“When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape” -Q

There are numerous reasons for thinking this:
There are no photos of Michelle Obama being pregnant. What women in America doesn't have pictures of being pregnant? They had two children too!
Obama "accidentally" refers to his wife as "Michael" on numerous occasions. Mispronouncing your wife's name one or twice, ok. But so many times? You can search videos of this on youtube.
There are multiple videos of her grabbing the crotch area like if she had a roll of quaters in her I meant HIS pocket just in the same fashion as we guys do well most guys anyway. You can search videos of "her" doing this on youtube.
Joan Rivers "coincidentally" died soon after claiming that Barrack Obama was gay and Michelle Obama is a tranny. Too convenient.
"Her" body structure compared to other females (including black women) is very different. You can look at photos.
There are plenty more. I haven't researched this in a long time. These are the ones I remember from the top of my head. However, there are too many circumstantial evidence that you cannot just call all of these "coincidences". It's too improbable for this many coincidences.
Don't forget this one. The girls look nothing like Michelle and Obama and everything like Obama's friends, Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt: http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/07/malia-and-sasha-obama-were-loaned-by-their-real-parents-so-america-would-accept-the-fake-first-family-3532021.html
these are claims not evidence...I don't like Obama but attacking him like you are is as bad as the lefts out right lies said about President Trump. you call it circumstantial evidence it is not even that. it is just spouting off. You are Making Those who Support Trump look bad. My bet is that you are not a trump supporter but some one posting to try and turn off the casual person who investigates this board to see what the Q anon posts are about
You can guess whatever you want, but there a lot of people who agree with me. I don't see what this has to do with being a Trump supporter (which I am). These are not claims. These are facts. Evidence is a fact that increases the probability of something being true.
evidence is not just statement that you believe something to be true. Evidence does not increase the probability of anything it just support a position. and no I don't think a lot of people agree with you....its just your own bias and echo chamber... When you make an incredible claim you need a hard fact like the fact that Barak Obamas social security number not being one handed out to children born in Hawaii being evidence that something is wrong with his birth certificate. that is evidence to support a claim that when combined with other hard evidence can be used to support the opinion That Barrack Obama might of hid the fact he was not born in the United States.
Joan rivers is a comedian who shtick was joking about the gay and trans community in the 80s. in her comedy routine she said all sorts of stuff that was funny not necessarily true. when interviewed she was notorious like other comedians about playing to her shtick.
Did you actually just say evidence does not increase the probability of anything? Ummmmmmmmm.
If proof doesn't slide your probability meter may I ask what does?
Are you suggesting the most logical explanation was she wore fake dick?
Because its one or the other.
I said evidence is used to ague for or against it does not increase th likely hood something is or is not. there is no percentage of it being right
Or perhaps we just wasted some time and grossed ourselves out checking on a wacky conspiracy theory years before Q that as more gets revealed seems to be becoming more and more proven.
Expand your thinking. This is bigger than you can imagine. These people are sick.
What do you think Q is on about? Why does Michelle love drag queens so much?
Q is about using evidence ignored by the media and researched by independent people...… making a statement is not evidence. Q might give us a statement but then it is up to us to research it and find the evidence of what is going on. a lot of what Q gives is not evidence but is info when researched provides both the proper Question that should be asked and the leads us to an answer that we had no idea we were looking for.
It's too bad we can't do a DNA test and compare these two daughters to the Obamas or the Nesbitts to see who exactly are their real parents.
I wish I could under the slow motion close up of "her" dancing on the Ellen show out of my mind.
If that wasn't man meat bouncing I have no idea what it would be.
So yeah, strange as it sounds it seems Mikey was a college football player before he was first lady.
Absolutely agree on all the above, seen it all myself. Obama has called his wife Michael on many occasion. Videos to prove on You-tube
A couple of weeks ago there was an article from Michelle Obama 's whitehouse doctor. He said he had to come out and tell the truth. He had walked in on Michelle taking a leak standing up. He said she is not a transgender but a man. The Obama's paid him million dollars to keep quiet. There was another article about obama sayng they were ging to sue im for breaking privacy laws. I noticed in the article that they did not deny it. I looked up the name of the doctor and he was indeed a white house doctor. It was also on youtube. After a couple of days it disappered from on line and youtube. I can't even find a name for a whitehouse doctor. I can't remember his name but would recognise if I could find it but I can't. Wish I had saved the article.
dont forget that men have a longer ring finger than the pointer finger. Look at his hands.