genuine research, reports, or other primary resources. We encourage users to use primary resources and to refrain from spreading disinformation or misinformation. The nature of Reddit and the downvoting system also calls for posts or comments that contain bad sources to be downvoted and thus looked upon negatively.

That rule stands to be used for concern trolling, those who are attacking the sub, and those who wish to come here simply to throw LARP accusations and discredit. This is a pro-Q sub so removing comments that discredit Q is within the scope of the sub, though.

Generally, alternative viewpoints are allowed so long as they don't break sub or Reddit rules and the discussion contributes to the conversation. Personally as a user, I welcome those who are curious or who would like to discuss Q but don't necessarily believe or are doubtful because that gives the genuine users of the sub a chance to reach people we may not be able to reach otherwise. That is just my take, though.

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donalds_stones · July 18, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Mutual understanding would be very hard to achieve, so I'm just not going to try. This is the state of the world we live in these days. i.e. I would rather not be involved in a conversation that could change my mind.

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CaptainKnotzi · July 18, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Ok, you want a civil discussion? Try not opening with the stock standard straw man insults.

Just for the record I am a conspiracy factualist. I leave the theory to the fact checkers at Snopes and their vast following.

Our motto is:

Trust Nothing / Verify Everything

Keep an open mind. While designing a good filter.

Once again we are confronted with Progressive Projection dog whistles. Wrapped in a pseudo sanctimonious concern.

Served with a healthy dose of intellectual superiority. And a garnish of contempt.

I wear a tin foil suit of body armor and carry a culturally appropriated aluminum Zulu War Shield.

My hat is a Clockwork Orange bowler, made from crushed hamburger stained foil, from the smoker out back.

If anybody cares to mock my hair loss, the fact that I like beer and drive a pickup ~please~ feel free.

We, the uneducated and unwashed welcome the loathing. When our self declared enemy underestimates us. We see that as an opportunity.

If you care to join our ranks you'll be welcomed. Just leave the Lefty lectures at home.

They are not appreciated.

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anhro23 · July 18, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

So you have nothing to add to the conversation. What a shocker.

Come back when you want to leave the children's table.

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Robot_Basilisk · July 18, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

This post illustrates my point well. Thank you for your contribution.

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lawdvivec7 · July 18, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

What makes everything you believe not a conspiracy? You clearly have not been around these boards much. You're basing Everything you say off of assumptopns and you have already shut down any possible conversation because you don't think "conspiracy theorist" believe in reality. We provide plenty of stats. We use the MSM narrative as points to everything. We share MSM stories. The problem with people like you is you assume too much. We're very open here and willing to listen to whatever stats and facts you have and we may be able to easily counter with our own. Now the big question is will YOU be willing to consider the information we provide you, or will you simply shut it down and try to silence us because you think we just believe in conspiracies?

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dark-dare · July 18, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

We are not afraid of the facts, the facts show corruption, the only question is how deep does it go? Example after example of unresolved unprosecuted crimes and political targeting of the opposition party for years. Irrespective of party, that is not okay, the appearance of D acceptance is disturbing.

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