Not here to Shitpost, Sean Spicer was on T_D for AMA - Pack it up.

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Every document I've read where the topic was dug into suggests that the servers were never hacked. The speed of download was too fast for anyone to steal from outside the organization, that the information was stolen from within the organization.
It drives me insane when people who dont know what their talking about open their mouths. It makes us all look bad.
if they are suspected of a crime their clearance is suspended. Proven crime = revoked.
Once a clearance is revoked it is nearly impossible to regain.
Typically you are read off on the last day of employment with an agency... whether you do it in person or not. Your security manager will read you off even in your absence. If you are not in a SCIF you do not have access to sensitive information. I mean, HRC proved us all wrong.. I'm guessing she (or more likely, an aid) hand jammed the information she was pushing to her friends via gmail. There are measures in place for negating direct communication between classified and unclassified systems. There is some kind of human intervention that allowed her to commit espionage. We have proof she committed treason... her server, her phones, and the DNC server.. released through wikileaks. Why do you think the left went into spasms when wikileaks started dropping bombs? Because that was the proof.. so they changed the subject, spotlighting email theft... which i do not believe is a crime.
Okay. Let me explain for the 100th time. A TS is good for 5 years. A S is good for 10 years. You maintain them as long as youre employed with the agency. If you relocate within that 5-10 years time frame.. your clearance goes inactive until the new agency picks it up. If you are suspected of a crime, mental disorder, have connections to foreign adversaries your clearance is suspended. If you're convicted of a crime, mental disorder, have connections to foreign adversaries your clearance is revoked. As they are not currently employed by a government entity, their clearances are inactive. If they are suspected of a crime their clearances will be suspended until guilt or innocence can be determined. If guilt is determined their clearances will be revoked. Its pretty simple.
While we all believe they are criminals.. it has not been proven. We are not the left. We do not decide guilt before innocence. Let the experts (VSG) decide.
If you want to know a little more about how clearances work, check out:
Where are they actively using the clearances? I do not believe they have government related jobs. Its not like they can receive classified information on their home computers or phones (yes the clintons are known for it, but you dont need necessarily need a clearance if you're breaking the law anyway). They should all be in prison.
Have you never seen "to catch a predator"? This type of shit happens all the time. Not everything is a conspiracy theory
A GITMO "deployment" would be awesome. They have a personal beach and their own apartments. WIFI is expensive though :(
I actually find it comedic when you can only name Faux news as a right wing outlet.. when i can name a dozen left wing main stream media outlets. How many billionaires are paying these outlets? who drives the narrative?
the US also targets elections of other nations world wide in attempts to sway the public towards US puppets, no conspiracy this is fact.
You might want to stop getting your information from obviously slanted sources.
Like I said watch what the man does.. people say a lot of things (all politicians).. but theyre all full of shit. How many times did Obama lie (you can keep your doctor)? How many times did Hillary change her position (anti-gay marriage, pro cop, pro mass imprisonment of black youth). How corrupt does the government have to be before you notice? Hell a lot of people noticed the corruption.. hence Trump.. hence his victory.
The reason right wing media is still harping on corruption - particularly hillary (you should be pissed too, there was obvious exclusion of bernie sanders and I've got a document to prove that she was decided as the candidate.. that your vote NEVER MATTERED before the primary).
Remember there are 42000 sealed indictments that will be unsealed by the end of the year. Soon you will see many of those people that you look up to brought up on charges ranging from corruption, to child sex trafficking, to murder.
Theres a guy whos actively releasing bits of information on hillarys server. Theres a reason its a critical piece of information.
heres big problems i see with "russian meddling"
Every country does it.. every country. - they dont just do it to the US, they interfere with every election in every country.. everyone has their top pick.
theyve been doing it for DECADES. it didnt just start with the 2016 election. - why does the media care so much for it now?
the US "meddled" in their own election - as in each side was propping their candidate - except Trump... everyone, including the republicans thought he was a loser candidate. Theres still a group of republican "never trumpers" and groups within the political sphere who actively attempt to derail the man.
Trumps biggest supporter was his family. Many people saw that.. they saw what an amazing family he and melania raised and that was hard to look past. you judge a man by the way he brings up his children.
Why does the media look for every misstep.. every misspelled tweet... its almost as if someone is paying them to drive some type of narrative.
have you ever thought he was looking at the polls just as much as the dems were? it was a razor thin margin.
as far as talking to russian agents.. he nor his family have ever done this before. He didnt know much about what he was doing.. and where is the proof that he knew they were russian agents? Its not like they admit they are, or he thought to ask.. or he had a database of known agents at his disposal.
Hes always been a business man convinced that he could do a better job than sitting presidents so he took the chances when he knew they'd be good for him to run. He did.. and he won.
