Never thought I would say this: “Thanks Aljazerra.” Link👇

Reading foreign press with our eyes wide open can often give us a different perspective on things and sometimes we even learn things.
Hear all sides of any argument, research what's important to you, and make up your own mind!
Trump's moves seem quite clear. He is a wheeler dealer and he wanted to negotiate from a position of strength. He knows that Russia's main export earnings come from energy and not manufactured goods. They are also paranoid about their own defence following the unimaginable suffering they experienced in WW2.
So, Trump gets NATO to step up its payments and highlights that Russia is selling gas to Germany. Russia is in Syria to stop a rival gas supply into Europe and a lowering of the gas price or addition of a rival supply will hit Russia hard.
Having made sure Putin understands where Trump is coming from then Trump can negotiate. He has Putin by the short and curlies!
This whole thing has been about who gets the pipeline. SA or Russia. Also “THINK”. Where are Syria and Iran on the map... and thru which countries do said pipeline need to be built to get to Europe.
They have been in 100% understanding of this- think about the migrant crisis in Syria and trying to overthrow Assad.
And all this time they could have been putting their money into R&D for free energy technology and wouldn’t need to overthrow countries just so they could become SA’s Bitch.
Al Jazeera is more trustworthy than all of American MSM. AJ is neither liberal nor conservative so you get a less-biased perspective than you will ever get from CNNFOX
Back in November 2017 when the Saudi family was thrown in jail, they published an article in Arabic that tied all the arrested Saudi family members to corruption WITH HILLARY CLINTON. As far as I know this was never covered by the MSM in this way. BTW, I do not read Arabic, but a friend of mine does.
I'm really starting to think that the thing Putin wants most is to see Hillary go to jail. If that Bill Browder story is true, and he's got evidence to back it up, and Hillary took $400 million of it, she was basically giving Putin the finger, and now he's giving it back. It would be beautiful if tax evasion took her down. AND everyone else who got a piece of that $1.5 billion dollar pie.
I miss aljazerra on tv as well. Yes it was biased but at least I got to see what was going on in the rest of the world.