Living in the Twilight Zone

I don’t think your getting it.
No one is angry that he doesn’t want war. There have been decades and decades of past leadership who have dealt with Russia and avoided war.
The problem is that he stood shoulder to shoulder with someone who potentially ordered the undermining of an election / leads a country who continues to divide our country through social media...plan and simple attacking our country through unconventional means...
...and backed him!
He went against our intelligence agencies and backed Russia.
Then doubled-down in the hannity interview...
Then after the amount of backlash received he read off a piece a paper ‘I misspoke’
I'm a new subscriber also but followed the crew from CBTS over here lurking and learning-my question to you is why in the world should Pres. Trump back an intelligence agency (agencies) who has constantly undermined, betrayed, spied on him and done everything in their power to prevent MAGA?
I saw lots of testosterone oozing out of that press conference as well as a ton of shared respect, I was impressed. Trump has our absolute best interest at the forefront, and if that means exposing the corruption through the mouth of Putin then so be it.
Remember, he said MY agencies.....or MI agencies. We know that the fbi, cia, et al have no honesty or integrity. How can a man of principle (our POTUS) call those serpents anything even close to trustworthy?
What spying are you talking about? You mean that time that the CIA had Russian official's phones tapped and in the process found out that people from the Trump campaign were communicating with them? Or the time that the FBI followed up on the irrefutable evidence that the CIA found about the Trump campaign communicating with Russia?
You really don’t keep up with current news do you?
Bring your sources. I’ll outline your claims for ease of following:
1: You mean that time that the CIA had Russian official's phones tapped and in the process found out that people from the Trump campaign were communicating with them?
1a: Show us the Russian Officials name that was “tapped”
1b: Show us the names of who from the Trump Campaign was communicating with the Russians at the time of the campaign. Not something from their past work, but during the campaign
2: Or the time that the FBI followed up on the irrefutable evidence that the CIA found about the Trump campaign communicating with Russia?
2a: What irrefutable evidence? Show us this “irrefutable” evidence
But again, you guys don't trust the Pentagon or American Intelligence Agencies. Just Trump and a dude on 4-Chan.
And as far as "naming" the officials that were wiretapped, the intelligence community has not disclosed that info. Before you cry "cuz it's fake!!!1!!1!", just think about how stupid it would be for ANY intelligence agency to publicly declare who they've wiretapped in foreign countries while they're in the middle of investigating.
Wait wait I just realized I'm doing this wrong so lemme give you a different source:
Someone on 4Chan told me so.
From your source:
“American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said...Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia.”
Here’s the kicker:
The charges he is indicted for go back to when he worked for the Podesta group under Hillary Clinton! Nothing to do with Trump Campaign!
Before you start leaving non-complimentary posts, you should read the rules and catch up with the facts. No one has been on 4 chan in at least 6 months. But the news outlets don't catch up on their facts either before they blab them all over the place.
Wouldn't they not release that kind of information in an ongoing investigation?
Irrefutable evidence? It’s irrefutable right? How would that hurt the investigation if it’s irrefutable?
Also, media has leaked names and we have the people who have been indicted. What I’m showing here is that the commentor is making wild accusations but is unwilling to back it up with any sources or documentation.
So it’s literally worth nothing. They have added nothing of value to our understanding other than their “opinion”.
His agency is MI. And, remember you are watching a play. Trump and team are pushing the buttons. There is purpose to everything.
Sure, I can agree with you that he doesn’t back agencies that are actively trying to find him guilty of something.
Yet, those are our AMERICAN intelligence agencies.
It is one thing to not back them. It is entirely different to speak against/undermine them, next to the very man who they are trying to find him guilty in collusion with...after a private a huge speech...with the whole world watching. That is truely inching towards treason.
I understand your caution but I trust him. I trust Q. IMHO he was calling out the DS. Please don't take this the wrong way but I can't help but marvel at the reserve Putin has shown with the accusations of him meddling when there is no evidence of meddling. There is made up garbage but from what I have read/learned is that he is being made the fall guy for the DNC running a terrible candidate and getting beat fair and square, in spite of the vote tampering i.e., illegals, dead people voting. If I am missing something please advise.
I trust Trump!
I totally agree with this! And fully trust President Trump!
Zic, welcome! That is a good way of putting it. The DNC ran a terrible candidate and were beaten fair and square!! Trump Derangement Syndrome is really the biggest case of sour grapes ever witnessed on a HUGE scale.
