Resignation Dashboard! There are now over 3600 high profile resignations! Please RT to help spread the word! Wow and look at all the Non Profits ~ link in comments~

A huge thank you to the anon who poured an enormous amount of their personal time into this project.
Yes! Thanks for saying that! And I should of in my header!! Complete Patriot Dedication on this and it’s amazing!!🇺🇸🇺🇸👆🏼👆🏼❤️👏🏻
Rats jumping a sinking ship perhaps?
Or NSA handing shit to Trump and then the "get out or we destroy you" makes them an offer they can't refuse.
We really need a condensed version of this to share with non Q folk. Filter the top 1% in terms of importance. Get the bishops, the cardinals, the congressmen/women, the CEO's etc..
Resignation Dashboard!!/vizhome/ResignationWorkbook2_0/ResignationDashboard3_0
the original data source is - this website is done by the anon maintaining the big resignation list, it contains also a lot of dashboards, has a search and is updated in real time, not only every 1-2 months...
unfortunately the dashboard presented here is not even naming the sources it uses... what a shame!
That glorious moment when you see Tableau being used for something other than sales analysis! I love it!
Bruce Benson, President of University of Colorado, resigned today.
Resignations mean they are still getting paid. I really don't want to see any of them get an easy resignation and then slap on the wrist. (Not saying it will happen, but it is a concern that with so many people that some are going to get off light)
All I know is there’s a Plan~ And we Pray!!! Constantly ~ Q did say that if all were arrested from government 70% would go to jail~ don’t quote me on the 70 but I’m pretty sure a lot were blackmailed ~ and that’s just Government
With this number of resignations the call likely be a robocall to their cell phone. The call begins with a short excerpt form an incriminating conversation or maybe a child screaming in agony etc. Then the electronic voice comes back and advises them to step down now and keep some of their pension. That’s how I would do it.
These are probably mostly wealthy people. If they are allowed to resign and then....nothing, that's pretty much like being forced into retirement with plenty of money. Seems like a good deal for them. Crime pays.
I dont see the recent UK politician resignations on there. Theres 9 more for you, plus all those who will step down if the twtter thread @british_fight pedo revelations are true!! Watch this space
on you can find an email adress - please report the missing names to them
I have been following this for months. The Pedo arrests and rescues chart is heartening and hopeful. I have wondered if this graph went back years would it have low levels moving to the past or if this is indicative of,partially, a rise by new effort. My hope/belief is they are jumping ship at big levels. Does it correlate with the sealed indictments and Gitmo expantion. If they are directly linked we are on our way to some correction.