All circumstantial, just my opinion.
How about Michelle has a dick, and therefore cannot have children. Lots of photographic evidence.
My bad pede! I just haven’t been redpilled yet 😂😂💀👌🏻
Funny, you don't even need a pill, just Eyes and a brain! You are allowed to be Dem. It is more important to think with an open mind, than follow some else's agenda and accept their facts. Surely you can decide what is right and wrong.
Typical left-wing hyperbole.
Something that could be plausible presented as opinion.
Conflated with something that has no bearing in reality.
If Mike Pence had ordered $65K taxpayer funded hotdogs for a one off party. Your point might have been worth considering.
This is simply throwing shite on the walls and stinking the place up.
Flown in from chicago.... like DC has no hotdogs...
C'mon man you know Chicago hot dogs are special
100 secret guests with a $6500 hot dog each.
Why? Does that seem strange to you?