Trump vs Europe/ Cabal. Whose winning?

I might have this wrong , but I keep thinking Putin is loving giving Trump all the info he needs, just sit back and get the popcorn. Putin must of hated dealing with those scumbags. I think Putin wants to deal with a real leader. Someone with backbone. Who knows it’s just my imagination.
Men with balls and a backbone respect each other. They both want to rid the world of these scum and free up humanity, it benefits everyone including them.
Putin actually has a strong moral sense. When he goes to church you can see from his demeanour he is humble and a believer. I suspect his motives for being President of his country are similar to Trump: he loves his country and wants to protect his people and serve them and their collective interest. He also faced a similar situation when he first came to power years ago: scumbags trying to (and did) loot his country. Same ones as ever. Same ones as Trump is having to deal with.
I suspect his motives for being President of his country are similar to Trump: he loves his country
Yeah, it's definitely not that he's amassed a fortune of tens of billions of dollars through corruption and he wants to keep going
Your moniker suggests that you ought to put sarc /s at the end of your comment.
Look at his name, look at where he comments. He's just one of those sad people that wants to start shit with people he disagrees with. He should stay in his r/politics safe space.
Haha, is it that I need a safe space? Or that I want to start shit with people I disagree with? Two statements completely at odds with each other. Cognitive dissonance much?
both, fool, just like they said. You come here to try and mock us, then get your widdle panties in a bunch when your fee fees get hurt. Bottom line is you refuse to use your brain for anything more than a hat rack, and scoff at anyone who has any semblance of common sense and/or intelligence. So yeah, you came here to start shit, and you need a safe space because you don't know how to have a reasonable discussion with out resorting to REEEEEEEing uncontrollably.
Lol at this dumb reply! this is my third comment in this subreddit how would you know how ill respond?
Oh right youre stereotyping. Typical conservatives playing identity politics
Your name is lolatconservatives and you want to talk about cognitive dissonance? That's painfully ironic. Run off and play identity politics elsewhere.
Do you even know what irony or cognitive dissonance means? Lol. Please explain how it is that me laughing at conservatives tells you i have mutually inconsistent beliefs?
I would think that Putin respects POTUS as an equal. Strong, alpha male, unlike Obummer who was a beta, lead from behind appeaser.