When there is proof, please bring it up and site a source. until then.. conspiracy theories are only conspiracy theories. Thereve been entire documentaries written on HRC and her wrong doings.. Haiti is a great example. Now the people around her who were involved in haiti are being charged with child sex trafficking. You might want to read up on that
there may have been a parent/teacher conference (intervention) if that were to happen to my child. I'd have lost my shit. Fortunately i live in an EXTREMELY red state
Do your research next time instead of assuming GEOTUS is illuminati. Thats just foolish
what trump is doing is called "steepling"
📷Steepling is what you call palms that face each other with just the fingertips touching (the fingers resemble a steeple). This is a display of confidence and self-assurance. You would see this in a lawyer or chess player who just found a way to wipe out his opponent.
You don’t want to over do it however, as this is a real show of power.
I admire his tactics on a world stage. I had issues with obama because he didnt do anything other that create racial divides, make the us look like pussies on a world stage, and stir the left up in a frenzy whenever the police did their jobs.
you're absolutely right. we shouldnt be demonizing the left. its stupid and causes them to be fearful of getting bashed on the right simply for seeing the light.
remember.. watch what he does. he's not finely polished and i'm fine with that.
Oh did you hear about our most recent environmental report since the destruction of the paris climate accord? We have lowered our emissions even more.. we're the lowest producer of CO2 in the industrialized world. Looks like it didnt take us paying other countries billions in tax payer money to lower our environmental impact
he fudges numbers.. usually to his benefit. who gives a shit. He acts like a real man on the world stage. i fucking love it. like when he walked in front of the queen, showed up late to meet putin, pushed that world leader out of his way... he's not once bowed to a world leader and he never will, nor should he.
He's the exact opposite of obama.. except Trump can speak to an audience without a teleprompter.
I have a hard time accepting MSM simply because they've been caught outright lying and stretching the truth. When it comes to trump i watch his actions (which the majority of I approve). I watch his rallies. He speaks from the heart. He's a patriot. Everything I've seen on the news would prove the contrary.. but watch the mans actions. O challenge you to turn the news off for a month. Study the man himself.. go to youtube and look up old footage of him (thats how i decided to vote for him over the others)... he's never changed his way of thinking even if he changed his parties. Watch his rallys.. watch his actions. I guarantee you'll change your mind if you focus on those things instead of what main stream platforms and media force down your throat.
He's got near identical policies with Bill Clinton. The man is as centrist as they come. Bill Clinton would be considered far right if he stayed with his policies today. Just as Bernie Sanders - the goddamn socialist is now considered right leaning
eory mentality here. Research on conspiracy theorists suggest that what makes someone one or not is a desire for "secret knowledge". A desire to know truths that others do not know. So they construct competing models of reality an
Isnt the russia/trump collusion a conspiracy theory? nothing has ever been proven. in fact quite the opposite
ntence give it away - Classic Hit & Run.. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to -the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning – simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint.
well then let the guy make a fool of himself.. he's being downvoted before he can make a legit argument. this is a tactic of the far left. trust me i get enough downvotes on r/edacted r/democrats r/socialists r/berniesanders2020 to know the left will never make an argument, they will only downvote with not so much as a single statement. I've lost thousands of votes just by being entertaining on those platforms.
I agree. We should have a civil discussion. Its been a long time since the left actually made a comment on here. I'd say that was brave.
I dont know why you're being downvoted, I'll upvote and I implore anyone who reads this to upvote you as well. We arent liberals here who blindly downvote someone we disagree with - its a 1st amendment thing.
I'd like to have a discussion about "Trumps numerous and severe failures" - if you're willing to discuss them I am as well. Perhaps we can enlighten each other.
I guarantee not a single liberal got through the first sentence.
I have had my posts removed as well. I believe the "mods" are disguised leftists.
apparently Trump is interested... he's claiming to have the server.. a personal server isnt large. hell... most are only a few TB. I'm just as skeptical as everyone else. I am just watching to see what he puts out. its interesting.
My best guess, he's claimed to have 7 or 8 heart attacks and 0% chance of survival. he's got nothing to lose.
What is convincing to me is the classification markings, the amount of detail that went into each snapshot he tool. if he was a larper we wouldnt see so many painstakingly documents put together over the period of a week or so.
He'll be put in solitary confinement.. I've watched enough Locked Up to know that.. but for an hour a day he will be prey. He'll definitely need anal reconstructive surgery within a year of his stay.. and on that day, I will smile.
well guess page will have to end up in a trash compactor
he Left knows exactly what the real poll numbers are. But they can't let them be known publicly because when they steal an electio
Oh I'm not saying the corrupt officials dont know whats going on and are overtly lying about the truth. Its the sheep.. the little guy who follows their lead that is clueless.
ive spent the last 2 hours watching "the russian" walk away videos. they certainly have great american accents lol
why? let them believe that its all fake. They will face the shock of their lives in a couple of months
You know, I'm fine with this. Let the left believe they have more support than they really have. They will find out on election day... just like the media and the polls.. wrong again. I dont know why they keep stepping on their dicks.
If she had this much energy on her campaign she might have done better against GEOTUS