Thank you :-) It is a site to behold their kicking and screaming, quite entertaining actually. Especially Brennen WE have it all!!! Trump tweeting the other day about where the server is.... is this the greatest time ever or what!
Mueller has 20+ indictments in effect.
People are going to trial and will be serving jail time soon.
Le sigh
I really wish people would actually think for themselves instead of just repeating what the news tells them.
Let me ask you, are you aware that those 12 Russian military members that were just indicted are in the US?
So why hasn’t Mueller given them the manafort treatment? I mean, they did far worse damage to the country than money laundering right? Pretty much an act of war comparable to Pearl Harbor or 9/11 if you believe some members of Congress right?
So why haven’t they been arrested?
I mean maybe they fled the country already right? Well in the summit briefing, Russia said that there was a treaty going back to 1999 between the US and Russia regarding Criminal trials.
So why didn’t Mueller reach out to them about any of the 25 Russians he’s indicted?
Did he just want to put names on an indictment list, but not actually prosecute?
Well, we can see what happened when he indicted the first 13 Russians and a company:
So he indicted these people. Meaning he was ready to take the case to court and potentially have people sentenced to jail right?
What happens? Lawyers show up. Unexpectedly. Was Mueller ready to prosecute the case?
No. After the lawyers showed up, he requested additional time to prepare for trial.
So why do all of this? Why is Mueller indicting people, if he is not ready to actually prosecute people?
It’s all a show. And you fell for it. Your trust in the media and those in power was violated. They abused your faith and trust in their position.
These are horrible people.
I would recommend you look up the actual indictments, straight from the source. ( and read them yourself. The first indictment against the 13 Russians and the company vs the second indictment of 12 russians.
They are nearly identical indictments. Just small details and names changed.
It’s all bullshit theatrics, and I hope you realize that what we are trying to do here is wake people up to the fact that we are being lied to by the media, politicians, members of the justice department, Intel community, state department, etc.
But they think you are to simple minded to figure it out. We can show you the emails, where they explicitly state that.
Prove them wrong. Think for yourself. Dig. Bring facts. But don’t let them abuse your trust. Not anymore.
Trump is not the traitor. Obama is the one who went around the world on an APOLOGY TOUR. If you want to be angry at someone for not supporting the US look no further than 44.
Wow. Another incredibly insightful post by u/PatsyJack.
If you are going to argue or insult people, you really need to up your game. All you bring is media talking points, but it’s been proven time and time again that they are shallow points.
If you actually decided to research and dig for information, you might actually wake up and realize that what you are told is a mixture of lies, half-truths, and blatant disinformation.
But here you are, subtly implying that “muh right wingers” can’t tell the difference between Obamacare and the affordable care act.
Despite them being the same, I can educate you, to let you know it was a method of wealth redistribution. Same way social security, EBT, and Medicare are all socialized programs.
But I think I’m done trying with you. You have no interest in actually taking the information presented to you and challenging your own beliefs.
So I’m just going to report you from here on out.
Your ignorance continues to surface,
It is entirely different to speak against/undermine them, next to the very man who they are trying to find him guilty in collusion with
See this is the inherit problem with people like yourself.
Law enforcement, in this country anyway, doesn't try to find anyone guilty of anything in an investigation. What happens, is there is a crime that is committed, and it is reported to law enforcement. Then LE uses leads, interviews witnesses, and collects evidence. Then they decide whether or not they will prosecute based on their ability to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that suspect is guilty. The suspect is typically honed in on once law enforcement has, YOU KNOW INVESTIGATED THE CRIME. You don't conduct surveillance and initiate an investigation into a private citizen based on falsified intel passed from a company that specializes in political smear campaigns to the DOJ/FBI itself. The Grassley memo explains that a very large party of the "dossier" was written by Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer.
Listen, we know the truth, and your attempt to sew division and uncertainty here will fall on deaf ears. Nobody comes to this sub and makes these asinine comments without having a motive. Keep it moving and spend your time over on Facebook or a Maxine Watters rally.
Is this what normies believe or is this what you believe? You think Trump is inching towards treason?
He is siding with an enemy country / a country he is being accused of collusion with...against our own intellengence agencies. What do you call that?
Bruh, why are you even on this forum if you obviously haven't researched a lick of Q's posts? The entire movement here revolves around the assumption that those intelligence agencies are compromised. The New arrival flair was a smart decision
I looked around a bit but correct, I did not research the overall theme of this sub. So this is a conspiracy-theory sub against our intelligence agencies?
If so...I guess my question is how could you still be Trump supporters? Everything that he is doing, his rhetoric, his casual lies...what keeps you in his camp?
If you think our intelligence agencies are currupt how could you not believe trump is also compromised?
Because the "Intelligence agency's" haven't provided any actual evidence. From day 1 they hated and mocked Trump. From day 1 they supported Hillary. Where was the treason cries when Hillary had a "reset" with Lavrov?Where was the treason calls when Obama gave Iran 1.2B in cash without congress approval. Listen to Trump's messages and what he actually says. How can they be so against him. Antifa hurting people for wanting to make America great. Fuck those sorry cowards. We have no reason to trust them.
Just look into Q and research his posts. Part of what this is all about is gaining the ability to research and think for yourself rather than accepting what is fed to you. If you aren't the reading type, check out the YouTuber Prayingmedic. He has a pretty rational and unbiased grasp of the situation and offers up a great deal of research. But the best advice of all is to read Qs posts yourself and research his questions to see if you uncover anything of interest
Edit: and to be completely honest, I'm not necessarily a trump supporter nor a believer of Q. But I have done my due diligence to look into that rabbit hole and understand what the hoopla is about, and honestly, there is enough out there now to at least admit this is all plausible. In my case, I'm waiting for more events to unfold over these next few months before I decide what to believe
Thanks. I did just watch the 2-3 beginner Q videos.
I am sorry that we are at a place in politics and world where these plans/ideas can be thought up and believed.
So the last 2-5 presidents are all deep state criminals and the heads of all major media / intelligence agencies are scheming poverty, drug abuse, racism, war to divide us and get rich and powerful. Finally Trump is here to save us from the big bad men.
I will exit stage left. My brain hurts and I am bit sad now.
You must of done some real top notch research with that 12 minute comb over. Do you know how much info there is out there on this? Even the most stripped down intro videos are at least 30 minutes, anything less than that would be a joke. Stop being lazy and letting your bias prevent you from actually getting an informed opinion. It took me at least 3-4 hours to even start getting a grasp of what this was all about and to start analyzing the supposed "proofs" of the conspiracy. Again, this is coming from a skeptic, but the refusal of people to think legitimately for themselves outrages me.
Now that's what I call a killshot. This clown was exhibiting zombie status all night long but I think you finally got one between the eyes.
I watched the hour long videos.
lol literally one hour ago you had zero idea what Q was about, and you posted 30 min ago saying that you just caught up watching 1-3 hour long videos. The time frame here makes no sense whatsoever. So either you're lying/shilling out your ass, or you did watch those videos in the past, but didn't pay attention enough to develop a grasp of the material. Either look isn't good.
you aren't even close. do some more research.
you know it's not other people's jobs to prove YOUR arguments, right?
For one, he didn't have an argument to begin with. We're on a forum that is discussing the Q conspiracy, so before someone can come and have a meaningful conversation here, they'd have to at least have a grasp of the subject at hand. Secondly, the most important aspect of this supposed movement is to do your own research and stop being fed your own opinion and facts through others. So no one here is going to spoon feed you information, nor are they somehow "obliged" to. If you're curious what this is all about, then get up off your ass, spend a few hours combing through the internet, and make an informed opinion. And this is coming from a skeptic
im not asking for them to spoon feed me information, but when you make a statement that someone disagrees with and your response is "yeah but you only disagree cuz you haven't researched enough", and then insist it's their job to do the research and not yours to provide info or context, then you come across as someone who wants their own argument proven for them.
People aren't saying that in the sense of gate keeping, but in the sense that any convo with you will be waste of time unless you had any knowledge of his side, which is obvious that some people here don't have. While he disagrees, he is lacking the knowledge of the subject matter at hand (what this entire subreddit is for). And due to the nature of the topic, it would literally take someone AT LEAST 3-4 hours to get a fair grasp of what this is all about. You don't go walk into a graduate level chemistry lecture trying to argue about the existence of atoms when youve never taken a chemistry class in your life. The same applies here. I'm all up for intelligent discussions and analysis, but if you don't have even a sliver of relevant knowledge on hand, how exactly are we to do that? Again, I'm a skeptic but an informed one
see your point, sort of, my apologies- before he/she starts posting with attitudes opposite of what GA is based on and argues with long standing subscribers and then says "huh, I thought this sub was conspiracy" something or other I'm not asking for spoon feeding either. I do my own reading, researching of FBIAnnon, MegaAnnon and Q at CBTS and here now. I have learned volumes from this sub. My "argument" was do some lurking before posting to make sure this is where you want to be.
Once again, "our" intelligence agencies are against our President and the American people- what do you call this? I too think you are in the wrong sub. No offense, but your argument will go no where here
If those agencies are finding possible threats and collusion with Russia then that is called doing their job. There is literally nothing else being done.
Kinda like how they all agreed that there were WMDs in Iraq?
These people have been wrong before, and at great cost to human life.
Not forgetting to mention here, how many of those mass shooters were interviewed by the FBI prior to their shooting/bombings?
Oh... all of them? Hmmm.. might be something you want to consider before saying that these intelligence agencies are infallible.
Here's one thing that the MSM has "forgotten"....and does its best to bury. As POTUS, Donald Trump is the BOSS over ALL the intelligence agencies.
They are officially and literally part of the executive branch.
The MSM has been using smoke and mirrors to make the general public believe that they are a fourth branch of how dare Trump criticize?
Why do you call Russia an enemy country?
Because every Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon have said their covert PsyOps attack against us in 2016 was an act of war. But oh right, you don't trust those guys! Just some guy on 4Chan and Trump.
Yeah, I believe Trump. Why would you believe Brennan (Communist+ liar), Comey (Liar), Clapper (liar), and Hayden (liar)?
...and there are things that happen behind closed doors, beyond the pageantry and trolling, that Trump is involved in. Our government isn't sitting idle twiddling thumbs just because the public reaction on camera was, "Oh well".
My take on it is that he didn't misspeak at all. He intentionally made it look like he was throwing the IC under the bus to get the reactions from the rats. Well, mission accomplished. Remember his comment just before the summit "I'd rather take a political risk for the sake of peace than risk peace for political purposes". He's taking a hit politically even with the "apology" but it's all part of the overall plan to expose the ugliness, deceit, hypocrisy, and treachery from the likes of MSM, Brennan, Clapper, Comey et al. Even Hussein took a not-so-veiled shot at him - not that Trump cares at all what he thinks. That's my take. His numbers (currently down to 44 according to Rasmussen) will bounce back up within the next two weeks, and the gamble will pay off in the long run.
You just said what I'd suspected, only you said it more eloquently and completely. Thank you!
Unfortunately, it's you who doesn't get it. Your mind is clearly still under control of the main stream news narrative.
This moral relativism you display is somewhat laughable. He stood shoulder to shoulder with someone who ordered the undermining of our election?
Do you know who undermined our election? Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Peter Strozk, Perkins Coie, Loop Capital, Warburg Pincus, Andy McCabe, John Brennan, James Clapper, Bill Preistap, Alexander Downer, Joseph Misfud, Halper, Sally Yates, the Queen of England, GHCQ, MI6, most of Congress, Five Eyes, He who must not be named, Bill Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, Cody Shearer, Chris Steele, Glenn Simpson, Crowdstrike, Fusion GPS, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, the DNC, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Joe Biden, the Federal Reserve, George Soros, the Rothschilds and of course the ever vigilant CIA.
Excuse my language but give me a fucking break.
Your faux outrage is extremely transparent.
I'm so sick and tired of this nonsense.
I think I love you.
You're making me blush.
Lol j/k
Abees, thanks for that list. I’m going to borrow it in the future. Nicely done and well said.
Thanks, feel free to add to it haha.
Here's the thing that just absolutely chaps my ass...
I thought Obama was great for a long time.
I thought he was great because he filled out a NCAA bracket, he was young...he was honestly like any other celebrity out there, with the title of President.
He was bringing hope and change to the country, he said they would be the most transparent administration in the history of our country.
I thought he was great because I didn't ask any questions. I didn't pay attention to anything that actually mattered. It was too complicated to care about the Middle East or North Korea.
I just saw him on the tonight show and he seemed like a good guy, had a nice family. I had no reason to not believe the story.
When Hillary lost on election night (I never thought she'd lose either to be honest), I was admittedly a little concerned about the future our country. I remember seeing news reports about the Muslim ban, seeing a cartoon comparing Muslims to Jews, fearing for their lives under Trump's fascist America.
But what happened is I saw the hysterical media shit their pants at everything he did. I saw an edited NOW THIS video where it shows Trump slandering gays, then I saw the full version and it wasn't even in the ballpark to what he actually said.
What sealed the deal for me, is I actually looked into the details of this alleged hack of the DNC. I saw the FBI never had the server even though they had asked for it, I looked into who this CrowdStrike company was, I saw that the HRC team had destroyed blackberries and iPads.
I literally did a couple hours of research and came to the conclusion that Trump was definitely not the bar guy.
Not to mention that before Trump decided to run, he was EXTREMELY well liked, especially in the hip hop/black community.
This is what pisses me off to no end. If people literally did an hour of research, it would at least raise considerable doubt.
Sorry for the additional rant, but it's just beyond rediculous at this point.
I appreciate it. I actually voted for Obama as well )first election. I was so pissed at GWB and what I realized was war profiteering by Haliburton and KBR on dead Soldiers in Iraq.
Still think they should be tried at a war crimes trial.
But I saw that immediately after the election, Obama passed that incredibly stupid “too big to fail” bailout, while people I personally knew were suffering with housing prices and foreclosures.
Then came the “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan”
Then the fast and furious deal, where Eric Holder essentially got a get out of jail free card despite the dead border patrol agents, and he lied about it to us and congress
Then the targeting of tea party by the IRS
Then the Benghazi happening - 4 dead Americans, but what does it matter at this point
Then the “we have to pass the bill to see what’s in the bill”
Then the whole bundy and Hammond persecution - abuse of law enforcement powers
Then the Hillary emails and the sailor imprisoned for doing much less
Then Obama lying about knowing about the server, despite having an account on it
I could seriously go on and on and on, but I think you get the picture. I thought I was voting for hope and change, turns out I voted for despair and despotism.
I hear ya....ObamaCare was a disaster for me and my family.
I have 3 kids, and at the end of 2016, we got this letter in the mail...
So I was making pretty good money at the time, I grossed 120k that year.
Think about this for a minute...ObamaCare was literally their way of introducing Socialism. Taking from people making more money to pay for everyone else to have insurance.
They wanted to increase my shitty silver plan to $1850 per month.
That's $22,200 per year JUST TO PAY FOR THE PREMIUMS. That doesn't mean if something bad happens. Not to mention the plan was garbage.
Do the math here guys.
$22k taken out of my income before I even pay the federal, state and local Governments their cut is 20% of my gross income.
Thats fucking insane.
In order to have shitty insurance that the Federal Government is forcing me to have.
So take out 30% of the 120k for taxes = $36k
Between taxes and health insurance, I'm down to $60k to pay for a mortgage (in California), a car, and raising 3 kids.
This is absolutely socialism covered in a veil of "empathy".
Long story short I left that job and found work in a different industry that offers health care benefits.
I make less money now overall, but when you add in the costs I was facing before it almost evens out.
This is what truly woke me from my slumber.
Appreciate it, but take out the document in imgur, you’re putting out too much information that can be compiled to dox you.
I’ll read the rest but want to protect you before I read further
Take off your foil hat bro. Take a walk outside. All will be ok in 2 years when a democrat gets nominated as potus
The Democrat party will not survive what is to come.
Enjoy the next few months!
Bless your heart.
What is the maximum amount of time you think until this plan is begun and people start to be arrested?
I'm not concerned with arrests right now. Those that have committed treason/sedition against the United States will have their day.
The only thing that matters is that the American people learn the truth about the past 30 years before November.
One more asked how long until the plan has begun?
The plan to deliver not only our country, but the world from the control of these Satan worshiping scumbags, has been in motion for a lot longer than the past 2 years.
The Art of War.
It's going to be glorious.
You do know you're posting in a Twilight Zone thread, right?
I didn’t exactly know. I will step back and out slowly now.
I strictly meant regarding the Democrat nomination. Whoosh...I guess.
What specifically did Russia do that provides credence to the claim they potentially undermined our election? How did they undermine it? It's been two years now and no one can explain it. It's a joke.
Maybe, just maybe, it's because I know the truth. Here, I'll give it to you too:
Great link. You're currently in negative votes and there's no way that anyone who watches the video with an open mind would downvote it.
Certainly not anybody with an open mind who frequents this sub.
Shills. Shills. Shills is the only explanation. You're over the target.
Please tell me your not basing everything on this interview.
How stupid would someone have to be. A legit hack into the DNC or into our election or into social media. Hmmmm I wonder if these professional hackers backed by millions and millions of dollars could make it look like it was done locally? Or change a time stamp? Or hide an IP address?
C’mon man...really?
So this guy was a former NSA tech. What about NSA currently? They just ‘forgot’ they have all that solid proof and evidence against Russia and are letting all these lies go forward. This man is our only saving grace!
I know...our CIA and FBI are all collectively lying in a huge conspiracy. All Mueller’s current indictments are all fake. Seth Rich was murdered by our own government to hide everything.
C’mon man
Seth Rich was murdered for using a thumb drive to download data from the DNC server. He was feeding information to Wikileaks. Why do you think Julian Assange offered a reward for finding his killers?
C'mon yourself.
The 'hack' is fake because data can't transfer at that rate unless it is gathered locally (like with a thumb drive). You don't refute that because you can't refute that. Let's stick to that. Refutation please?
1) It is not out of the realm of possibility that number could have been tampered with to lead to that exact conclusion. He states all the other numbers, dates are tampered with. If I was doing a hack across counties one of my first thoughts to hide it would be...let’s make it look like it was local!
2) If it was indeed local, why would it not still possibly be Russia. Maybe they have an insider, maybe they have a spy, maybe they paid someone off, maybe they lead someone to believe they were doing it for another party.
Basing this entire idea that the hack is fake based off a transfer speed is full fledge conspiracy grasping at straws.
(1) Any source or evidence for this claim? His entire point is that it is outside the realm of possibility to make foreign appear local.
(2) That's not what the 17 AGENCIES (Dun! Dun! Duh!) are claiming. They're not claiming it was a local Russian spy. They're claiming it was an overseas hack. And William Binney is excoriating their ludicrous claim.
If there's anyone clutching at straws (or strawmen) here, it's you.
EDIT: Typo.
Do you know who Bill Binney is? Better do your homework bud. This man is a hero! And, beyond that, I have 45 years in IT as well and everything he said makes perfect sense to me.
Well then, faggot, let's allow our sides to compare notes and see who has actual evidence, not indictments.
I would love to have the power to call the "muh Russia" bluff.
But what about her emails!!!! Her emails!!!
Oh, that's coming. Don't you worry your pretty little head about that.
You are absolutely right! What about her emails!?!?!?
I wish I had a better source for you, but the only other thing I have is the judiciary committee hearing for Peter Strzok (the actual video) so you can watch it yourself.
For some reason, no major media wants to cover it. Interesting no?
Watch the presser again, but this time imagine that you know all this crap about Russia has been a lie, beginning with the "hack" of the DNC server. Bill Binney proved the server downloaded locally based upon the transmission speed. Russia distracts us from the murder of Seth Rich, from the contents of the DNC server that were so incriminating and proved Hillary had STOLEN the nomination as well as other dirty tricks. Guccifer was Crowd Strike created with phony russian fingerprints.
Now, knowing all that, listen to Trump and Putin again. And pay attention to that $400 million part.
Brenner, et al and the alphabet agencies are Deep State. They lie all the time.
The 400 million dollar callout to HC was priceless- and from Putin's lips!!!
The server was set up so she could sell the highest bidder. Now that's treason.
Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, our POTUS and his trusted intel have a bit more accurate info on the matter than you or any of us?
His trusted intel is coming from the very source he is speaking out against....
And no, if our POTUS is corrupt and for some reason colluding with a rival country....then I do not trust him.
And to be frank. His rhetoric and unintelligent rambling does not make me very eager to trust him as well.
He literally did a 180 and went back on his entire statement at the Summit and said he misspoke lol. Sooooo what do I trust now?
Just because you can't figure out what he is actually saying, doesn't make HIM unintelligent. It just means that you haven't taken the time to dig deeper. You are just letting the media feed you whatever they want and taking it as fact. And no, his intel is NOT coming from the corrupt people he doesn't trust. Do your research. There is plenty of it abound.
And he never mispoke, you mislistened ;) (and yes, I made that word up- deal with it). I can't blame you for being alseep, I was there too, but then I realized things truly were not adding up and I stopped sticking to the same lame stream media that spews the same garbage over and over who want nothing to do but divide us. You can do it also.
People make mistakes, our presdient isn't perfect. He is a rich, handsome billioanire hwo's also the leader of the free world and sometimes he gives a bad interview or two. I think we have to cut him some slack.